Career questions tagged ophthalmology

Is optics and optical engineering important to study for ophthalmology?
My college offers both optics and optical engineering as majors and these focus on quantum optics, nanophotonics, optoelectronics, and more. Since these emphasize more on light's interactions with lenses and engineering the devices possibly used in medical exams, I was unsure if I should involve myself in these classes. I hope to become an eye surgeon, not an optometrist but does anyone have some advice?

Why is the med-school ride necessary for ophthalmology?
I am a sophomore on a pre-med track at university and the uncertainty of med school scares me. I am certain of my desire for ophthalmology, but I worry that many years spent in med school will not be years spent learning about the eyes. Is there any advice to calm doubts and fears of being unsuccessful even after all the years' investments?

Are you happy as an ophthalmologist?
I’ve seen doctors that warn others of their profession because they grow unhappy of it and it’s lifestyle. How do ophthalmologists feel about their job? #ophthalmology #medicine

Do you have free time as an ophthalmologist?
Free time does not have to be very long, but is there a small window of time to do what you like? #medicine #ophthalmology

What is the average salary of an ophthalmologist?
What is the salary specifically in the United States? Does it vary from place to place? #medicine #ophthalmology

What personality type best fits the role of an ophthalmologist?
Is personality really important? What kind of traits would excel in a career in ophthalmology?#medicine #ophthalmology

Optometry or Ophthalmology?
Do you believe one is better than the other? If so, in what aspects? #medicine #optometry #ophthalmology

How do I find volunteer opportunities as a technician in ophthalmology?
I'm looking volunteer as a technician for a private ophthalmology practice. #volunteer #ophthalmology #technician #career

How will the MD-DO residency merger affect students seeking an MD and students seeking a DO, particularly those students interesting in pursuing ophthalmology?
I've has a passion for medicine for as long as I can remember. Due to my medical history and having read up on various conditions and diseases, I've found ophthalmology to be the field, that I would like to pursue, so that I can give other individuals a shot at living an uninhibited life. I know that ophthalmology is a difficult residency to place into, often granted to the top 10% of medical school classes. I was hoping to know what would happen during the merger, so that I could be better informed as to how attending either an MD or DO school would affect my chances of getting the residency that I'd like. #medicine -school -education #residency #ophthalmology

If I work in a medical career in another country, what are the regulations I need to follow?
If I become certified with IJCAHPO (International Joint Commission on Allied Health Professionals in Ophthalmology) after graduating with my Associates, I can pretty much find a career in another country. If there is anyone working abroad or internationally in the medical field, I am interested in knowing what rules or regulations I must follow in order to live and work in another country. #international-law #hospital-and-health-care #healthcare #medical-careers #medicine #ophthalmology #living-abroad #working-abroad

What will the future look like for ocular medicine and technological advancements?
The reason I ask this is because I am going to college to become an Ophthalmic Technician and I graduate in May 2019. With technology moving at a fast pace, I wonder if my professors will be able to create advanced lessons and labs in regards to the medical advancements occurring in the future. I am worried on missing out in learning new medical techniques after I graduate. #ophthalmology #technology #medicine #medical-careers #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care