Career questions tagged dental-hygienist

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Evannah115 views

What is the total number of years in school that one must take to finally become a dentist?

And also, once one becomes a dentist, how can I branch out and start my own clinic??

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Tasnin404 views

What would I do to become a dental hygienist or an ultrasound technician? (multiple questions in the description)

I am having trouble deciding whether I want to be a dental hygienist or an ultrasound technician. Either way, I am unsure of what I am meant to do to become either or. I was doing some research and they said I could just go to community college as you only need 2 years (associate degree) to become a dental hygienist (not sure about ultrasound technician) Is that true? Could I still go to a regular college instead and do 4 years to get my bachelor's? How many years would these professions take? What should I know before going into these fields? What college major would they fall into?

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Sherlyn240 views

Hi I’m a 7th grader I want to be dentist can I have more advice about dentist.?

How do I get better at being a dentist.

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Aarushi456 views

How do you know if dentistry is for you? How can you get ready for this path as a rising senior in high school?

What are the pros and cons of dentistry( Like in education and day to day life)?

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Kaitlin429 views

Starting the new semester I've decided to major in Dental Assisting and hopefully achieve my Certificate/Associate. What are some possible study habits I can maintain to help me be successful in the DA program?

I've been on the Dental Hygeine Waiting List for almost two years now, and I've decided to go back to school for Dental Assisting to get my foot in the Dental Field. With working a part-time job in those two years of waiting I am nervous going back to school and I currently struggle with procrastination, so what are study habits I can build along the way?

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Tasnin539 views

What classes should I take in high school if I want to become a lawyer, dental hygienist, or ultrasound technician?

I am going to be an 11th grader this upcoming school year and I was wondering what classes I should take if I wanted to become a lawyer, dental hygienist, or ultrasound technician. I am unsure which profession I would like to go into but these are definitely my top choices. I wanted to know which classes I could take in high school to enhance my learning in these lines of work. This upcoming school year my electives will be AP psychology and business law & management. I'll have 4 elective classes for my senior year and I can change my upcoming ones if needed. Lastly, I wanted to say thank you for taking time out of your day to read this and to help me out, it is much appreciated.

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Brillith524 views

Is it possible to work night shift full time and complete dental hygiene school?

Hello everyone I majored in business administration and I am too far along to switch and will complete it just so I don’t feel like I wasted my life more than I already have. I have come to realize that I enjoy knowing my work can have a positive impact on others lives and looking to complete a second degree in dental hygiene. My same university offers this program and will take me approximately 3 years to complete I will be 24-25 when I finish. I would like to know if it possible to work night time positions such as a hotel night auditor/ grocery stocker positions in order to fund my degree as I will no longer have financial aid. My university also does not provide any afternoon or night time school options. Please give my any advice or share any stories about others who have worked while in dental hygiene school and it is possible or should I just give up and accept my circumstances.

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Brillith720 views

Is it too late for me to go back to school for dental hygiene ?

Hello everyone I feel as though I made a mistake majoring in business administration/management. I’m too far into my degree to change it but I wish I would have majored in dental hygiene is it too late for me to go back to school for dental hygiene I would 25 when I graduate. Is it also possible to later use my business degree to move into a management position in a dental office in the future? I would also like to know if it is a good idea to work while completing my prereqs?

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Lakala593 views

What are the pros and cons of dental hygiene?

Tell me everything.

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Ethan1316 views

I want to become an Orthodontist and I was thinking about getting a Dental Hygienist (BS) and the later pursuing an Orthodontist. What would be the best way to enter this type of field and where should I start as a High School student?

I'm a junior in high school and my biggest dream is to become a orthodontist but i'm not sure the steps to take in order to achieve my dream.

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lola678 views

Dentist: How long are your hours? Do you get paid internships in college What are your daily tasks? Are there any colleges you recommend? How many years of schooling did it take you?

I am a sophomore girl in high school, and I love to be social. What can I do now to prepare myself for this career better? Are there any specific classes I should take? Is this career very social?

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Morgan804 views

What are the pros and cons of a dental hygienist?

Do you like the hours?

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Nohemi2405 views

If if don’t take chemistry in HS then in college will I retake the class ?

Will I have to take a summer program in college

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Chelsy1782 views

What technical skills should someone in your medical field have?

I would specifically like to know from a dental hygienist or from an air ambulance worker.

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Jessycka378 views

Do you think it is worth going to the Dental School for the amount you’re getting paid?

Hi my name is Jessycka I am in eighth grade and I am a middle schooler wanting to become a Dentis but I don’t know if it’s the right career path for me. I would like to know more about it to see if that’s the choice I would like to make. Do you think it is worth going to the Dental School for the amount you’re getting paid? Overtime, is being a dentist worth the time?

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Tanae334 views

What I need help with ,Hello My name is Tanae and I’m a senior this year I’m live in Detroit Michigan I have this big project coming up it’s called Senior Mastery Process it’s basically about what you want to be in life I want to be a dental hygienist and for the project I’m doing I need a mentor who is a dental hygienist to help me get more insight about the dental hygienist field so I was wondering is there anyone that live in Detroit Michigan that is a dental hygienist and wants to be my mentor I need a 40 hours internship can someone please respond by October 31st ?

Please respond by October 31st

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jasmine1029 views

what kind of opportunities does being a dental assistant give you?

what should I expect after becoming a dental assistant and what kind of opportunities does it open up for me

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jasmine819 views

How should I prepare myself for the process of becoming a dental assistant?

i need advice on what type of certifications or schooling i will need ?

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jasmine607 views

What education should I get to become a Dental Assistant?

I'm a Job Corps student trying to become a dental assistant

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Kadance568 views

Route to becoming a dentist…

What is the best route to become a successful dentist? What tips do you have about the journey, such as schooling and experience? Are there certain things I should be expecting or getting prepared for?

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lukas459 views

How do you like being a dental assistant?

I'm going into dental assisting, and I'm wondering how you are enjoying it.

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Rebecca447 views

What are the best ways at becoming a successful hygenist?

Im going to be starting college soon to become a dental hygienist and i've heard that becoming one can be very competitive. Besides getting good grades, what are some other ways to higher my chances at becoming a successful hygienist?

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Lizeth474 views

Why did you become a dental hygienist?

Hello! My name is Lizeth and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the dental hygienist field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Please comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment. 1) What profession did you choose? Why? 2)How many years of college did you need to go through? 3)What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4)How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5)Were you in a college program? 6)Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7)Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8) Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9) Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10) What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11) What was the last stressful situation you encountered in your job, and how did you react? 12)What's one challenge you occasionally or regularly face in your job? 13) What is your philosophy with medicine and treating patients

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jack623 views

How do you become dental hygienist.

Do I have to get a masters degree to be a dental hygienist.

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kaylie353 views

1. How many years of college did you need to go through in order to become a General Dentist 2. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 3. How can I decide if I should earn a DDS or DMD in this field? 4. What are some opportunities you were offered as you worked your way up to become a General Dentist? 5. Do you have a general understanding of dental terminology? 6. Did you shadow another professional in the Dentistry field? 7. Did you join any school clubs or programs related to your current profession? 8. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during Dentistry school? 9. What skills set did you learn or gain while pursuing your career in Dentistry? 10. What does an average week look like for you as a General Dentist? 11. What is your experience working in a fast-paced environment with multiple completing tasks? 12. Do you have any experience with the business side of running a dental practice? 13. What do you like most about dentistry? What do you like the least??

Hello! My name is Kaylie and I am a current high school student attending Andrew P. Hill. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in Dentistry field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment. Thank you!

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Joshua390 views

Does being a dental assistant help becoming a dental hygienist?

Does being a dental assistant help with becoming a dental hygienist? Such as the experience or maybe the employer you working with can assist you with tuition or beginner training.

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Joshua1116 views

What is Dental assistant pay?

What is the average salary for a dental assistant what can expect and what are ways I can improve pay?

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Joshua469 views

What does a typical day look like for a dental assistant?

What does a typical day look like for a dental assistant both working hours and anything else that might be expected on a daily basis or even weekly and monthly?

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Jenny2322 views

Dental Hygienist Interview Questions

Hi! My name is Jenny and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the dental field, specifically a dental hygienist, for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment. 1. What do you do for work on a regular basis? 2. What was your biggest challenge when preparing to become a dental hygienist? 3. What skills are required to be a dental hygienist? 4. What is your favorite thing as a dental hygienist? 5. How many years of school did you have to do? 6. How has the career changed from when you started? 7. How would you describe the overall work environment? 8. What did you need to do to become a dental hygienist? 9. Why specifically a dental hygienist and not in any other dental specialities? 10. What caught your interest to pursue this career? 11. What is your favorite thing about your job? 12. What have you learned since the start of your career? 13. Did you always want to pursue in dental hygiene?

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Nathalie299 views

Was the learning process hard to become a Dental Hygienist?

Is this career the type to have you staying up late night stressed for exams or classwork ?

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