Career questions tagged mba

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MR. K733 views

What is your opinion on this : Should i start my business now only without doing mba and saving 30 lakh education loan and put it here or should i do mba and do job for 5 year repay education loan and again take loan and start a business ?

Currently i have job of 5 LPA at IT . I am not interested in IT field but want to switch to finance or money . I already have education loan of 10 Lakh for Btech . So i am planning to get into mba college in india via CAT which will require at least 30 lakh which i can take as a education loan so it will be of 2 years course. My currently goal is to go to mba college take job of at least 20lpa and do job for at least 4-5 years and do my own business by taking loan from bank again of nearly 30 lakh .

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Naina693 views

What to do with MBA degree?

I am a senior

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Ashwini1026 views

Is it true that it is easy for IITians to get into MBA programmes in top business schools abroad? Is it impossible for students from other institutes (like MSRIT, etc.) who are equally qualified with GMAT scores?

I've heard that most of the students from india who get into mba programmes abroad are IITians and very few of the students of other institutes in India get into the same programme. Is it a myth or reality and why?

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William759 views

What's the best college plan to get into a management field?

Say I want to get a management position in the Software Development field. Should I get a bachelor's degree in Computer Science first, and then get an MBA? Should I do this while working/internship or focus on just getting the MBA?

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Teriyana790 views

Where can I find and/or apply to MBA scholarships ?

Where can I find MBA scholarships as a minority woman and/or human being in general? I also am curious how to find scholarships for graduate programs too. Links and guidance are appreciated.

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Teriyana789 views

Howard MBA or Johns Hopkins MBA?

I am trying to choose between these two MBA programs (Howard or Johns Hopkins). Does anyone know the main differences between these two programs? I am specifically interested in the "online"/part time version of each program. Thank you!

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allaya1002 views

should i double major or get a dual degree in economics and psychology?

what all careers opportunities will i have? and can i get my master’s in psychology if i double majored in econ and psych?

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Emily502 views

When should I get an MBA? After I have had a full-time job or right after undergrad?

I am a rising junior in college and I am also wondering if I should take the GRE as opposed to the GMAT.

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Abhishree315 views

Skill required during the job from a commerce background?

what should I learn so that a company can choose me to stand out of the line?

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Abhishree383 views

which MBA is better one with work experience or without experience?

some people say nowadays an MBA degree is of no use and better to learn on the job as MBA does not provide partial knowledge

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Ankit392 views

Should I continue with ACCA or go for MBA?

I have completed 7 out of 13 ACCA paper, also got a good CAT score and thinking of going for MBA from DTU in Analytics, but not able to decide what to do?

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Akaash413 views

Which is the best course to pursue after completing BBA? MBA, MiM, MSc, Mres? Or is there some other course that is a better option?

I have completed my BBA and have almost completed 1 year of work experience as well. I want to pursue my masters but am not sure which course to opt for. Would greatly appreciate an/all advice that you can share with me, regarding which course to choose. Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you!

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Sana637 views

accounting after BS in nutrition and Dietetics

Hi! can i do masters in accounting after BS in nutrition and Dietetics or what options i have e.g. MBA?

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Ivana1496 views

Does MBA in accounting help when you are also trying to get a CPA?

I will start college in September with a major in Accounting and possibly a minor in something. I want to get my CPA and I'm not sure if I should get my MBA in accounting too. Please share your journey of getting your CPA or CPA and MBA. Please include the degree level that you graduated with. Thank you

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Ahkilah1095 views

Career advice for an MBA Graduate?

I am graduating with my MBA in management this Saturday! I am super excited but I am seeking advice on next steps. I don’t have much work experience, but I have lots to offer. Any suggestions for how someone like me can break through the barriers of entry level positions?

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Srujani646 views

what MBA specialization can fit well with me?

I've recently graduated and decided learn business, so currently preparing for MBA/PGDM entrance, but still confused with what specialization to be taken. It's been a while that I'm journaling ideas in various businesses, and since am already a writer(but writes fictional), I've decided to take a content writing and start writing blogs with those ideas sometime soon. Taking this into consideration, marketing can be good option but my creativity doesn't always guaranty me to come up with spontaneous ideas. I'm a finance student so that's a good option too. Project management role feels quite stressful even tho I've got attracted to that role(afraid of my energy levels being an introvert). I'm looking forward to do psychology in my future too. so I'm willing to something which advantages with psychology too. I've still not gone through any other specializations but actually everything feels so interesting. Can anyone help me out?

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Genevieve1802 views

Should I take a break, or drive right into my MBA program?

I would like to earn a MBA after earning my bachelor's. Should I immediately enter the MBA program after graduating, or should I wait and get a job with only my bachelor's degree?

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Genevieve868 views

Are all MBA programs the same?

Do they cover the same topics, or do some programs specialize in one particular area( e.g. economics, accounting, etc.)

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Genevieve825 views

Are online or in-person MBA programs better?

I plan on attending an in-person MBA program, but I want to keep my options flexible.

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Genevieve678 views

Which Kansas University/College has the best MBA program?

My new home town has a University which offers a MBA program, but I'm open to exploring other options.

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Genevieve1082 views

What careers options exist for someone who has a bachelor's in math and a MBA?

I feel that this education path would combine my two major interests (math and business). If anyone's out there who has this degree combination, I'd really appreciate your advice!

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Humberto722 views

Is getting MBA post-grad worth it? Bentley University

I am currently a consulting intern at a Big 4 company and was wondering if getting my MBA degree soon after my Bachelors degree is worth it? I have spoken with so many successful professionals in the firm without one and do not see the ROI being so high. I am currently on an accelerated MBA at Bentley University and have up to five years to finish my MBA after graduating, but not sure if the costs is worth it if I want to stick with consutling.

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Azaria703 views

What are some essential steps to starting a business?

#mba #business-management #entrepreneurship #startups #international-business

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Anthony3462 views

Getting into Biotech without Biotech related degree

I am a Psychology major graduating in Spring of 2022 and heavily considering getting my MBA after graduation. I discovered recently that I would like to work in business for a medical research/ biotech company in hopes of starting my own one day. But I am not sure if getting in this industry is possible, because of my current degree and no prior experience in this field. #biotech #molecular-biology #mba #medical #medicine #nanotechnology #college #research #business #medical-research #career #masters #career-choice

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muskan780 views

BCA gradute ! what to do next?

i don't want to go for MCA . i am planning for mba from top colleges. but still i want to explore new things. different career options rather than mba to boost up my career. and yah i am planning for digital marketing so is it good ? plz tell me diff options for career path. #career #career-paths #technology #mba

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Abby2084 views

Is an MBA more useful than a PhD if I want to keep my options open?

I'm a 3rd year physics major at RIT and still have no idea what I want to do for a living once I graduate. I've heard that our MBA program is great, and I've been enjoying business-related work in my current job. Though I'm not sure what physics and business could combine to make me uniquely qualified for... I'd appreciate any thoughts! #physics #college #physics-major #mba #phd #business #science #stem

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Mallory1108 views

What does a masters in business help with?

Is pursuing getting a Masters in business worth it or should I focus on a Bachelors degree? Would a Masters open any extra doors for future career options? #help #business #MBA

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Isabella1132 views

Do you need to get a philanthropic-focused MBA to get a CSR job?

I am very interested in pursuing CSR, non-profit work, social entrepreneurship, etc. as a career after college. My university offers a 5-year Bachelors + MBA program which would mean less time and money but they only offer focuses in the big business areas (EX: marketing, management, finance, etc.) Should I choose this option or move to a 2-year MBA program that is more focused for my career goals? #csr #mba #business #nonprofit #philanthropy

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Oscar810 views

What would the best fit for an Industrial Designer + MBA be?

#design #MBA #business #entrepreneur #product design #tech

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Tirth1087 views

After bachelors in aircraft maintenance , can I study MBA ?

#MBA #aircraftmaintenace #aerospaceengineer #cheifengineer #aviationuniversities

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