Career questions tagged community-management

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Angelo Jas299 views

How can I make myself stand out during my 2 years of community and what opportunities can I take that will help me with this goal.

How can I make myself stand out during my 2 years of community college and what opportunities can I take that will prepare me for a four year!

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Reese312 views

Why loose sight?

Why when most people start reaching there goal they dont give up but loose the sight they had when they first went into the situation i feel its very important to keep that same sight and composure.

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Karla396 views

What specialty should I study for the career of Lawyer?

I would like to be involved in the business of lawyers to the defend Companies or some type of business, when they find themselves in a difficult situation and require help. #community-management #business #law

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Kenyia423 views

How can I guide myself towards a career as a dentist?

#community-management #dentistry

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Jack484 views

What is career village ?

I was instructed to join this community but I don't know what is for? #career-paths #community-management

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jakyiah439 views

How to stay focus more?

I'm honest #community-management

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Paajcha Julie1554 views

How to deal with poor leadership?

Without giving too much information away, I’m dealing with a boss who isn’t the greatest when it comes to leadership skills. I work online as a scouter for deals, meaning I search online for discounts, and I’m technically an independent contractor. When I first got the job, I asked many questions such as earning potential (since it’s commission based), if there’s a quota I have to fill, and what my role entails. To keep it short, my boss never properly trained me regarding my job. She did do a short video on the basics, however she didn’t go into great detail into things such as what the values were in the organization, what to expect when posting particular items that are discounted, tips on how to be more efficient when posting, basically anything that could help me become a better worker. To my knowledge, isn’t that what a leader or boss should do? Guide and mentor those under you? Especially when they’re new? Let’s just say her communication skills aren’t exactly the best. What has frustrated me recently is that she sent me a message saying that I apparently was “working for myself” and wasn’t working with the team. She also mentioned things that I had no idea about, things that are very specific to this job and organization, and that I wasn’t doing these particular things. How am I supposed to know these things if she never relayed the information to me in the first place? That’s her job isn’t it? To relay information to me so that I don’t mess up? I have prodded her over time regarding my work because obviously I want to know how to do my job well, but I feel like the boss/employee dynamic is unbalanced, meaning that I feel like I carry the burden of having to figure things out. I understand that as a worker, there are things that I have to do on my own but when there are things that are content specific, that should be on the leader’s plate of responsibility. There are some things that I cannot figure out on my own because they are that specific. The nature of the job did come off as a “do it on your own” type of thing, especially because she told me that there was no quota to fill. I don’t claim to be perfect. I’m still learning as a worker/employee like asking important questions and being more assertive when it comes to certain things. But this lack of good leadership isn’t really helping. Also, another question. Is it in the worker’s/employee’s place to constructively criticize their boss/leader on their work ethic/skills, etc.? There are more things I can say and want to say but I’ll stop here. Thank you for reading if you made it this far. #management #organization #community-management #leadership #work #organizationalleadership #working #business #online #boss #technology #criticism #job #sales

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Paige496 views

Looking for answers about helpful college majors and classes for lawyers.

As I begin my college career in the fall, I am wondering if there are any helpful classes or majors that work well in law careers. I am aware that there is no major requirement for law school, but wondering if there are any particular classes/majors that lawyers still find helpful in their careers. #political-science #politics #community-management

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Ruchita596 views

what is important skills for a cs engineer

#community-management #community-management

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liah549 views

What other higher-education support programs are there in the Military?


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Kamryn424 views

How much is the income for an NICU nurse ?

I am a freshman taking principles of health science #nursingschool #community-management

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Gabrielle753 views

How much of your job in community development involves research?

Do you feel that you need to really study the community you are working with in order to benefit them most? Do you find that reaching out to community members helps to understand the needs of the whole community most adequately, or do you research programs similar to ones you may be considering to implement in another community? #community-management #research #career #community #development #community-development #community-outreach #community-services

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Gabrielle604 views

What is the most challenging part of working within community development?

Where do most of the frustrations lie when considering the work done within community development and community services? #community-management #community-development #community-outreach #familyservices #urbanplanning #careers

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Gabrielle996 views

What is the best way to create connections within a community?

When working with community outreach, how do you determine where it would be best to look to find connections to a common ground within community development? #community-management #business-management #networking #communitydevelopment #community #outreach #engagement #career

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Gabrielle600 views

Where should I start with new degree in Community Development?

As a soon to be graduate obtaining a degree in Community Development, with a concentration in Community Services, where should I look, in terms of organizations or companies to start my career. #community-management #career #human-resources #community-management

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Tracy1067 views

Who can suggest an amazing career to go into?

#career #business #community-management #any

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Eisha565 views

Want phd in hospital management

Optometrist #community-management

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Werner760 views

How can I jobshaddow community work

Jobshaddow careers #community-management

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Ayen832 views

When is an appropriate time to start applying for internships and gaining experience for the desirable career path?

#community-management #career-path #community-management #career-development

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Jared807 views

Are any of the classes I take in high school even relevant to my future if I plan to become a community manager?

Is high school REALLY relevant to real life? For students who plan to become community managers, which specific classes are actually relevant to their future career plans? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

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Jared968 views

Is it stressful to be a community manager? How do you manage the stress in your life and do you regret the career decision?

_This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

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Jared893 views

Do I need to have a huge social media following to get a job in community management? How huge?

_This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

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Jared832 views

What’s one piece of career advice you wish someone told you before you started a career in community management?

_This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

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Jared1241 views

What are the top three skills I need to demonstrate in community management interviews, and how can I demonstrate them?

_This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management #job-application

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Jared755 views

Are community management internships common? If not, how can I get relevant experience while I’m still in school?

If they *are* common, what tips do you have for how intern candidates can stand out for the internships? Is there something they can do to go "above and beyond" to show the characteristics and personality traits you're looking for in your interns? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

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Jared938 views

What is one thing I can do after school as a high school student to set myself up for a career in community management?

Your average high school sophomore has an hour of travel to get home after school, followed by several hours of homework. What are some things that they can do with those flex hours after school to increase their chances of being ready for a career in community management? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

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Jared810 views

What did you do to stand out when you were interviewing for your community manager job? (looking for bold stories!)

For our students who have never done an interview before, they can be really intimidating! What did you do to stand out in your interviews for the job you have now as a community manager? Inspire us with your stories of how you got the job! _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management #job-application

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Jared802 views

If no companies are at my college career fair for community management jobs, how can I get a start in the industry?

It's super common that I hear from students who focus 99% of their energy on college career fairs to find entry-level jobs. If community management jobs aren't available at the career fair, what can students do to get their shot at a first job? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

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Jared735 views

What are senior community managers called?

In the community management career "path", what are the job titles for the more senior people? Is this stable or is it changing, and how? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

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Jared1412 views

What are the typical work hours of a community manager?

How many hours did you work last week? How typical was that? How variable are the hours? Are they predictable? How much advance warning do you get when your schedule needs to change? _This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management

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