Career questions tagged reading
What are the thing I can do to enhance my reading habits ?
I want to read outside the box, to be extraordinary in my reading ability
How do I gain motivation ?
Am very good at writing,designing and painting but I have no motivation to do such who can help me? Thanks…
Is it important to be a good reader and enjoy reading for criminal law?
I am extremely interested in criminal law and going into that field. but I'm not he biggest reader. I tolerate it and I am good at reading, but I don't really enjoy it and I want to know if that is an important thing to think about.
Help please want to become a Librarian?
Hi! I am Yvetta a 56-year-old female of color looking to become a librarian where should I start with my education?
I have to pass the SAT, but I am having a hard time understanding the Reading section. What can I do to improve?
I have to pass the SAT, but I am having a hard time understanding the Reading section. What can I do to improve?
What kind of skills and classes could assist me in pursuing journalism ?
I’m a freshman in high school. I enjoy writing and interviewing my friends and family. So I would greatly appreciate some help to discover if this is the right fit for me.
What books have made the most significant impact on your career?
Personally, I have always enjoyed reading so I want some inspiration that could also have an impact on me. Please share, I am willing to explore!
How can I become more motivated to read or write?
Sometimes I feel as though I have no motivation to read or write, even though I enjoy it. Does anyone know how I can gain that motivation? Thanks! #reading #writing #motivation
Should I be a psychiatrist nurse or an interior designer?
Hello, My anatomy and physiology class is not doing great. I've been failing the exams which I study each day to pass the exam. However, I think i'm going to give up to be a nurse and maybe change careers. What do you think I should do? #Help #what #nurse # #nurse-practitioner #registered-nurses #medicine #nursing #interiordesign #engineer #math #reading #healthcare
How has quarantine changed your life style today?
How much has your life changed ever since the #coronavirus out break. What does your day mostly consist of rather it be #reading or #video games . Last of all what are you planning to achieve and be successful at after the #quarantine is lifted.
Are ACT Prep Classes really that helpful?
I need an ACT score of at least 30 to get into a military academy. From my PSAT score, I'll probably get a 28. Will an ACT Prep class actually raise my score by two points or more? Thanks! #college #military #military #act #art #physics #air-force #navy #marines #theater #act #career #test #academy #english #math #reading #writing #ap #language #high-school #college #education
What should I research on journalisim?
I want to know what type of books I should look for. I'm in 4th grade and doing a career project. And the career I am focused on is a Journalist. I don't know what to research and I need some ideas or suggestions for types of books I should get/ read. Make it appropriate for a 10 year old. #journalism #journalist #reading #english #reporting #books #writing #author
What are some life-changing, view-altering, mind-stretching books?
#reading #books #interesting #unique #literature #point-of-view
What kind of tech was helpful for you when you were starting out your career?
I want to be an editor, so nothing too fancy, right? #career-options #tech #English #reading
Is it possible to increase your memory retention and reading speed to read a 200 page book in just a couple of hours?
It seems that it takes hours and hours to complete a reading assignment and I can never remember all that I have read. I have been told that the speed at which a person reads is something non-alterable, but I am sure that there is a way to be able to read faster and retain more information so as to be more successful. #memory #reading
If my strength are reading all kinds of books and painting what types of careers or industries might fit me?
Ever since I was little I loved to read any kinds of books but really I only could get in to was fantasy and books that have action and adventure in them. As I got older i started to love painting but i have no idea what careers would best fit me? #career #career-choice #reading #painting #art
Tips for surviving bad classes and/or horrible teachers?
I'm open to answers from both fellow students and former students for this question! I'm currently taking a literature class, and I absolutely love it, but that's in regards to all the novels on our reading syllabus being outstanding reads and my own innate passion for literature. When it comes to the actual class, I almost dread going to school every morning since it's my first period (I'm a high school student). I find that my own desires and expectations for the class are incompatible with the reality of it. My teacher provides shallow commentary on the content of our novels, but then expects high-quality analysis and understanding from us students when she can't even provide that level of analysis herself. In fact, students often ask questions for clarification and she either beats around the bush or manages to avoid the question entirely by redirecting their attention to some other topic she brings up. She also expects everyone to improve in their writing and reading analysis skills, but provides no coursework or feedback for improvement, instead repeatedly assuring us that "our skills will improve during our time in the class" - something unlikely to happen if she just expects us to become better "naturally." She never returns or allows students to see past quizzes and tests, and on essays, she only writes vague, criticizing remarks of what we did wrong rather than offering advice on how to improve our writing for higher scores. Confronting her directly/privately for advice and further feedback results in more vague comments. There seems to be no way to coax constructive criticism or explanations of the "high-level analysis" she expects out of her, so the result is a class full of disillusioned and tired students who don't want to try anymore and don't want to improve. Not to mention her behavior makes her lack any sort of credibility so I really can't take anything she says seriously anymore. I'm doing relatively well in the class, but this is thanks to the foundation of literature-based skills I've acquired prior to entering this class, not the result of anything she's taught us. With that being said, are there any tips to trudge through a pointless and unfulfilling class? There are a number of problems here, but my primary concern is preventing a terrible teacher from damaging my love of literature, because this has happened in the past where I had an English teacher so awful that I started to hate literature despite it always being one of my greatest passions. On a personal level, it's also difficult not to let her interpretation of the novels we read ruin my reading experience and my feelings toward said books - for example, she makes a lot of misogynistic comments reinforcing gender roles and completely missing the point that I think the author was actually trying to make when we discuss feminist novels. I need tips on how to survive teachers like her so I can get through the rest of this year and also put them to use if I end up having professors like her in college. (Sorry for writing a novel for my own here!) #student #advice #student-advice #class #high-school-classes #classes #survival #surviving-high-school #tips #bad-classes #bad-teachers #literature #english-literature #english #english-literature #academic-english #writing #reading #books #book #novels #novel #essay #essays #help
What are some strategies to improve your focus?
#studyskills #studying #studying-tips #study-habits #reading
As a candidate for a Master's in Literacy, I will need to do a case study. Which topic for my case study will help struggling readers the most?
In order to get a Master's in Literacy you must work on a case study and do research with the students you are currently teaching. Since the case study is a labor intensive process, I want to study something that will actually impact student learning and reading proficiency. #reading #literacy #masters #masters-degree #research
As a future Reading Specialist, in which particular reading intervention should I be trained?
I am asking this question because there are several reading programs out there for struggling readers. School districts pay a lot of money to get reading teachers trained in reading interventions and I want to be trained in the most effective reading program for my students. #reading #literacy
If my strengths are creativity, responsibility, and leading and hobbies are swimming and reading, what types of careers or industries might best fit for me?
What other strengths or experiences might I need for the suggested careers?#strengthsandweaknesses #creativity #corporate-social-responsibility #swimming #reading #career #career-choice #career-counseling #career-path #career-planning
How can I make reading more interesting for kids?
My career path is to become a teacher. #teaching-prek-12 #teaching #teach #teacher #reading
What is the 1 book you would suggest everyone reads in their lifetime?
I'm making it a personal goal to read for 30 minutes daily again, and am looking for some quality material. Anything related to science, technology, or woman's history are very interesting to me. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #women-in-tech #reading #women-in-engineering #books
My mother says I synthesize material very well. How can I benefit from this awkward positivity?
I think the question says it all. I can take a number of random things and start interconnecting them to one another and adding additional information because its just how my mind works. There are so many ways to about solving a problem. #research #reading #recruitment #enrichment
How to manage LOADS of reading assignments?
I taking 19 credits of classes this term, all of which have an astronomical amount of reading homework. Every time I go through my assignments, I've realized that I may not be reading effectively. I tried skimming and underlining, but by upon finishing the text, I realize I didn't quite grasp it. Any study tips to manage all of these assignments? #college #academic-advising #studying-tips #student-development #reading #studying #scheduling