Career questions tagged astronomy

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Kris990 views

Is there any free online career counselling websites??

I finished bsc mathematics and but I'm confused about what I do next. I'm interested in subjects like space, history, statistics, computer programming and I also like music and acting. I'm also like solving maths problems. But, I also want to become an entrepreneur and I always think about different business ideas.... I'm really confused about what my real passion and what I want to do or what I'm good at.. what should I do? Is there any free online career counselling websites?

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Luka130 views

How can I calculate the luminosity of the wolf-rayet star Regor (Gama velorum) if i'm using the inverse square law but need the luminosity of this star in watts. How can I convert this value of its luminosity, (170,000 L☉) to watts I've been trying to figure out how to calculate this in order to convert it into my equation of b= L / (4pi d^2) if b= apparent brightness L= luminosity of star (in watts) d= distance to the star (in meters) Please let me know, thank you!?

Please guide me of how to convert this correctly and properly address the answer and how to get it.

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Halle600 views

Is General Astronomy harder than Introductory Physics?

I have to have a science lab class for college, and I don't know which to choose, science isn't my strong suit, but these are the only 2 options I have.

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Mauricio496 views

how do get into trade school?

how do yo get into that space

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Rita827 views

can anyone help me with information regarding astronomy?

where can i learn more about astronomy>

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Austin524 views

Hello I am a young adult (21) and I need help finding a career for me?

I’m looking for a career that I can, enjoy and make a healthy living off of I enjoy, quantum physics, and astronomy, but I also enjoy computer science and general script writing. I am having a hard time figuring out where to go in life and what to do if anyone has any good ideas I would really appreciate it I just need to find a clear career goal.

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Alyssa438 views

Do you have to be competitive as an astrophysicist?

I'm not much of a competitive person and would rather avoid that stuff, but people say it's a very competitive field. This scares me since it's one of my biggest dreams.

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Maggie1106 views

What colleges are good to study psychology at?

What are good, and realistically affordable colleges to major in psychology and to also take astronomy courses. I'm currently in 8th grade but really want to start planning ahead.

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Elias407 views

How would I be able to work for nasa ?

Hi I’m 13 years old and I have a question . I have a friend that wants to join nasa and she wondered what was the required standards of education

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victoria462 views

how can i be better?

idk what to put

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Cale308 views

What are people's opinions on the new research on the speed of certain particles and the like?

Do you think there are particles that travel faster than the speed of light, or do you think that it is just nonsense? What are your opinions on the celestial bodies found in places previously thought to not exist in those places based on the Big Bang theory?

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Reid502 views

What kind of jobs can I get with an astronomy/astrophysics degree?

What kind of jobs can I get with an astronomy degree? Is that something that pays really well or are there very few opportunities? Are there any kinds of internships I could take part in?

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Makyla312 views

Why are colleges so different ?

I don't know what to put

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Hanah630 views

How can I manage my time better so I can reach my goal of having a 4.0 this year while having extracurriculars and SAT preparations?

For context, I am taking 3 APs and an astronomy community college class. I am struggling the most with astronomy, physics, and math. I am also the Junior Officer for an aerospace organization at my school called Aerotech and I am a writer and editor for a club called ARRAS (Arts and Magazine Club). In addition to this, I am currently working on a research project and thinking of making a research club for my school and dabbling in music production (hopefully I can start producing music once I can effectively manage my time). In short, I have too much on my plate.

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yamilie545 views

What are the first steps I can take for a career in astrophysics?

What extracurriculars would be best to do during high-school that relate to astrophysics that I can do? Are there any specific programs or courses I can take out of school that are recommended?

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simon303 views

When will there be a whole another blue moon?

What year day month because Blue Moons are dope and I'm interested in learning more about them

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Ally595 views

How do I become an astronomer ?

I’m currently in 10th grad and i want to study astronomy more than anything. How can I ensure that I become what?

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Stella367 views

What do I need to do to become a astronomer

What do I need to do to become a astronomer

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Ethan286 views

Space station questions

Why does the earth rotate and what does it rotate on? Also how was the international space station sent up to space and built but in space. Also how don’t rockets burn up in space?

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First268 views

How many years of college does it take for a career in astronomy?

Similarly how many years for astrobiology and astrochemistry?

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Aathmika656 views

What degrees would you say would be most useful for someone looking to go into an astronomy-related career?

It's been a dreambof mine to go into this field, but i'm not really sure where to truly start.

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Aden373 views

How did you get into your field What classes did you take in high school leading up to your major in college? Was heading into your field difficult??

I'm 15 and heading into my sophomore year, I'm lost at where I should start to prepare for college. I'm curious as to which classes will assist me on my road to college. I'm Interested in going into a science field along the lines of Seismology or Astronomy, I'm also interested about getting into Acoustical Engineering. Currently I am a passionate band+jazz student who enjoys playing my instrument, I also have a developing interest for science, math and physics. Overall, I am taking classes I enjoy it's just that I want to get on a set path for my future career/college major.

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Noah1551 views

What classes should I take in high school if I want to be an astrophysicist ?

I definitely want to have a strong grounding in physics and math, but is there anything else i’m missing?

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Fidel318 views

1:What education and/or training helped prepare you for this job ? 2:What recommendations do you have for financial assistance associated with the required higher education, training and experience?

im in 9th grade and im doing an interview assignment

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Raelyn1557 views

What is the best way to become an Astronaut?

I've wanted to be an Astronaut for a while and I thought a degree in astronomy would be a good start but I don't know.

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Irah465 views

What can I do to be an astronomer? What classes would I take in college? Is it expensive to be one?

I'm in 11th grade in high school, the sky interests me and fills my head with questions, theories, and emotions. I would like to know how to be one who studies the sky?

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Abby524 views

Pay of an Astronomer?

What is the Salary like as an astronomer?

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Abby324 views

Astronomy Benefiets?

What benefits are there in being an astronomer? What things do you study?

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Abby398 views


What does the life of an astronomer look like?

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Abby469 views

What do Astronomers do?

What do Astronomers do?

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