Career questions tagged clubs

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Eshita319 views

How do I make my club at school more active and how do I invite guest speakers to speak about their experiences?

I am apart of the leadership board of my club in school. The club mostly focuses on writing but I don't know how to get people interested in joining. Essentially, when I was given a leadership position, it was practically a dead club. I want to invite guest speakers to speak but I don't know how to start.

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Gurbaani899 views

How should I go about getting leadership positions in school?

Most are popularity contests which introverts and less popular people have no chance of winning.

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Valeria467 views

What can I do to make my future college application look good ?

Hi! My name is Valeria and am in about to be a sophomore in high school. I was curious about things I could do to impress colleges and make them want to pick me as a student. Next year I am planning on joining my schools HOSA club. My interests after high school is something in the pediatric field and wanted to know if there was anything in specific that could make me stand out. Thank you!!

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Kyra447 views

Should I join Clubs?

Should I join any clubs that aren't related to medicine, science, or math in high school? If yes, what are some excellent suggestions and why?

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Genevieve639 views

What would be the benefits of joining Phi Theta Kappa as a remote student?

My community college has invited me to join their Phi Theta Kappa club several times. However, I don't feel that there's much point in me joining because I am a remote out of state student. I don't that I would be very much involved in the club. The only benefit that I can think of is that it would look good on my resume? What are your thoughts/advice on this?

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Claire566 views

Hi! Does anyone have any advice on starting a mock trial club or a mock trial team at their high school?

I already have a Forensics Team at my high school, so I am not sure if there will be any conflicts. On top of that, with coronavirus, I am doubtful there will be any mock trial tournaments. I've done a lot of research about mock trial and I think it would be a great addition to my school, but I don't know enough to be teaching other people. Any advice helps! Thank you! #mocktrial #highschool #clubs

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Kristen763 views

What types of extracurricular activities are colleges most interested in?

Are they more interested in group activities like marching band or a sports team? Or are they more interested in academic organizations like student government, FBLA, or SMAC (Student Movement Against Cancer)? Is work experience, like teaching piano lessons, equally as important or more important than these activities? #extracurriculars #college #clubs #workexperience #student

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Rebekah729 views

How important are extracurricular activities?

I'm an active member of several clubs, but I'm not a leader or president or anything. I want to build my resume, but I'm not exactly sure what stands out. The clubs I'm apart of are: Model UN, Forensics, FBLA and Science Club. (And I'm not participating to get into college, I'm doing them because they're fun.) #clubs #activities #resume

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Yanet751 views

I was recently accepted into the University of Florida, I am majoring in Public Relations. I wanted to know if joining clubs or even Greek Life benefited you in the long run with internships and/or even job opportunities?

#public-relations #greek-life #clubs #internships

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Mireia1004 views

What are some tips for making the most of college?

#college #college-major #college-advice #college-bound #college-selection #colleges #internships #volunteering #programs #clubs #gpa #studying-tips #university #higher-education #summer-abroad #college-recruiting #college-jobs #college-majors

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Julisa1111 views

How do I get information on different programs and clubs outside of school?

Recently, I have learned about different programs that are offered to students in my community, that I have never heard of before, until now. With this realization, I'd like to know how to be able to get informed if there are other programs or clubs that I'd be able to participate in. Not only that, but I'd like to know who I should be asking and talking to in order to get accepted into a good university. #communications #community #community-outreach #programs #clubs #student-activities #nonprofits

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Aimee1230 views

What clubs/organizations should I take while possibly majoring in astronomy?

I want to major in astronomy (and possibly minor in computer science) and try to get at least a bachelor's degree and at most a master's degree. For the longest time I wanted to work at NASA but I also understand that to get any job relating to astronomy I need to do internships and possibly be part of a club or an organization that can be associated with majoring in astronomy. #astronomy #organization #clubs #astronomer

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Britney973 views

What were some entrepreneurial classes that helped you through your journey?

My cousin focused on taking classes related to business & finance while in high school. He also joined clubs dealing with entrepreneurship. So what did you do? #business #finance #entrepreneurship #social #classes #entrepreneur #clubs #focused

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Matthew1522 views

On-campus activities to exercise business-leadership skills?

Hi all, I know every college campus is different - different clubs, organizations and communities - but what are some on-campus organizations I should look into for more business-leadership experience? #college #business #leadership #organization #clubs

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Ricku1527 views

How can I start a new club chapter at my new high school?

I'm going to be a sophomore in a new high school this fall and I was wondering about how to start a new club chapter for this school. I'm interested in starting clubs like HOSA and Science Olypiad. I want some tips and help on starting the clubs. #science #medicine #high-school #high-school-classes #clubs #hosa

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Lissy1306 views

With a busy after school schedule what are some things that stand out in college applications that are not school affiliated?

It's a well known fact that colleges look for many extracurricular activities while viewing an individual's application. At my school I am involved with the drama club and due to the intense schedule of productions, whenever I have free time in the year it is at an awkward time (only December, May, and June) and I cannot easily join clubs I had no affiliation with before. Seeing as I want to stand out on applications but cannot necessarily participate in clubs I want to, what sort of other activities also stick out to colleges? #college #extracurriculars #admissions #application #clubs

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Natalie2673 views

How many clubs should I get involved in during my Freshman year of college?

I'm thinking of joining quite a few, but I don't want to overload myself and end up shooting myself in the foot #clubs

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