Career questions tagged it

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Mary583 views

Hello,I am incoming senior high school this year and I'm already thinking about choosing what to pursue in the future whether should I pick accountancy or IT to learn about it early.Which one is better?

For accountant,I am introverted person and for IT,I'm into technology but the thing is my grade in math is just average.

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Nasir569 views

How can I find the best software Engineering internships around me?

Currently, I have one internship related to agriculture. I was hoping to find another internship that I'm interested in like becoming a software engineer.

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Trusiah352 views

What helped you find your profession?for IT person.

IT people what helped you find your profession

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Donta709 views

What are some tips and advice that i can use as a freshman in college who wants to get into software engineering/Information Technology Specialist?

I'm also interested in trying to land internships for experience. I start my class for programming and operating systems in July this year, I've also been studying IT Fundamentals and Programming languages in my free time.

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Abigail720 views

How can I get a remote unpaid internship or any kind of experience for this summer as a sophomore computer science college student?

As a sophomore college student, I want to explore different fields in computer science early to discover which path I might want to take in the future. I also would like to build up my resume starting now. Any experience to keep me occupied during this summer would be very helpful.

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Emmanuel908 views

As a high school student, how do I know that software engineering is a right college major for me?

I am a 18 year old student and I have been into software engineering as a side gig. I don't know if that is a solid reason to study software engineering. #computersoftware #collegemajor

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Ryan906 views

I want to pursue a career WAYYYY out of the scope of my college major. (Dance to Cybersecurity) What sort of work or opportunities should I look for?

I have reached a point where I'm about to graduate from college and I have found the need to make a very hard and fast pivot out of the dance industry. I've always had a knack for computers and tech tinkering. I recently stumbled across Cybersecurity and got my CompTIA Security+ certification. What else should I do? Apply for experience? Go to grad school? Just a little stuck looking for suggestions.

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Nomi1134 views

What do you do in your major, what is the advantages or disadvantages of your career, and lastly, have you ever regretted your decision of your career and why,... etc.

I'm struggling with choosing my career recently (as a 11th grade student). I have interests in physics, math kind of science. Few considerations are mechanical engineering jobs, architecture, IT/computer science, ...etc. I hope I'll get a respond from those professionals.

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Tony1743 views

How can I become an IT technician?

I want to become an IT technician and I want to know how I can become one

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Kevin1724 views

What is the hardest part of being an ethical hacker and some challenges you face on the job?

My name is Kevin, I am a 8th grader in middle school. What is the hardest part of being an ethical hacker and some challenges you face on the job Is it worth the money to go to college for this career?

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Shayne674 views

What proggraming language should I study?

Should I study C++, Java, Python, or HTML5 in college?

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Daniela2204 views

What are the best certificates to get an entry-level internship in cyber-security?

I'm currently a PoliSci major who wants to get an internship in the field of cyber-security, what are the best certificates to get?

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pramit304 views

which subject is suitable for an industrial engineering background student to do ms ? any way to get into IT field?

specially i love to learn different programming language for fun

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Chiara3556 views

What are tips for starting in IT Help Desk?

Hi! I'm looking to enter IT. Most people that want to enter IT start working at a help desk. Before working in help desk, I think it's important to get some advice and pro-tips. What should someone know before starting at IT Help Desk?

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Chiara508 views

What are some tips for the Comp TIA A+?

Hi! I'm looking to enter IT. One piece of advice given to start in IT near end of college is to get the A+ cert, a.k.a the CompTIA A+ certification. What are some tips to know for the A+? What are common easy areas while practicing for the exams? On the flip side: What are common challenges of practicing for the exams?

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Chiara604 views

How do you study for certifications?

Hi! I'm looking to enter IT. In IT, many jobs require certifications to pursue specific roles. How do people in IT study for certification tests? What is your approach to studying on a consistent routine?

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Chiara443 views

What companies support clean technology and share IT roles?

Hi! I'm looking to enter IT. An industry I discovered is clean technology. Clean technology means environmentally-friendly or energy efficient power use. Are there any midwest American companies that have information technology departments and care about sustainability or energy stuff? If so, what are the companies looking for from IT college students?

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Chiara764 views

What are the top 3 best industries within IT?

Hi! I'm looking to enter IT. I want to know the best sectors or industries to work in. By industries, I mean the following areas that use information technology: - Cybersecurity - Military - Healthcare - Business - Government - Manufacturing - Oil & Gas - Advertising / Apps (i.e: FAANG companies: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google) and other social media app co.'s - & More! An industry I wanna work in is one that: - provides good work/life balance - values curiosity, learning, and well-being - is stable (meaning people don't get let go frequently)

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peter504 views

Does build pc can be a call a job ???

I'm very passionate about it, but among them, building computers is my favorite because I enjoy handling computer parts. However, I'm worried that nowadays almost anyone can build a computer by themselves and without their assistance, so I'd like to know if building computers is a profession or if there is a company that does it.#Computer #IT

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Szarelle444 views

When thinking about foods to put on your menu, what factors do you take into account?

When thinking about foods to put on your menu, what factors do you take into account?

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Tianna921 views

Concerns about Tech....Thoughts?

After reading articles about the Tech Industry, I noticed that many tech professionals are concerned about the job market. Some describe the market as "in a rough place" or "slowing down" due to layoffs from major companies. At the same time, the BLS says that computer and information jobs are expected to grow between 15% and 21%. I'm not sure how to feel about this. Hearing it's growing yet bad confuses me. Does anyone have any thoughts about this? Ultimately, what should people pursuing careers in technology keep in mind? Should they stay or go into something else?

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Lucion412 views

Where should I start if I wanted to enter the IT field?

I'm curious about it for a career path but I really don't know where I'd start.

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Jessica807 views

How to get an entry job level in IT with no degree or experience?

How to get a job in IT with no degree or work experience as an adult? What are the best places to look? What skills can I learn on my own to make that happen?

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Jordan445 views

How would I start my career in IT?

As a college student working in a admin job. I have no prior experience in IT. Where would I start to get an entry level job in IT.

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Samuel582 views

What are some software skills I should be familiar with as an Information Security Engineer?

What programs or software should I get myself acquainted with when it comes to being an Information Security Engineer?

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Allyson670 views

What are some helpful high school classes or PSEO classes to take for careers in the science and technology fields?

I am interested in computer programming and possibly starting my own business in technology/computing.

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Cody408 views

Which steps have you taken in order to become an information security analyst?

I understand that you need to at least have a bachelor's degree for the most part to fill this role, but I'm curious about how you went about furthering your career from the ground up to the career. Did you take another entry level job? Because I understand that a lot of companies require their information security analysts to have 4-5 years of experience in a related field in order to be employed.

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Vivek512 views

How I can became software developer if I am from commerce stream because at first I want my college degree from B.CA but unfortunately I have only IT as a optional subject and I don't have MATHS so please guide me ?

I score 75 percent in my 10 grade At present I learn JAVA as it is included in 12 grade

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Aidan604 views

How would I get into the cybersecurity field?

I don't really know what I want to do and I think CyberSecurity seems cool.

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Mohammed665 views

What job should I attempt to go for as a new Cybersecurity student?

Hi I'm new at UTS, and really would like to start of with a few jobs related within the Cybersecurity field. Any recommendations for someone who hasn't worked much in their lives would be much appreciated 🙂.

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