Career questions tagged community-service

What are some things I can be doing outside of school to add to my college profile?
I play soccer in the fall and I would like to manage another sports team and join theater later in the year. My school is pretty small so there aren't many opportunities for clubs. Do you have any suggestions for good community service or volunteering ideas that I can do outside of school?

What are some good examples of volunteer opportunities that high school students can participate in?
I'm looking for some fun volunteering opportunities, especially those that are online/can be done in the comfort of your own home at any time.

What does it take to become or get into a Computer Science/Computer Engineering Major?
I heard that getting into a Computer Science major is somewhat getting harder. What does it take to increase your chances of getting accepted to that major/school? Is there a certain volunteer or community service that has to be done? Something related to computers? Are there prerequisite that should be taken in high School?

Can you put community service on your resume or even college application?
I have about 50+ hours of community service and I was wondering if I can use it for resumes and even college applications. Does it count as extracurricular activities or does it entirely depend on the project that I was working on. I was reading question about this and I remembered that I sent a resume out for an internship but I didn´t put my hours as work experience...

What is the best way to give back to you're community whether you make it to college or not?
I am asking this question because most people think you have to have a lot of money to help others out but there are plenty of way's to do so without having a penny. #community-outreach #volunteering #community-service

What organizations should I get involved in to help others while building a basis in medicine while in college?
I want to start helping people as soon as possible and I also want to learn about medicine as much as possible because it has always been the most intriguing field to learn about for me. #medicine #community-service

Is volunteering a lot enough to make me stand out when applying to colleges?
I am homeschooled, so I don't have very many extracurricular activity opportunities. I do volunteer a lot, usually 150-200 hours a year. Will that be enough to make me stand out when I apply to colleges, or no? Thanks! #college #business #education #higher-education #volunteering #extracurriculars #community-service

What are some extra curricular activites that look impressive on a college application?
I'm a sophomore in high school and have been focusing on building up my extra curricular or activities so I have a good list when I start applying for college and I want it to look impressive so they can see that I'm all around good student and not just academically. #college-applications #academic-advising #extracurriculars #community-service

How can I keep a work/ life balance within the Counselling/Community services industry?
I am due to start a dual diploma in Counselling and Community services, I am a very people orientated person, however at times I find it hard to "switch off". Due to varying/changing hours in the industry/PCP/Best care etc I'm just interested in the typicals of when/where/how etc people in the industry take time for themselves/wind down. Thanks in advance. :) #mentoring #counselling #community-service #disability