Career questions tagged human

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Chad177 views

Can animals live with a human if the human is away from other people, and how might that affect the animal ?

And how will it affect the human him or herself is it okay?

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Chad326 views

What are the key differences between treating animal patients and human patients, and is it possible to be both a human doctor and a veterinarian at the same time ?

My friend is really interested in both human and animal medicine, and they’ve been wondering about the differences between treating animal patients and human patients. They’re also curious if it’s possible to pursue both fields, or if the skills and knowledge required are so distinct that practicing both at the same time would be challenging. I have never heard of it so i don't know if that is actually a thing or not 😅 so i am curious!

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joe440 views

how old where y'all when y'all joined job corps ?

how many kids yall got, what trade yall pick an how long yall be here

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Isalyn953 views

How can i get into Human Services at an early age ?

How can i get into Human Services ?

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Ramsey1092 views

What is it like working in HR?

A was browsing a list of careers on the internet, and I came across Human Resources. It definitely sparked my interest, so I did some more research. I could really see myself going into HR, but i would like a little more information. For example, what does a typical day consist of? Do you make enough to live comfortably? Is working in HR stressful? Do you have a good work- life balance? #helping-others #human #social-work #college #business #human-resources

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Janis740 views

Will there be opportunities to continue my education in the position I am hired to do?

I am a CMAA student and hope to find a permanent career as a medical administrative assistant in the helping field. #medicine #healthcare #career-counseling #career #medical #hospital #human services #cmaa

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Kiarra889 views

Balancing family and school

I am a Biology major and I attend school about an hour and forty five minutes away from home.. my family expects me to call them everyday but honestly, I forget to sometimes because i'm always doing work or I fall asleep and forget to call. A professor I know recommended I put my family on a schedule to help with our communication but I'm not sure what else to do. what do you recommend? #school #student #human #biologymajor

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Grace1263 views

what does a normal day of work look like as an Anthropologist?

I’m in 9th grade, and I’ve always loved the concept of Anthropology, but was never really sure what the actual career looked like. #anthropologist #anthropology #human #culture

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Reid1127 views

If I want to be a psychologist, what college courses should I take?

I am really interested in how the #human brain works. I would love to pursue a job that works with people and helps them understand how they are thinking. Being a #psychologist would be my dream job.

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Bhavna2901 views

How we would able to know that if a person is money minded or actually work with heart and emotions ?

I feel really confusing while knowing people. #psychology #human #humanitarian #humanbehaviour

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shirley1623 views

How do you answer situation based questions?

These questions are normally asked in graduate training scheme? #college #human-resources #recruiting #human

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Danny1082 views

Agencies and companies

Hi everyone, I'm doing a lot of research in career path as I'll be graduating from college soon. I wonder what are the differences between agencies and companies. I see the basics, that agencies work as intermediary between companies, consumers, and other companies. However, I don't understand how my first job experience would change because I work at an agency or a company. What does it imply? Is it hard to make a transfer from agency experience to a company job? In another word, how can first-job experience in an agency effect my career path, especially in HR? I'm confused. #human

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Keila991 views

When was the first time that you realized you'd like to study sociology and what work field did you eventually get into?

I'm interested in the study of sociology and physiology and would like to know the different types of jobs that nurture these two studies. It's also interesting to hear stories on why people like to study the behaviors of society. #sociology #human #physiology #behavior

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Renee2161 views

Is human resources as bad as everyone says it is?

I am studying for a bachelor's in human resources and accounting. I love accounting, and am curious if that will be enough to make my future career enjoyable. #management #accounting #human #resources

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dinesh1361 views

what is a human life?

my small doubt #life #human

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Alexander2020 views

I'll be obtaining my bachelor's degree soon in Human Services! What should I do next?

I would like to work in a school counseling kids, discussing the importance of education. Motivate them to stay in school etc. What should my next step be? Is there anything I can get involve with now that can help me later in the future? #college #education #degree #human #services

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TerrellCodman31616 views

What are good prep school that are boarding, that can prepare me to become a human resource person?

I need to know as soon as possible so i can apply soon #school #human

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