Career questions tagged music-education

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Josiah364 views

What colleges should I consider??

I want to be a music therapist and concert pianist; where should I go to college?

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Joshua314 views

How do I become a singer before 20?

I want to be a pop singer by the time I turn 20. What should I do to make sure I get a record deal by then? And when I get it how do I keep it? And how do I know which record company to choose?

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Faith872 views

Do you need to go to college to be a singer?

What education do we need or, do we need any at all?

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Kristin496 views

How can I get started with making music?

I'm a freshman in HS & I want to pursue music production as a possible career in college, does anyone know how I can get an early start on that? I love music, specifically rap (hip-hop & R&B too), and I was wondering if anyone knew any good websites that I could get started on with making beats. I'm a fast learner, but since it would be my first time experimenting, beginner-friendly websites would be preferred :) Also if anyone has tips/knows any good YouTube channels that discuss this topic, that would be greatly appreciated!

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Zachary370 views

How can I somehow mix my passion for music with a career that is financially sound #Spring24?

I just began learning music theory and instruments and i may want to pursue a career in this maybe teaching #Spring24

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Kristin488 views

What should my major be Lawyer, pharmacist, producer.?

I pretty much have 3 options I've narrowed it down to. Lawyer, pharmacist, music producer. Lawyer because I like to argue & I'm pretty good with backing up my reasons + they make a good amount of money, but it is possible it won't work out because I can't find a good law firm to work for. Pharmacists because they make a good amount of money no matter where you work. Music producer because I love music and making music (specifically beats for rap & I love rap/hip-hop in general) & I'd love to learn more about music theory, but I'm a female and if you aren't successful, I might lose a lot of money. In the end is it up to me and my desires or should I focus on the success rate & money?

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Josiah577 views

Does it really matter where you go to college?

I plan to major in piano and voice performance with a minor in psychology, and then start private music lessons. Does it matter where I go to college, or should I try to get into one that is more prestigious in the realm of music performance? I kind of want to go to a Christian college that is closer to home, but obviously they aren't really known for music performance so I'm just wondering what I should do.

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Trenton662 views

Tips and Info on music creating and yourself when it comes to creating music.

1. when did you start or when were you employed? 2. how many years have you worked in this career? 3. did you get an education for your job, and if so what was it? 4. how much is the average amount a new person would make? 5. how much could you make with a decent amount of experience to a lot? 6. what is the work environment like? (surroundings?)(People?) 7. around how long does it take to produce and release a song/beat? 8. tips for creating music. 9. how to avoid non-liked lyrics and create more that are enjoyable to listen to 10. fun fact(s) about the industry or yourself These are questions for someone in the music industry I have for a school project. I am studying music creators because that is what I wanted to do when I got older. I am mainly wanting a rap artist but it doesn't matter too much.

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Ashton258 views

What is something you wish you would have known before your first job teaching music?

I'm researching possibly being a music teacher.

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Jackson1088 views

How much does it cost to become a music major?

I want to become a music major. But, i don't know how difficult/ expensive.

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Cypress912 views

How do you record and publish music cost effectively with good sound quality?

Tips on recording and places to do so

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tyler359 views

How to I succeed in music?

I want to know about Logic Pro and audio mixing

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tyler368 views

How do I become successful in making music?

I would like to make music in the future and I want to know how some music software works

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isabella772 views

How to make your music special?

How do you make you music special/different from others? Nowadays everything's already been made and all music sounds the same. How to you keep it original?

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Kylea265 views

What is it like applying to colleges for musical theatre?

Is it a lengthy process? Is it different than applying for other majors?

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Miles608 views

How do I make money as a musician?

How can I start a career as a musician? I want to perform live and have a fanbase, how do I do that and make money from it? I've been interested in music and singing for most of my life and have always loved performing and I think that's what I want to do.

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Catherine376 views

What is the best way to go about college music auditions ?

I'm a rising senior and have played viola since 6th grade. I want to go into music education, likely becoming an orchestra teacher in the future, but am unsure of how auditions work for music education programs.

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Albree492 views

What kind of education would be needed to seek a career in the field of music?

Would I have to go to college, grad school, or does simply a high school diploma work in this case?

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Meghanne279 views

How do you get your foot in the door when auditioning for professional orchestras? Who can I contact to get information on auditions and music material? How can I start composing my own music? What are good websites or applications when trying to make a musical score?

I play clarinet for my school band and am currently learning Alto Saxophone. I have minimal experience in Oboe but I am planning or picking it up again as well.

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Caleb484 views

Is becoming a music major worth it?

I play trumpet and bass guitar. I want to play bassoon but my school does not have one. I am interested in becoming an aerospace engineer or a music educator. But is a college path in music worth it?

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emily420 views

Did you take advanced placement classes for your music career? ?

does it really matter what classes you take for a music career or is more focus on your talent then your education?

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Israel291 views

If i was to buy drum kits where should i buy them from?

The drumkits that I have are the stock program ones and I need to find where big music producers find their drumkits.

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Israel528 views

If i was to learn music production trough youtube who should i be watching?

My goal is to expand my research.

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Israel293 views

What are some good Plugin VSTS/Drum kits for electronic music?

I'm struggling to find drum kits for electronic music and I'm also having a hard time finding good plugins VSTS.

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Israel928 views

Is Fl Studio a good DAW for Music-Production?

I have been watching videos about different DAWs and people keep saying that Fl Studio is a program that is more for beginners instead of producers and I want to know if that's true.

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Brycen328 views

What are the mundane tasks of middle/high school music teachers?

I'm a high school sophomore in the US who is considering going into teaching music. Every job has its tasks that are as boring as humanly possible. What are those for music teachers in the United States?

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Brycen543 views

What are the job tasks and/or required college classes for high school music teachers?

I'm a sophomore in high school that's taking both band and choir. Those are likely some of my favorite classes, and I've also been considering becoming a teacher for years. What are the day-to-day job tasks for high school band and choir teachers, and what college courses are required to get there?

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Ava553 views

Scholarships for music education?

What scholarships are available for musical theatre majors. #music #musicaltheatre #singing #scholarship #help #collegebound #communitycollege

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Rainer516 views

Is it hard to make connections in music?

how can i monetize my instrumentals?

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Rashaan608 views

Do I need a college education to proceed with becoming a Music Composer/Arranger?

Is a college education required for me to start this career?

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