Career questions tagged residency

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Jamylah303 views

What are some tips in Medical school, i'm currently a freshman in collage and ive been looking for some tips on med school, resources on how to pay that expesive bill and tips on the test? I also heard that you get placed at a certain spot once completing that and I was confused on how that operates and what does that exactly mean ?

What are some tips in Medical school, i'm currently a freshman in collage and ive been looking for some tips on med school, resources on how to pay that expesive bill and tips on the test?? I also heard that you get placed at a certain spot once completing that and I was confused on how that operates and what does that exactly mean

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Angelina649 views

How do you balance your work and home life, since school and residency takes up so much time Also, as a doctor, have you experienced burn out either in your work or in the school leading up to your career? If so, how do you cope with it??

I am in 12th grade, planning to attend Texas A&M and major in Biomedical Sciences and hope to continue to Medical School. I would really like to study emergency medicine

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Valeria289 views

How many years of school are required for radiologists?

more specifically, how long are typical residency's?

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Maggie381 views

How difficult was it to maintain a good work-life balance during medical school and residency?

I plan on going into neurosurgery, which is an extensive residency. How difficult is it to have a family while in residency?

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Tahjey595 views


What are some advantages and disadvantages of becoming a neurosurgeon?

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CHIBUZOR505 views

I would like to know how much an Obsterics and Gynecology Resident makes in their 1st year, in USA #Fall22

How much does an Obsterics and Gynecology Resident make in their 1st year, in USA #Fall22

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Alexandria636 views

What are somethings you can do to stand out in medical school?

As a medical student are there any remote opportunities, professional development, or career advice to help students differentiate from others in securing a job?

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Rose477 views

What are challenges I can expect when getting my degree?

#bachelors #MD #DO #residency #gynocology

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taylor381 views

To become a toxicologist, what does residency look like?

I guess what i’m asking is, is all residency the same? #residency

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alyssa957 views

Is getting straight A's a good way to get a good scholarship ? And what if you were to have one B ? Would that effect your chance to recieve a scholarship . Also what kind of scholarships could you get that would be very beneficial ?

I want to be an orthopedic surgeon which will require 4 years of undergraduate, 4 years of medical school, and up to 5 years of residency. So I know it will be very important to get a scholarship and I would appreciate your advice and opinions. #scholarship #college #financial-aid #university #medicine #orthopedic #residency

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Mira520 views

what are the procedures to study medical residency in Georgia for a foreign student please?

i am a medical student in Algeria and i am so interested to study my medical residency in georgia after getting my degree here, is it possible? and what are the procedures please?? i really need help!!! #medicine #RESIDENCY #doctor

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Emily635 views

How long does it take to become a pediatrician? How many years of residency are required?

#pediatrician #medicalschool #residency #nursing #medicine

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DAMON984 views

What degree do i need to be a surgeon and how long will it take

Because iv'e been planning to become a surgeon #residency #surgeons #pediatric-surgeon #medicine

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William674 views

For doctors/physicians, what would you change to enhance your residency experience?

I understand that there are ups and downs in medical school and the training years later on. I want to know what can be done to make things smoother for doctors. #medicine #residency #doctor #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare

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Matthew832 views

How does the residency process work following medical school?

I want to go to medical school, and I know this is followed by a residency, but I don’t know a lot about that process. How does the application process for residency work? Do residencies focus on specialties? #medicine #residency #medical-school #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

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Bhavani686 views

How will the MD-DO residency merger affect students seeking an MD and students seeking a DO, particularly those students interesting in pursuing ophthalmology?

I've has a passion for medicine for as long as I can remember. Due to my medical history and having read up on various conditions and diseases, I've found ophthalmology to be the field, that I would like to pursue, so that I can give other individuals a shot at living an uninhibited life. I know that ophthalmology is a difficult residency to place into, often granted to the top 10% of medical school classes. I was hoping to know what would happen during the merger, so that I could be better informed as to how attending either an MD or DO school would affect my chances of getting the residency that I'd like. #medicine -school -education #residency #ophthalmology

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Osiris 875 views

Is it possible to do medical school in Cuba?

I want to be a surgeon and want to see if it would be possible to go to Cuba for medical school. My only concern is if I would be able to transfer these credits to make sure I can do my residency and work in the United States afterward. #surgeon #medicalschool- #medical-school #residency #residence-life #medicine

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Ella830 views

What is the process for getting and working in a surgical residency?

#medicine #surgery #residence-life #residency #doctor

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Nada2165 views

What is the difference between a residency and a fellowship?

Given the fact that after earning an M.D. in order to specialize in a specific doctor's field you have to go through a program to gain certification, the terms residency and fellowship have both been mentioned and I, as a result, don't know the difference between the two. #doctor #residency #certifications #fellowships

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Alexis1101 views

Can I make money through college internships in hospitals and through residencies?

Specifically hospitals in North Carolina #college #hospitals #residency #medicine #hospital-and-health-care #residency #pre-med

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Amy1195 views

Do aspiring optometrists need to complete a residency program like that of medical students?

I was wondering about optometrists and their career paths. #school #graduate-school #optometry #residency

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Irma979 views

What is "getting your residency"?

I was interested in going into the medical field, and people often refer to getting something called "your residency". #doctor #residency

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Jamia1226 views

For me to become a neurosurgeon, do I have to complete my residency ?

I am a senior in high school , and I want to become a neurosurgeon. I know that I have to do 4 years in college, and 4 years in medical school. What about the residency? What's the least amount of time can I do? #doctor #neurosurgeon #residency

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Monica 1527 views

What are the steps to become a nurse mid-wife and a OBGYN?

Hello, My name is Monica Rodriguez, I am a junior at Madison Park Technical High School. My career that I want to mayor in, to become a OB GYN. Here at my high school, I am taking classes which involves me in the Medical field. I really enjoy it and I am very interested in learning and becoming a OB GYN. Since I was young I really enjoyed watching people giving birth and bringing a new person out into this world and it was very interesting. Therefore, I still loved that career and I enjoy learning about it more and more everyday. I want to become a OB GYN and I was wondering if someone can help me figure out some steps that will help me succeed and help me in my career research it will be so awesome. #education #residency #malpractice

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Hector11705 views

How did you choose where to do your residency?

I know becoming a doctor requires several years of schooling, but I am unsure of the process after Pre-Med and Medical School. How do Doctors decide where to do their residency? #doctor #medicine #surgeon #hospital #medical-field #residency

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MiKayla2131 views

If you intern at a hospital as a nurse do you let you stay once you internship is done or do they make you leave?

I am a junior in high school and I would like to be an oncology nurse. #nurse #internship #hospital #residency

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DejaCodman227907 views

What does an OBGYN do while in residency?

I am a sophomore who is interested in learning more about the steps leading up into becoming an OBGYN. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #residency #steps

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