Career questions tagged freelance-writing

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Maya293 views

What are the best websites to use as a freelance creative writer?

Should I limit myself to a few websites or put my profile and portfolio? Are there different sites that are better for me as a creative writer rather than a technical writer?

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Maya424 views

How can I gain experience with freelance script and game writing and build a portfolio?

When I look at jobs on LinkedIn I see they usually require 2 years of experience. I would like to write part time and I’m curious about how to gain experience while I’m still at school.

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Kieran835 views

How can I get started in freelance writing?

I'm a high school senior who is graduating high school who is looking to make money to help pay my college tuition and my only experience is writing essays for class

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CareerVillage Office Hours452 views

How to become a Freelance Writer?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Freelance Writers on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Jackie561 views

How should I build a resume and portfolio for work I didn't get a degree in??

I am about to graduate with a Business Admin degree, but took on a part-time Content Coordinator role for a print magazine. I really enjoy being a part of the magazine, but I don't want to restart my degree for journalism. What advice would you give to someone who wants to start freelancing themselves as a business writer/in publications to build a resume and portfolio, and how do I go about marketing myself to new clients?

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Kay1058 views

I am 30, a freelance writer, ADHD, with too many interests, confused what to choose. Any help?

I have multiple interests like filmmaking, movies, art/digital art, fiction writing/novel, screenwriting, basically anything related to story and the craft of storytelling in any medium- writing, visual, etc. With that, I am also too driven for pyschology, self-help, sprituality and philosphy stuff. Then some business aspect with blogging or online stuff attracts me too with the same with Youtube. I am fascinated with content creation for a long time. Having diagnosed with adhd, choosing one thing feels painful and like i am leaving a part of my personality behind, missing out. Even though i entertained the fact that i can be all or most or some one by one over time, and not have to choose. you know the specialization vs generalization thing. But struggling with the concept of not being master in one as well. Any help on this, any resource or anything will be great!

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Madeline1134 views

Do multiple free-lance careers work well together?

I'm going to be an undergraduate studying harp performance, but am also interested in writing and translating. Have you found that balancing multiple different careers took a lot of organizing, but proves feasible, or is it spreading your time and training too thin? #writer #musician #translation #multi-tasking #freelance-writing

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Robyn1934 views

Is it hard to get writing jobs?

I love creative writing, but I don't know if there are any real career opportunities using a Creative Writing or English degree. #writing #author #writer #creative-writing #freelance-writing

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