1 answer
What steps do I need to take if I want to pursue a degree in neuroscience?
I am a Senior in high school and just finished my college applications. I signed up for neuroscience as my major. I know that I will need higher levels of education afterward but am not sure what classes or degrees specifically I need to go for. What steps should I take after college?
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1 answer
Aisha’s Answer
Hi Shirley,
Having a strong background in high school biology or chemistry is a bonus when studying neuroscience in college. In addition, high school courses in electronics, biology, chemistry, geology, geography, human biology, physics, mathematics, computer science or psychology give you an advantage.
You'll need to earn a bachelor's degree and then a master's degree and/or a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). If you intend on working with patients, you will need to earn a degree from medical school and a physician's license. After earning your doctoral degree, you'll complete one or more postdoctoral programs.
The focus takes the study of neuropsychology and neuroscience away from the individual and applies these fields to social systems. Therefore, an undergraduate degree in social psychology, cognitive psychology, or neuroscience can be the start of your educational journey.
Having a strong background in high school biology or chemistry is a bonus when studying neuroscience in college. In addition, high school courses in electronics, biology, chemistry, geology, geography, human biology, physics, mathematics, computer science or psychology give you an advantage.
You'll need to earn a bachelor's degree and then a master's degree and/or a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). If you intend on working with patients, you will need to earn a degree from medical school and a physician's license. After earning your doctoral degree, you'll complete one or more postdoctoral programs.
The focus takes the study of neuropsychology and neuroscience away from the individual and applies these fields to social systems. Therefore, an undergraduate degree in social psychology, cognitive psychology, or neuroscience can be the start of your educational journey.