Career questions tagged dental-school

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Diana331 views

Would studying dental or veterinary be a cheaper and easier career choice?

Hi I am currently in the process of registering to San Jose City College and I am having trouble on deciding a career choice. I am very fond of animals as I have a fair share of pets myself. I feel very passionate about this but at the same time I am aware of the effort and time it takes to study this. Although, I am also intrigued by dental study since a lot of my family members have already pursued this career and have succeeded. I am pleased with the wages for dental assistants in the area of San Jose but I am wondering if it's truly worth it.

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Tasnin422 views

What classes should I take in high school if I want to become a lawyer, dental hygienist, or ultrasound technician?

I am going to be an 11th grader this upcoming school year and I was wondering what classes I should take if I wanted to become a lawyer, dental hygienist, or ultrasound technician. I am unsure which profession I would like to go into but these are definitely my top choices. I wanted to know which classes I could take in high school to enhance my learning in these lines of work. This upcoming school year my electives will be AP psychology and business law & management. I'll have 4 elective classes for my senior year and I can change my upcoming ones if needed. Lastly, I wanted to say thank you for taking time out of your day to read this and to help me out, it is much appreciated.

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Sadia240 views

How should I approch dentists to shadow?

How should I approach dentists to shadow? I want to apply to dental schools and I am in college doing undergrad. I have no prior experience in the dental field. #spring24

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Rakib739 views
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Binadi834 views

Dental school vs Med school?

I am stuck between choosing to go to dental school or med school. I don't really like the architectural side of dentistry but it is easier to study and it doesn't take long. I do like medicine and I am interested in learning and helping people but it takes a while and I hear doctors have irregular hours to work. What should I choose?

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Martina312 views

How do I get into college for dentistry or nursing and then what do I do after college to make more than 90k a year?

I love science, I have a 4.0 GPA, and next year I'll be going into my sophomore year in high school.

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Jenny1987 views

Dental Hygienist Interview Questions

Hi! My name is Jenny and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the dental field, specifically a dental hygienist, for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment. 1. What do you do for work on a regular basis? 2. What was your biggest challenge when preparing to become a dental hygienist? 3. What skills are required to be a dental hygienist? 4. What is your favorite thing as a dental hygienist? 5. How many years of school did you have to do? 6. How has the career changed from when you started? 7. How would you describe the overall work environment? 8. What did you need to do to become a dental hygienist? 9. Why specifically a dental hygienist and not in any other dental specialities? 10. What caught your interest to pursue this career? 11. What is your favorite thing about your job? 12. What have you learned since the start of your career? 13. Did you always want to pursue in dental hygiene?

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Ayanna720 views

How should I prepare myself for Dental school?

#dental #dentist #dental-school #dental #dentistry

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carissa1108 views

What is it like in dental school?

What is a day in dental school like? what are some challenges or activities a student will encounter? #dentist #dental-school #dental #dental-hygienist

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Anna750 views

What steps should I take to get accepted into Dental School? Any good recommendations?

I am currently going to Hygiene School. However, my dream is to become a Pediatric Dentist. Due to lack monetary struggles, my first step was hygiene school. I plan to apply for Dental School but I don't know what steps to take, I heard it is very difficult for acceptance. Is that correct? #dentistry #dds #pediatric-dentistry #teeth #dental-school #dentist l

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Anna748 views

What are the steps to become a Dentist?

I am currently going to Hygiene School. However, my dream is to become a Pediatric Dentist. Due to lack monetary struggles, my first step was hygiene school. I plan to apply for Dental School but I don't know what steps to take. #dentistry #dds #pediatric-dentistry #teeth #dental-school

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Leonila966 views

Can I apply to dental school and hygiene school at the same time?

I have been put on a wait list to dental schools. I am going to reapply again but I am keeping my options open just in case dental school will not accept me again. I am also going to apply at a hygiene school. ( Note I have all the requirements I needed for dental my scores were not that bad. I have numerous hours of dental shadowing and volunteerism and many years experience as a dental assistance. Very competitive entrance. ) I would gladly to hear some inputs. #dental-school #hygiene-school #school-counseling #gap-year #student-counseling

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Mireia925 views

How do you survive medical/dental school?

I've heard that medical/dental school is extremely stressful. #medical-education #medical-school #dental-school #medicine #dentistry #orthodontist #higher-education #college #specialty

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Mireia837 views

Do you recommend getting a degree in an international school?

I'm asking because I'm wondering if the U.S. would recognize the degree when I come back. For example, if I went to dental school in Spain would I be able to work as a dentist here? #international #international-affairs #study-abroad #overseas-study #dental-school #dentistry #dentist #orthodontist #career #college-admissions #college-advice #higher-education #college-bound #college #college-selection #university

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Mireia824 views

What is a "residency"?

Was researching different orthodontic career paths and I came across this word. #medicine #orthodontist #dentistry #career #career-counseling #career-advice #career-choice #medical-education #dental-school #dental-practice #career-path #job #jobs #dental-practice

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Mireia898 views

What are some tips for getting into dental school?

#orthodontist #teeth #dentistry #dental-hygienist #dental-practice #career #career-choice #career-counseling #job-search #career-path #careers #job #college #college-major #college-advice #college #college-admissions #college-major #college-advice #biochemistry #biology #chemistry #dental-school #college-bound

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Alexandra725 views

What kind of job does someone get while they're in dental school?

Do they get something related to dentistry? And if they do, how do they get hired without graduating from dental school first? #dentistry #dental-school

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Carmen750 views

Dental School acceptance and preparedness

Besides a Pre-dental major, what is the best major of study to go on to dental school that helps with acceptance and being prepared? #dentistry #dental #pre-dental #dental-school

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Jasmine1629 views

What is better, majoring in Chemistry or Biology to attend Dental School ?

I am a sophomore in college. I was in a pre-dentistry program but unfortunately it was removed due to few people going for pre-dentistry. So now I have to choose between Chemistry or Biology. I need Help Please. #dentistry #dentist #pre-dental #dental-school #chemistry #biology #college

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Andrea2875 views

What should I do to increase my chances of getting into a dental program?

I am a recent graduate with a biology major. Although proud of my success, I've graduated with a 2.60 GPA, but I've held a lab job, commuted from home, and participated on the school sports team for the past 4 years. I went to a competitive university and find it sad because compared to my peers I was usually AVERAGE on the curved grading scale, this was usually a C+ letter grade. I wanted to apply for dental school but shortly after my first C, I realized the dream was far out of my reach. 3 years later, I've realized that I either have to change my career of choice or take an alternative route. To start, I'm actually going to pick up extra classes at my university this upcoming school year. The following year, I will be retaking a few classes I didn't do very well in, although they won't contribute to improving my UC GPA, I'm hoping they will still be taken into consideration by dental programs. The 3rd gap year, I will take to finally apply to several school near and far, small and large. On top of all of this, I will be looking for a job as a dental assistant to gain experience and also volunteer and maybe do a medical trip. I want to know if there are any other ways to improve my chances at entering a dental program. At this point, my far off reach goal would be a DDS program and plan B would be a dental hygienist. Please let me know if I should still even try applying, and if so any other ideas of improving my application and how. #dentistry #dental-hygienist #dental-school

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jayaprasad yadav1733 views

How can I become a famous doctor?

I want become a doctor #dentistry #dentist #family-dentistry #pediatric-dentistry #dental-school #dental-practice #cosmetic-dentistry #pre-dental

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Rohan1883 views

I want to pursue a career as an Dentist. Before that, I am planning to major in Biology in my undergrad studies. What are some great opportunities out there?

I want to pursue a career as an Dentist. Before that, I am planning to major in Biology in my undergrad studies. Meanwhile, i want to start doing volunteer work, apply for internships and jobs but I don't know where to start looking. Should i look for opportunities related to biology or dental medicine? #dentistry #dental-school #orthodontics

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Sarah1847 views

What are some good colleges to apply to for dentistry?

I am a sophomore in high school and I am looking into attending college for dentistry. UMKC is my top choice due to the close location and outstanding dentistry program. UMKC is a really great school to study dentistry, but I also want other options and backup plans ready. I live in Kansas City and would love some incite to other great schools to choose from. #college #dentistry #dentist #dental-hygienist #dental #dental-school

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Sarah2582 views

How difficult is it to start a career in dentistry?

I am a sophomore in high school and I am interested in starting a career in dentistry after high school and college. I would like to know the possible road of going to college, finding a place to work, and starting a career could go. Was finishing school difficult? Long? Was finding a place to work a struggle? How about keeping the job? Is the job stressful? Does the job pay well? Is it easy to get a job fresh out of college? (Looking into dental-hygiene or getting PhD) #dentistry #dentist #dental-hygienist #dental #dental-school

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Bryant1255 views

How Does One Look More Into Dentist/Dental Care?

Im A Junior In Highschool And Have Been Interested In Working In Dental Care After A While Of Having Not-So-Great Teeth. I Would Like To Know What Classes One Should Take And What Schools Are Good To Go To? #dentistry #dentist #dental-hygienist #dental-school

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Evelyn28875 views

How much time does it take to become a Dental Hygienist?

Hello, my name is Evelyn and I am a Junior in highschool. I am really looking into being a Dental Hygienist. My question is how many years would it take of college? Also would I have to apply separately to a dental school or program, if so how much years is that? #dentistry #dental-hygienist #dental-school #pre-dental

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Sarah41771 views

Could I become a dental hygienist before continuing school to become a classified dentist?

I am a sophomore in high school and I have an interest in the dentistry career. I would like to know if it is possible to become a dental hygienist after two years of college, start a career as a dental hygienist, and continue schooling to achieve a doctorate degree. How long will it approximately take to achieve my degree? #dentistry #dentist #dental-hygienist #dental #dental-school

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