Career questions tagged club

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Eshita319 views

How do I make my club at school more active and how do I invite guest speakers to speak about their experiences?

I am apart of the leadership board of my club in school. The club mostly focuses on writing but I don't know how to get people interested in joining. Essentially, when I was given a leadership position, it was practically a dead club. I want to invite guest speakers to speak but I don't know how to start.

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Olivia690 views

Where can I find people to start a new club at my university with?

#college #college-advice #club #extracurricular

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Anna755 views

If I am able, would it be beneficial to me if I started a new club at my school?

I've considered starting a new club at my school, but I don't know if it'll be worth it. I have a very busy schedule and most of the students at my school don't join clubs or take them seriously. I don't want to waste my time if it's not going to be worthwhile. #club #extracurricular #highschool #collegeapplication

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Darelyanel1272 views

Should I join a club in college?

In college, I also plan to work and study. How much time does a club take up?, and would I have the time for one? #college #work #club #student-activities

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Ezaan923 views

soccer club

My name is Ezaan and I am I 6th grade and I want to know what is the best way to get in a soccer club do you try out or what? #soccer #club #tryouts

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