Career questions tagged philanthropy

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Carolyn412 views

How Do I help displaced teens?

How do you start a home for teens displaced for abuse or runaway?, I’m interested in doing this someday. How do I get started? What are laws about it?

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Isabella1132 views

Do you need to get a philanthropic-focused MBA to get a CSR job?

I am very interested in pursuing CSR, non-profit work, social entrepreneurship, etc. as a career after college. My university offers a 5-year Bachelors + MBA program which would mean less time and money but they only offer focuses in the big business areas (EX: marketing, management, finance, etc.) Should I choose this option or move to a 2-year MBA program that is more focused for my career goals? #csr #mba #business #nonprofit #philanthropy

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Chelsea875 views

How can I make an impact on the world?

I have always wanted to make an impact in the world. I lived for it as a child (16 years and going in the Girl Scouts, NHS Scholar, etc), but doing it with established organizations is different than doing it on your own. #nonprofits #social-change #career #philanthropy

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Forrest1111 views

why do many highschools, and now some colleges, stress standardized testing?

I come from the deep south and in the school environment i've seen there is more stress put on passing a test than retaining information. I have even received cheat sheets, along with the rest of the class, from teachers for tests. now in college I see that almost nothing was retained and have begun to struggle with grades. how is this preparing us for the next step in life? I feel its moved me backwards. #psychology #education #art #educator #sociology #politics #philosophy #philanthropy

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