Career questions tagged nursingschool

What studying skills would you recommend to a college student?
I’m currently a freshmen in college, majoring in nursing. For a while now i’ve been struggling with studying, I cant find any skills of studying that works for me. Any recommendations or tips are truly appreciated! #nursing #nurse #registerednurse #college #Fall24

How would you describe your journey of becoming a registered nurse or medical assistant?
describe the journey it took to get where you are, struggles, accomplishments, achievements, the school you attended, courses you took, and personal stories.

what is the task you do the most when working as a registered nurse and or a medical assistant?
state if you are an RN or medical assistant and explain your relation to the question. you can explain stories related to the question as well :D

What would be a typical day?
What would be a typical day in the work force as a Nurse Practitioner?

hello, I'm not to close to college but i wanted to get a idea of the transitioning process from college to nursing school?
Hello, I am not too close to college but I wanted to see what is the transitioning process from college to nursing school???

Can You Study Abroad while in a BSN Programs?
Hi! I've always wanted to spend a semester abroad, but I'm worried with the rigor of a BSN program, it won't be possible. Would it be better to go over the summer?

Is it Hard to Double Major in Nursing and Psychology?
Please share your experience here!

Does anyone know of any nursing programs that aren’t impossible to get into? Anyone have any advice?
I got into nursing programs in high school. Couldn’t afford any of them, so I just went to community college. I decided to work towards an associates degree in film studies, but became an alcoholic and failed out. My grades are completely terrible. I’m now sober, and trying to turn my life around The problem, is that the community college doesn’t offer ANY film classes, or degrees in film anymore due to declining enrollment. I have absolutely no way of retaking those classes. I’m currently an EMT student, and I’m doing very well. I’m incredibly happy to be sober and on the right track, I just hope my past mistakes don’t dictate my entire future. How else can I get a nursing degree, if I have terrible grades, that I can’t retake or fix? Are nursing schools at hospitals easy to get into? Anyone have any advice?

If I want to take my pre-reqs at the university I also want to get my bsn at how would I do so?
I'm an 11th grader and I'm not sure where or how I can take my pre-reqs at college. #nursingschool #nursing

What kind of college classes would I have to take to become a traveling nurse ?
#collegelife #nursingschool #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

What was the funnest part of becoming a registered nurse?
Was the learning process fun? did you do a lot of activities? #nurse #nursingschool #registerdnurse #nursing

Nursing School Interview
I have a Nursing School Interview. Does anyone have sample questions that could help me. #interview #nursingschool #interview-preparation

Nursing school while playing minor hockey?
I am going to start nursing school in September 2021 and want to continue playing minor hockey (I am young enough still to play minor hockey for 2 years). It’s not overly competitive but I love the sport more than life. I’m worried about balancing it with the demands of nursing school especially because my hockey team is not through my school so the schedules will most likely conflict & my profs won’t be so understanding. I just want to know if it’s possible. In my Bantam year, my practices were 2 nights a week for an hour and games were on weekends, 1 or 2 games a weekend and then 1-2 tournaments. I expect this year playing Midget will be similar in terms of time spent on the ice since it’s not competitive. I really really wanna be able to play and I would be so devastated if I couldn’t. I’m mostly worried it’ll conflict with my clinicals but I believe I’ll be on the rotation that starts clinicals in January 2022, not fall when it starts, so I’ll most likely be able to manage the schedule then, I just worry about my winter semester :( Please offer any advice u can #school #university #sports #nursingschool #hockey #extracurriculars

How much is the income for an NICU nurse ?
I am a freshman taking principles of health science #nursingschool #community-management