Career questions tagged game-development

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hanna172 views

Why is gaming not a good career choice?

i love gaming but my parents dont think it is a career choice

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Merk591 views

What is the difference between software development and game development?

I know that there are many similarities between the two and I am really interested in both of them, but I am trying to figure out what is the right fit for me? Are there any pros and cons? Thanks!

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Merk888 views

What is the best major if I am interested in animation and gaming?

I have been doing a lot of research on both the animation industry and gaming industry and I am intrigued by the technical aspects such as developing and designing. What would be the best decision on a college major, especially with AI on the uprising. Much appreciated.

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Aastha809 views

I am a 2nd year iMSc in Computer Science student. I do like what I am studying but I don't know what job path I should choose. My third year is going to start soon and I need to pick a specialization but I don't know which field would best suit me. Please guide me, and if possible I don't want to get the general advice, that it's up to you, whatever interests you, or experiment with all the fields, etc. I am genuinely feeling struck like earlier I wanted to do data science, but then UI/UX designing and then game development caught my interest, now robotics is also interesting to me, and I also want to build a start-up of my own as well, rather than doing a 9-5 job but I have no idea how to start this is getting so frustrating, please help.

I want to do something creative, and also well-paid, there are many fields but now that I know I have to stick with one choice in a year. It's kinda scary.

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IBRAHIM1471 views

How can I build my resume as a video game disgner?

How can I build my resume to ensure that I can get a job as a video game designer

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Price589 views

Where would a good starting point be if I wanted to start learning game development or design?

I have little knowledge on this topic and would like to know if there are any suggested places to start!

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Savion496 views

What are possible ways to become a good game designer/developer/game-creator?

Ways to become amazing game developer.

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Savion403 views

Best way to become a video gamer designer/game developer.?

How to model, animate, and code.

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Savion529 views

What are some skills or requirements that I should know about making a game/game designing?

I am specifically talking about animating, modeling, and coding.

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daniel528 views

How hard it it to make your own game from scratch?

like do you have to make the gaming design and make your own pictures

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Jayson461 views

What does a game design position entail?

I am looking into the game creation world and seeing a lot of titles with game design in them I know mostly what It means but am not 100% sure what they do day to day. and what should I look into doing in order to get a job with that title?

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Ender1106 views

What would be the best major to go into when I want to be a game developer?

I really want to go into game development or design but I can never find a good answer about what would be the best major to go in.

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Stefan307 views

What are you expected to know going into a game development related job? And do you have any resources or tips to help me learn more about coding, game dev, VFX, and anything else i’d need to know?

I’m currently in the S.T.E.M. concentration at my school and i am also on the robotics team. While being in the concentration, i have developed a passions for coding, 3D Modeling and VFX. I am not the best at it which is why i’m coming here for advice. If there’s anything i should know, need to know, or any advice you have, please let me know!

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Kelvin432 views

How to get into C++?

How should I get started in game design with C++? This is because I've attempted to learn the coding language for Unity game development to no avail. I am genuinely curious about what I can do to truly get into the sphere of 2D game development.

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Alexandra285 views

What should I do to develop and establish myself as an artist in order to get into the Game Development industry?

I am a rising sophomore in college and I am interested in artistic game development. Do you have any tips on what I should focus on to succeed?

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Braeden319 views

what steps I would need to take to become a game developer ,game designer or a game making

Hello,I was wondering what steps I would need to take to become a game developer ,game designer or a game making.I’ve always loved games and coding and would really love too be put in a situation we’re I could develop my own game for people like me too play.

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Tyler1222 views

What do i need to become a professional gaming streamer?

I like playing video games on my free time. Some say that I have potential, and I think I should embark on this journey.

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Javien496 views

How will I be able to achieve my dream in the field of computer programming?

I want to learn how to computer program inorder to achieve my dream in cyber security ip networking and hobby of game development and computer programming

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Pei Bin637 views

How can I get into software engineer or game design?

What will help me achieve my goal of becoming a software engineer or game designer?

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Karis504 views

Lots of options but unsure of which to choose?

Hi I'm a senior in high who's interested in a variety of fields but I don't know which one to choose. I took an accounting class at my school and really enjoyed but I also like the idea of going into library science. Another field I've been looking into is law but I've heard a lot of conflicting advice on that. Lastly I'm semi interested in computer science and game development but I don't know much about that at the moment. I'd love any advice that I could get!

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timothy574 views

How much schooling do i need to be a game developer?

i wonder if u need schooling

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timothy524 views

1. If my strengths are problem solving and leadership and my hobbies are playing basketball and videos games, what types of careers or industries might best fit for me? 2. What other strengths or experiences might I need for the suggested careers?

I need some help finding out what to do after high school

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Wyatt675 views

What is the best interactive platform to learn the fundamentals of the C# language?

I'm looking into coding my own game, what do you recommend or what did you use when first learning how to code C#?

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Christopher429 views

Is it really worth getting into any type of field that involves gaming in any way?

I have heard a lot of mixed feelings about the careers that involve gaming as a whole. All the way from Game Designer to Game tester. I have been told it strips the enjoyment of gaming away once you are required to do make your hobby into a job with gaming specifically . Is there some way to bridge that gap in-between the pleasure of casual gaming and the full work aspect of it behind the scenes? It is one of the few things I enjoy but I don't want that reason to be the reason as to why I hate it later on in life.

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Wyatt681 views

A few questions about getting started as a Video Game Developer

I'm a freshman in high school and have some basic knowledge of HTML and JavaScript languages. 1. What tools/coding languages do you recommend starting out as a game designer? 2. What is the hardest kind of challenge you have faced during development? 3. What is the best genre of game to start out developing as a beginner? 4. How do you market your game successfully? 5. Do you have any regrets or things you wish you had done differently when you stated out?

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ash737 views

What is being a game designer like?

what is your role for your company and what daily problems do you have to overcome.

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Hope643 views

How should a new game designer start out?

how would someone in the game making start out?

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Hope445 views

When working on game do you have to speak with a lot of people?

when you make a game do you have to speak with a lot of people during the work in progress?

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Hope381 views

Is it a struggle when putting a game on market?

After coding and making a game when you put it on market is it hard to get people to play the game if so how do you deal with it?

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Jonathan445 views

Are there any commonly used game engines for first person games?

#game-design #computer-games #video-games #game-development

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