Career questions tagged graduating

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Judit673 views

Is It Okay to Graduate College Late?

Hi, initially I wanted to get my Associates degree from a Community College then transfer as fast as possible. Lately, I have been dealing with a lot of things and considering to take it easy and maybe get my Associates a semester or year later. Yet, I feel quite scared of letting myself go into that path since I was also encouraged to get my degree as fast as I can.

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Michael681 views

Is it a good idea for a male student with ADHD to go away for college as a freshman?

I am a senior in high school who is graduating this summer. I would like to go away and dorm but I was never away from my parents. I have ADHD, which at times I get impulsive and need a little help in the organization department. I would like to spread my wing and fly but I don't want to fail because of some of the weakness. I there anybody in my shoes and if so what did they do or can recommend? #adhd #graduating senior#confused

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Lauren831 views

Is it better to take time off right out of college?

What are your thoughts on this? A lot of people have asked me if I am going to take a gap year or go backpacking for a few months. I'd like to know if there is a way to make this travel experience relevant to PR and maybe find a way to use it as a work experience type of thing. Thoughts? #PR #Traveling #gapyear #graduating I'd like to hear from someone who took time off and what they feel they gained from it. It may also be helpful to hear from someone who didn't and why they think that is the best choice. Also, if someone could provide ideas for how to make traveling a work experience type of thing, that would be helpful as well.

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Rebecca775 views

How do you negotiate salary?

I'll be graduating in a year and want to make more than the base pay but have no idea how to negotiate salary. Please help. #jobs #graduating #salary #salary-negotiation

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Kim1181 views

What's the best and most cost efficient option of Grad school for film / screenwriting students?

I'm months away from graduating with a Bachelor's in Creative Writing and Film & Video Production. My career goal is to become a fiction author and Screenwriter. I'm currently considering several universities to get my Master's in Screenwriting including, Boston University, Loyola Marymount, and the University of Southern California. These schools and most others I've looked at cost a pretty penny in tuition, not to mention the difference in living expenses going to either of these schools will mean for me coming from a medium-sized university in the south and living at home all four years of my undergrad career. What I want to know is; are the price tags of these programs really worth it or are there cheaper options that are just as good? #college #graduate-school #screenwriting #graduating #choosing-a-college UPDATE: 4/17/2020 | Hi all! It's been a few years since I posted this question and I took some time away from schooling to work after graduating. It's been quite the journey, to say the least. This website and post just came back to my remembrance and I thought I'd update this post since I see it's gotten quite a few views since I posted it. I ended up living and working outside my field of choice for a while and after going through some struggles and battling some personal demons, by the grace of God, I'm now in a much better space to continue my education. Some major life events have allowed me to learn a lot about myself and to grow tremendously. Due to the changes of the direction my life has taken by the leading and guiding of God over the last few years, I've decided to pursue my Master's degree in Film / Screenwriting at the University of Central Florida so I can be involved on campus and be near the church family God has connected me with there in Orlando, FL. So, I just wanted to come to this post and offer some advice to any young people who may have the same questions about schooling and career pursuits that I had back when I posted this question: the best advice I could give you would be to first pursue a close relationship with God. Get to know Him and let Him prepare and guide you where He wants to send you because He knows where He will be able to best use and bless you and those around you. Jesus Christ knows you and loves you and if you'll let Him, He'll show you the path He has for you and if you follow Him, you will end up exactly where you need to be at the right time to have the success and impact in society and the fields in which you've been gifted to work and serve. If you seek to know God's will for your life first, He'll work everything out for you to get where you need to be. Many thanks for reading & best wishes to all students, filmmakers, and writers who'll come across this post. God bless & Much Love ❤🙏 Matthew 6:33 #JesusSaves #student #job #college-major #career #Filmmaker #Producer #film-production #entertainment

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Georgia1126 views

Experience on studying abroad

I am due to graduate this summer of 2017 (hopefully!) and I am considering a masters. I have stayed at a local university to complete my degree and have been considering studying abroad for my masters. I am considering Germany or Spain and I am from England. I was wondering if anyone could share their experience on studying abroad and if you enjoyed it and just how you found it in general. Was it hard to handle? Was adapting to culture hard? Is the language barrier troublesome? Is it hard being so far away from home for a long time? Thanks in advance! #travel #study-abroad #masters-degree #traveling #living-abroad #graduating

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Dylan1103 views

What is life like after attaining a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering?

Would it be easy to find a job? Is it difficult adjusting to the life of a professional engineer, in contrast to the previous life as an engineering student? #engineering #engineer #mechanical-engineering #after-college #graduating

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Jessica753 views

Would it be recommended for someone not to graduate early because of their degree?

If I were to graduate early (studying education), I would be teaching as a 19 year old. Would anyone respect me in the work place or hire me? #teaching #education #graduating #age #age-in-the-workplace

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