Career questions tagged career-decisions

Would It be better to become a regular doctor or a pediatrician?
I am in the 8th grade and I am just beginning to explore my future career. I am interested in sports and helping others along with kids.

What are some scholarships that you may have gotten? How did you get them? Did it take you long to do the work required? How did you decide what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you still like doing that job? When should I start applying for scholarships? What job did you always want to do but didn’t end up doing because you either couldn’t or thought it would be frowned upon? Was there ever a job you wanted but didn’t end up doing because it didn’t pay enough?
I’ve always wanted to be an interior designer or work in the film industry. There’s not much demand for Interior designers where I live and i don’t want to move far away from home! There is a lot of demand for the film industry though. What should I do? I want to be in a career that I love and enjoy doing but makes enough money! When will I know what career I want and will love, and how do i know that it will be acceptable?

What are some things to consider when choosing a major?
Hi, I have been struggling with choosing a major and the time is getting closer to when I have to decide as I am in university. I decided against taking BA Psychology as I struggle with writing essays. I really love learning about psychology though (not so much the research part but the counseling part). I've been asking around about different majors and so far, my criteria has been that I'm interested in it and there are jobs related to that degree. Is there anything else I should be considering when deciding?

Is college even worth it?
With how expensive college is sometimes I have to wonder to myself is college even worth it? I could just not go to college and get a plumbing job making 80 grand a year. What exactly is the huge benefit of going to college? #career-decisions #college #career #higher-education

How can I stop regretting about what I didn't do?
Everyday, I always think about the past and how did not take advantage of opportunities. For example, I could have joined NHS but did not, even though I like helping others. Also, I am on the swim team, and there is an opportunity where you can coach the little kids, but I did not do that either. #career-decisions #career-path

How can you decide your career for the rest of your life?
I like to think of myself as a Renaissance Man. I strive my hardest to be great at everything. I find it confusing how people are able to single out a specific occupation that they can commit to for the rest of their life. If someone can help me with what I should do to figure out what job I want, that would be very helpful! #medicine #career-decisions

How do I know when i'm making the right college and career decisions?
What are the signs and or characteristics of good decisions? #decisions #decision-making #college-decisions #life-decisions #career-decisions #career-choice #college-choice #life-choice

Why does it matter what college you go to?
If we are getting the same degree in different colleges, whats the point of going to a state college rather than an Ivy League college? #college #career-decisions

If you want to become an actress but your mind is also set on being a pediatrician what should I do?
I'm really passionate about acting, it's something I see myself doing but I really want to help kids and take care of kids. My heart is leaning towards acting but most people have been telling me it's not a real job and you don't know if you're going to be successful. What should I do? #career-decisions #college

Is there a profession out there that's an equal balance between creative writing/publishing and biomedical science?
I am torn between majoring in English and Biomedical Science/Engineering. I love to write stories and strive to become an editor for a publishing company/fiction author or screenwriter, but I also love genetics and would love to be a genetic engineer and researcher (see the details from my previous question.) My parents don't want me to pursue an English degree because the profession "isn't that lucrative" and I'd spend a long time working my way to steady earnings, but they also want me to find a job doing what I love. They've suggested technical writing, but I fear that technical writing could also mean less creativity when writing instruction manuals or scientific journal articles. Any suggestions or advice from real-world experiences? #creative-writing #technical-writing #writing #news-writing #editor #writing-and-editing #fiction-writing #science-fiction #creative-non-fiction #fiction #copy-editing #publishing #genetics #biomedical-engineering #biomedical-science #career-path #screenwriting #author #creative-writing #double-major #dual-career #multiple-interests #english #communications #grant-writing #proposal-writing #career-path #career-choice #career-decisions

What are some careers that are family-oriented?
Would love to have a job that still allows time to spend with my family. Are there any maybe underrated professions that would allow you to do so? #career #career-counseling #career-choice #profession #job-coaching #job-searching #career-path #career-decisions

Is is best to follow passion or logic?
I know people always say to do a job that you love, but wouldn't it be wise to take the job that makes more money so that you can do what you love on the side? When considering what to choose for my major, I keep struggling with what I want to do, and what would help me more financially. #college-major #career-decisions #passion #finance

Clubs vs Internships Freshman year of college
I'm an incoming freshman for this fall, and the college I am attending has so many opportunities. To the professionals and former college students, I wanted to ask: is it more important to get involved in clubs and organizations my first year on campus, or should I be pursuing more professional development like internships? I am majoring in social work and I'm interested in public administration in the future if that helps answer my question. #college #college-advice #internships #career-decisions

How do you effectively choose between jobs if your're granted the opportunity to be hired at both?
This is still hypothetical for me personally because I have an interview for both companies on the same day next week. However, I am anxious about every aspect of this. I have already had my preliminary phone interview with both companies and I am a bit more confident with both. The best case scenario is being able to work both, but if that is not the case, how do you weigh out the pros and cons? Both jobs are really different (one is a security job at a hospital and the other is an entry level job at a marketing firm). #marketing #job #interviews #security #career-decisions