1 answer
What are the mundane tasks of middle/high school music teachers?
I'm a high school sophomore in the US who is considering going into teaching music. Every job has its tasks that are as boring as humanly possible. What are those for music teachers in the United States?
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1 answer

Katherine Avery
Run a music studio and teach private music lessons; teach college-level religion classes
Spanish Fork, Utah
Katherine’s Answer
Getting up in the morning and going to work can be ;) Otherwise, for me it's been "having to submit lesson plans" from home weekly, mostly for the sake of a sub in case of sudden sickness during these COVID years, when it usually turned out that no one checked my lesson plans when a day came that a sub was needed, and so it was pretty useless and took a lot of my time that I couldn't get back.
Going over the same tunes and talking to the same people about the same things needing attention and sharpening up in the classroom or during class-time whether on a weekly or a multi-yearly basis can be pretty boring.
Going over the same tunes and talking to the same people about the same things needing attention and sharpening up in the classroom or during class-time whether on a weekly or a multi-yearly basis can be pretty boring.