Career questions tagged space

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Kris991 views

Is there any free online career counselling websites??

I finished bsc mathematics and but I'm confused about what I do next. I'm interested in subjects like space, history, statistics, computer programming and I also like music and acting. I'm also like solving maths problems. But, I also want to become an entrepreneur and I always think about different business ideas.... I'm really confused about what my real passion and what I want to do or what I'm good at.. what should I do? Is there any free online career counselling websites?

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Elias408 views

How would I be able to work for nasa ?

Hi I’m 13 years old and I have a question . I have a friend that wants to join nasa and she wondered what was the required standards of education

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Ethan286 views

Space station questions

Why does the earth rotate and what does it rotate on? Also how was the international space station sent up to space and built but in space. Also how don’t rockets burn up in space?

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Vivienne571 views

What level of College education do you suggest future astrophysicists need to be successful in their career path? Why is this level of education necessary?

I'm a young student who wants to pursue a career in space science, specifically astrophysics. Stem is very important to me and I want to know what level of college education will allow me to be the most successful.

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Raelyn1557 views

What is the best way to become an Astronaut?

I've wanted to be an Astronaut for a while and I thought a degree in astronomy would be a good start but I don't know.

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Abby524 views

Pay of an Astronomer?

What is the Salary like as an astronomer?

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Abby324 views

Astronomy Benefiets?

What benefits are there in being an astronomer? What things do you study?

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Abby399 views


What does the life of an astronomer look like?

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Abby470 views

What do Astronomers do?

What do Astronomers do?

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Cadence398 views

What is a home activity or website I can get started on by

What website or activity can I do to get a better knowledge on space/engineering. I would love to do learn more about space and possibly engineering.

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Cadence487 views

What do I need to be a successful space engineer

How do I get into being a space engineer? What classes should I take in highschool? What college should I think about going to? What can I do to make sure I make it to where I want to be as a space engineer for N?ASA?

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Aaron785 views

What’s it like to be an astronomer? What was the process of becoming an astronomer?

I’m very curious at to what it is like to be an astronomer

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Henry614 views

Whats a good place to study aerospace engineering online.

Hi, my name is Henry. I'm interested in space exploration and space related manufacturing. I like rockets the most. #space #aerospace-engineering

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Henry558 views

what are chances of working on a large rocket part versus a small rocket part.

I like space and rocket building. I find building stuff to be interesting. #space #engineering

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Abraham430 views

What are problems an engineer has to work with?

I'm 17 I want to do something in aerospace engineering. #space

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Abraham479 views

What is the daily basis of an engineer

I'm 17, I want to pursue a career in aerospace engineering #space

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trevor501 views

how is the workflow divided at this job?

I am an aspiring designer/engineer and know basic rocketry/areonaughtical/areospace and materials engineering #engineering #space #Aerospace

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Aryona1100 views

What can I do to become an astronomer?

I want to become a future astronomer and I need to know how exactly to get the position I want. #astronomer

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Ryan1400 views

I think I would like to be a software engineer one day in the aerospace industry, maybe writing programs for autopilot systems in spaceships. Should I major in Computer Science or Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering?

#aerospace #computerscience #aerospace-engineering #majors #college #engineering #mechanical-engineering #technology #space #software

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Ben661 views

What is an average week's workload in the field of Astronomy?

I am currently a sophomore exploring different career paths. #astronomy #career-path

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An Awesome Student470 views

Can you get injured as an astronaut in space?

Greetings! I'm Ms. Tipton at the International Community School. My 3rd graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks in advance! #astronaut #space

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An Awesome Student523 views

How does it feel out in space as an astronaut?

Greetings! I'm Ms. Tipton at the International Community School. My 3rd graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks in advance! #astronaut #space

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An Awesome Student524 views

What does space look like?

Hi! I'm Ms. Lambert at the International Community School. My 4th graders have a few questions and I'd like to share your advice with them. Thanks in advance! #space

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Saban546 views

How much would it cost to build a hotel in space

#nasa #space #astronautics

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Zach944 views

What is it like to be a cop/and or police officer

I like and love and admire and am grateful that cops/and or police officers protect and serve the people specifically which who would be us #environmental-engineering #environmental-science #scientist #aviation-industry #environmental-services #mathematician #biomedical #cops/police officers #COPSTVSHOW #travel #traveling #justice #keep us safe #maths #entrepreneurship #space #cooking #environmental-engineering #mathematics #protect and serve #wethepeople #the people #usa #theunitedstatesofamerica #environmental-engineering #entrepreneur #career #business #sonogram #kerala #cannabis #archeology #exams #mnc #exams #auto #hit #hairdresser #telugu #exams #kerala

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Dorian451 views

I’m ​​interested ​​in ​​learning​​ about​​ what A​​ Day ​​in ​​the ​​Life ​​is ​​like​​ for ​​a​​n Astrophysicist. So ​​far​​ I have​​ learned ​​about the more hardware design aspect of it,​​ but I​​ would ​​also ​​like ​​to ​​know ​​how it is for the ones that mainly focus on space itself

#Astrophysics #Astrophysicist

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Emily687 views

What is it like being a scientist working for a space agency?

Currently, I am looking into possibly pursuing a science degree and work at a space agency. What kind of work do you do at a space agency like NASA? #astronomy #space #science #JULY20 #career #astronomer #scientist #nasa #CSA

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Emily916 views

How do I get involved in bioastronautics?

I am a rising senior and I have always been interested in space. I was wondering how does one enter the field of bioastronautics? What kind of degree should I be getting? #space #astronomy #college #scientist #bioastronautics #research #JULY20

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Nobody726 views

What job would be the most fulfilling for me?

I like plants, animals, space exploration, and music. #music #job #space #singer #animals #plants

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DaVonte679 views

Is There Welders That Work For NASA?

#science #welding #NASA #space

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