Should my resume be bilingual or monolingual?
I am applying for internships in linguistics, translation and languages-related fields. I live in Montreal, which is a very bilingual city. I am wondering if it is perceived as too much to send my cv in double in order to send it in both French and English. If I should send a single version, please enlighten me as to which language it should be in. #english #language #foreign-languages #french #translation #linguistics #job-application
4 answers
Natalie’s Answer
Hi Kelly,
The purpose of the Official Languages Act last revised in 2005:
" ensure respect for English and French and ensure equality of status and equal rights and privileges as to their use in federal institutions;
support the development of English and French linguistic minority communities; and advance the equal status and use of English and French."
So officially, it should not matter but it appears that there can be discrimination. Even the Prime Minister, has mistepped this issue
I can't give you a 100% answer because it seems like it depends on the audience. I would survey several people who are well established in their careers in Montreal and ask them what they recommend.
Good Luck!