What can you do with a Spanish major?
I'm in high school, heading off to college soon, and wondering what jobs I would be able to get with a major in #Spanish. I'd love to hear what you for a living after majoring or minoring in Spanish in college!
#foreign-languages #language #languages #college-major
3 answers

Jenna Zebrowski, JD, MBA
Jenna’s Answer
Your job selection isn't necessarily limited by your major, especially if it is in liberal arts. Why are you majoring in Spanish? Do you like to speak the language, do you enjoy the literature, do you think you want to go to graduate school, etc.? Since you're not in college yet, you can always go in as a Spanish major and change majors later, if you want to. The easy answers are jobs like teachers, translators, etc., but the college you go to should have career counselors you can speak with that can help you identify your job prospects based on your major, your language skills, your interests, and a host of other items.
I minored in Spanish, and had the opportunity to work abroad for three years, then I've continued to use the language skills in my personal and professional life in communicating with people. I am glad I had another major, but I was really glad I developed those language skills.
Joel’s Answer
That is a great question. Being bilingual, especially in Spanish in the United States, is a HUGE advantage and I highly encourage you to minor or major in it. Personally, I took it out of enjoyment and ended up majoring in it, not even realizing how many classes I had taken towards my degree. Spanish is great for so many reasons, such as: it allows you to communicate outside of the workplace, lets you travel more comfortably knowing the language in Spanish-speaking countries, and is great for meeting others (and it's a lot of fun!). If you can study abroad, I also HIGHLY recommend that. I studied in Madrid and fell in love with Spain. In addition, it is very in-demand in the workplace, especially in the United States. Here are some encouraging statistics:
- The number of employers looking for bilingual employees DOUBLED from 2010 - 2015
- The number of job postings listing Spanish as a desired skill increased by 150% between 2010-2015.
(New American Economy, March 2017)
- Many jobs offer bonuses and incentives for bilingual employees
-Translators can make over $100/hour, depending on the job and immediate need
Whether you choose to study Spanish for work, travel or social reasons, I strongly recommend at least minoring in Spanish. There is a lot to gain from learning it.
Buena suerte, y déjame saber si tienes más preguntas!
Good luck!
Joel recommends the following next steps: