Career questions tagged structural-engineering

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Charly355 views

How transferable is Civil Engineering or Structural Engineering to Mechanical Engineering?

Hi, I plan on interning at a civil engineering/structural engineering firm, but I know I want to study Mechanical Engineering. There aren't any mechanical engineering firms nearby, only civil and structural. Is it worth it to conduct an internship at a civil/structural engineering firm? Will the skills learned be transferable?

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Karla498 views

What major for interests in sustainable/alternative/nuclear power engineering/generation, sustainable urban planning, architecture, research, material science, civil infrastructure...?

Hello! I am a high school senior trying to apply to colleges and figure out my major, but I feel very indecisive. I'd like to have opportunities to research and develop new technologies and alternative energies!! Maybe even in a nuclear plant!? And also solutions to dealing with nuclear waste and stuff like that. I want to design efficient and environmentally friendly solutions to energy problems. As well as implementing electrical power systems in the world as well. And of course, chemistry is super interesting I've also been creative my whole life, and growing up in a plain city, I really love looking at and, on rare occasions, visiting places with interesting, beautiful, and tall buildings, as well as appreciating inviting designs that promote sustainability and walkability and I would love to contribute to a more beautiful world in this way as well. So maybe architecture/architectural engineering would be good for me? I also am really excited about civil engineering labs (I hear you get to build stuff? Cool!!) I also have an interest in getting into the nitty-gritty of situations and hashing out the details as well as the big picture. On an unrelated note, I've also had an interest in videogame design + programming, graphic design, and animation my whole life. Are there any good colleges with clubs like this where I can grow my skills in these areas, but still focus on engineering and do well? Is there any other factors I should consider when picking a major? Or anything else I could look into to get to know myself a bit more and see what I really prefer? Any options to somehow do everything I just listed?? Also I am learning about hydraulic engineering and I really like the sound of it a LOT but AHHHH there's so much and ofc transportation but mostly you already know the rest of the stuff I wrote.. I know most of this points to maybe like Civil Engineering with a minor in Electrical Engineering and a concentration in Structural engineering,, but I really am going to be sad forever that I won't be a physicist or a energy engineer or a researcher or a hydraulic engineer or a nuclear engineer... Maybe I could do architecture in the future but yeah 😭😭 Also I really wanted to do physics for a while could I start my education all over again when I'm older and have a career and do research

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Yousef619 views

How would someone figure out if it would be a better career path for him to be a structural engineer or a path in engineering management?

I’ve worked for the first two years after my graduation as a structural design engineer and now i’m a project coordinator but in a workplace that is somehow chaotic and i do not feel i’m learning any technical stuff like i did when i was a designer and now i’m in a dilemma between getting back to design before i forget it and between thinking that i do not learn any technical staff because i’m not in the best work environment someone would learn from. Just to elaborate as a project coordinator i’m responsible for following up with the design and shop-drawing and production teams and following up with the client to check that he replies to all quires and hiving him updates about the work and writing minutes of meeting probably that would be all, however i have no or a very little exposure to the estimation team of purchasing, we have only one project planner who is technically weak he makes the plan according to the project manager requests only ( i mean every detail in the plan is set by the project manager and the planner just uses Microsoft project to make it) so i do not feel like i’m having an added value On the other hand while i was a designer i learned every now and then a new information either about a code limit or a design principle and it was satisfactory So i do not know if i just hate the work place i’m in now because it is chaotic and i do not feel any technical added value or it is just the career path in management working that way

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sam761 views

Structural Engineering and Automotive industry

Hello , I'm in my first year studying civil and structural engineering and I'm interested in automotive industry so I want to know if the structural engineers is needed in this field and if so , what are the essentials I need to have ? #Structural-engineering #Cars #automotive

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Calvert2194 views

What is the hardest part to being a structural engineer?

I am going into civil engineering for college next year, and I hope to focus on structural engineering. I honestly have no idea of the difficulties involved in the career, but I enjoy seeing how building and structures deal with live load and dead load. #civil-engineering #structural-engineering

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Joseph852 views

What is the most rewarding part of being a structural engineer?

This is my major and I'll be graduating soon. One of the reasons I originally chose this was because I always liked math and physics, but I wanted to make sure I could use those skills to help people, but lately I've seen this field as more of putting up high rises and luxury condos for people who are already wealthy and not a field that really helps the general public. Any advice or thoughts? Thanks! #structural-engineering #civil-engineering #development

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Adriana792 views

what kind of jobs are open for people who study structural engineering?

As a junior I need to start thinking about colleges and career paths. I am looking for a more specific goal. #engineering #structural-engineering

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Ian752 views

How often does a Structural Engineer get to work on a construction site?

I would like to know this question because i hope to pursue a career in structural engineering, but i don't just want to be stuck in an office all day. I would like to get some hands on experience with the projects i am working on. #construction #structural-engineering

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Jakob1074 views

What are some clubs or activities you would recommend for college experience if I want to be an engineer?

Wondering which extracurricular activities might look best on a resume once I graduate college for an engineering career. #engineering #mechanical-engineering #civil-engineering #architecture #structural-engineering #architectural-engineering

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Jakob5695 views

What type of Engineering is associated with the roller coaster industry?

I am interested in becoming an engineer and would like to eventually work for a roller coaster company. I would like to know which specialization I should go for my degree. #business #engineering #civil-engineering #architecture #mechanical-engineer #structural-engineering

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Gillian1090 views

Being a woman in STEM, what is expected of your work life to be like as a civil engineer?

I have constantly been told that there are more men in the STEM field than women, and as a woman, it would be more difficult to communicate with my coworkers compared to being able to communicate with them if I was a man. I was told that I would be surrounded by other men who would not take me seriously, simply because I am a woman. Are these stereotypical statements true? What is it REALLY like as a woman in the civil engineering field? #civil-engineering #women-in-stem #professionals #women-in-engineering #structural-engineering

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Cristiano1047 views

What would be the best skill to achieve in college before becoming a civil engineer?

I am a freshman in college who is studying civil engineering. And I would like to know what would be the best skill in college to learn and take with me throughout my career as a civil engineer. #college #engineering #technology #civil-engineering #architecture #construction #structural-engineering #personal-development

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Connor1900 views

I need help understanding the job of an engineer particurly an civil, aerospace, structual, aeronautical or mechanical engineer.

Hello I'm wondering if anyone out there can help me in decided where I should focus my energy towards in college because I don't want to go into something and hate it later on. #college #mechanical-engineering #civil-engineering #aerospace #aeronautics #structural-engineering

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Joshua1617 views

What degree I need, to be an architectural engineer and an architect?

I am considering architectural engineering as my major, but I also want to study architecture. Do I need to receive a bachelor's degree in architectural engineering and then a masters degree in architecture to achieve this goal because I want to become a architect and a architect engineer? #engineer #civil-engineering #architect #structural-engineering #structural-engineer

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