Career questions tagged dentist

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Ella441 views

Can visually impaired or physically disabled people become dentists? Can you get time extensions in dental school if you have accommodations

I am completely blind in my left eye and I was wondering if I could still work in the oral cavity with limited vision. I am also in a wheelchair and I was wondering if there were any physically disabled dentists.

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Aarushi265 views

How do you know if dentistry is for you? How can you get ready for this path as a rising senior in high school?

What are the pros and cons of dentistry( Like in education and day to day life)?

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Ivan236 views

what do you have to go to get into school?

What do you have to do to get into dentistry school. What takes you there. How hard is it. What do you have to deal with everyday. What do you have to do in school

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Elijuah974 views

Questions for an orthodontist?

1.)What made you want to choose orthodontics? 2.)What kind of challenges did you face during your path of being an orthodontist? 3.)What helped you to overcome obstacles during your way to becoming an orthodontist? 4.)How did you manage to balance your work life with your personal life? 5.)What would you recommend for others who want to join your work field? 6.)How did you prevent burnout from work and set boundaries? 7.)How could I communicate more effectively? 8.)What areas did you improve on most and what should others do in their weak areas? 9.)What can you recommend for the well being of other people? 10.)How did you handle things that set you back in your work? 11.)What would you recommend for any personal development? 12.)How did you handle situations with your boss? 13.)What do you wish you had known before you became an orthodontist? 14.)What makes someone successful in your field? 15.)What is the work environment like in your work field? 16.)What concerns did you have during your career?

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Aqsa945 views

What career should I chose, dentistry or opthalmology?

I'm torn between the two. Which is harder, and which is more worth it? I like both career paths equally.

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Ifra242 views

If I want to become a dentist in the future and I am just about to graduate high school should I choose Biology or Dental Hygiene as my major?

In 11th grade in high school

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Breanna460 views

Are there any medical professionals that I can interview quickly?

I have to interview any kind of doctor/ healthcare worker for an English paper in my class, so I’d greatly appreciate a few answers to include in my assignment: 1) please tell me about your educational and professional background, and why you wanted to go into the medical field. 2) what are some obstacles that you encountered when going through medical school? How did you get past them? 3) what advice would you offer others who are trying to get into your profession? 4) How are you able to maintain a work-life balance when having such a demanding job?

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Kelly282 views

How to find colleges that will help me for my future career goal on being a dentist?

Im not sure how to achieve this goal, so I need help since im in high school and taking AP bio to help me advance to my goal. But im not sure if I need to take more science courses in high school?

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Joy358 views

How to keep body physically healthy as a dentist?

I will be starting dental school soon. I wonder how I can best keep my body healthy as this job is physically demanding. I heard complaints about arms, fingers, back, and neck problems all the time. I am not a gym person, so I want to see what people do to keep their bodies healthy and fit as a dentist or dental student. #Spring24

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john477 views

What does it take to become a dentist?

Grade 11 in high school and would like to attend a four year college afterwards

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Steve556 views

Why are you choosing doctor occupation?

That was my childhood dream

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Rakib739 views
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Nguyen1221 views

How can I success in my field, I’m studying to become a Dietitian. Dietician is STEM job ?How can I study and what tips to do well in my classes. Do you any practice tests for me to become a registered dietician ?

How can I success in my fields ? I am studying to become a registered dietitian, my job considers STEM job ? Do you have any practice tests for me to become a registered dietician. Do I need to get master degree for this job ? How can I do well in my classes. I have heard t become a registered dietician is not easy.

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Ethan1071 views

I want to become an Orthodontist and I was thinking about getting a Dental Hygienist (BS) and the later pursuing an Orthodontist. What would be the best way to enter this type of field and where should I start as a High School student?

I'm a junior in high school and my biggest dream is to become a orthodontist but i'm not sure the steps to take in order to achieve my dream.

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Diana620 views

Why should I look into being a dentist?

What is it like being a dentist? I'm in tenth grade and I skipped a grade. Around what age would I be able to start? What schools should I attend if I plan on leaving my state South Carolina.

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lola518 views

Dentist: How long are your hours? Do you get paid internships in college What are your daily tasks? Are there any colleges you recommend? How many years of schooling did it take you?

I am a sophomore girl in high school, and I love to be social. What can I do now to prepare myself for this career better? Are there any specific classes I should take? Is this career very social?

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Jessycka336 views

Do you think it is worth going to the Dental School for the amount you’re getting paid?

Hi my name is Jessycka I am in eighth grade and I am a middle schooler wanting to become a Dentis but I don’t know if it’s the right career path for me. I would like to know more about it to see if that’s the choice I would like to make. Do you think it is worth going to the Dental School for the amount you’re getting paid? Overtime, is being a dentist worth the time?

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Fernanda523 views

What is the worst part of becoming a orthodontist?

Hey I’m a middle school student in Arizona I’m interested in becoming an orthodontist. I was wanting to know what it was like on day a day basis being an orthodontist? What are the challenges you have faced in the career?

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Zoey296 views

help me learn to be better ?

what is the best education i can get to be a dental hygienists i love working on teeth i started biology and now i don’t know where to go can i get some help?

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Jolie330 views

What do you do on a daily as an Orthodontist?

what do the days look like as a orthodontist

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Sarah324 views

How saturated is the cosmetic dentistry field?

Do a lot of people work in the cosmetic dentistry field?

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jasmine691 views

what kind of opportunities does being a dental assistant give you?

what should I expect after becoming a dental assistant and what kind of opportunities does it open up for me

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jasmine590 views

How should I prepare myself for the process of becoming a dental assistant?

i need advice on what type of certifications or schooling i will need ?

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jasmine509 views

What education should I get to become a Dental Assistant?

I'm a Job Corps student trying to become a dental assistant

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Kadance503 views

Route to becoming a dentist…

What is the best route to become a successful dentist? What tips do you have about the journey, such as schooling and experience? Are there certain things I should be expecting or getting prepared for?

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Audrey285 views

What advice do you have for a studt schedule for someone who is looking to go into dental school?

I'm currently a senior in high school and want to know some good tips on how to make the transition for studying in high school to studying in my undergraduate years at college with a career goal in mind. Thank you!

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Joleena281 views

What training would you recommend I take to prepare working in the dental field?

I'd like to know about any extra traits I should look into to prepare before going to work.

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lukas380 views

How do you like being a dental assistant?

I'm going into dental assisting, and I'm wondering how you are enjoying it.

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Ifra282 views

What degrees are needed to become a dentist? And what are the most important subjects for a dentist?

I am in high school and I wanna know what subjects will help me become a dentist =)

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Rebecca395 views

What are the best ways at becoming a successful hygenist?

Im going to be starting college soon to become a dental hygienist and i've heard that becoming one can be very competitive. Besides getting good grades, what are some other ways to higher my chances at becoming a successful hygienist?

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