5 answers
Carl’s Answer
Learn your strenths and weaknesses, understand them, then use that inforamtion to go after a career you love!
Hope this helps!
Richard’s Answer
There will be times during 3rd and 4th year when you will be frustrated by your continued lack of skills and knowledge but just remember that there will be plenty of time to master your specialty during residency.
Vickey’s Answer
Stay calm. Don't fall behind in studies. If you need help, ASK FOR IT. Don't think school 24/7. Have a social life. Don't let them push you around, many will try to get you to do the dirty work, don't do their work. Develop a group of friends, in the same boat as you, and use each other for support. Study in a group. Remember, this too shall pass. Good Luck.
Rachel’s Answer
To reduce stress, do the things that allow you to maintain a healthy perspective on life. If you like to run, try to jog regularly to stay healthy. Volunteering can often help to get students out of their study bubble and show them that others have much greater problems than the score on their next test. Many people are heavily involved in church groups and community outreach.
Kortnee’s Answer
Hello, Mireia!
Congratulations on considering furthering your education!
By studying, eating a balance diet, and having a reasonable social life as an outlet, you can survive medical/dental school.
Best of luck with your educational, personal, and professional endeavors!
Best regards,
Kortnee B.
Kortnee recommends the following next steps: