Career questions tagged lawschool

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Emaline331 views

Which study in Law is the most uncommon to practice ?

Wanting to learn more about the not as popular law practices as Im interested into making this my career one day and studying it in college as well.

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Shree1482 views

What does the everyday routine of a judge look like ?

Hello. I am in 12th standard currently and my subjects are Political Science, History, Economics, English and Psychology, although I am particularly drawn to Political Science, History and English. I want to pursue a career in law and I'm specifically attracted towards joining the judiciary but I am uncertain of what being a judge would entail or if I am fit for this job at all. So could you please provide me some insight into what the everyday routine of a judge looks like ?

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sarah634 views

I want a job as a lawyer, but that takes up a lot of time in my life what other job options do i have?

i really would like to be a lawyer, though my parents and family don’t think i could, i also wanna spend time with my family in the future but being a lawyer takes up a lot of time and i feel like i wouldn’t have time to do that. I don’t want to be an absent mom in my kids life. What are some options to make sure i have time for family.

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Graciela604 views

Why do you like being a Lawyer and what you do?

It would also be appreciated if you can leave your name, your job title, and what company you work for. Thank you.

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Graciela450 views

What made you stand out above other applicants?

It would also be appreciated if you can leave your name, your job title, and what company you work for. Thank you.

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Mehar750 views

Would criminology or legal studies be a better pathway to law school?

I know you can go to law school with any degree, but I'm debating between these two fields of study I'm interested in. #Fall22

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Noa563 views

What are the most helpful majors to have when applying to law school?

Going to law school?

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Andrew1975 views

Would it be a good idea to double major for law school?

I've been considering becoming a lawyer as my parents really want me to become one. Would it be a good idea to double major in undergrad for law school? I might not want to be a lawyer in the end, so having a double major might help if I didn't want to go to law school. Would having a double major in undergrad help if I were to go into specific field of law such as a double major of econ and a business degree for business law?

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Samira583 views

How competitive is law?

I hear a lot of people saying how hard it is to be chosen for a job in a law firm with the amount of competition there is. How do you overcome it? And, also, I heard people say it is a very toxic environment. Is that true? If so, in what way?

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Anny631 views

What was your major before law school?

Did your major prepare you for what you studied at law school? Looking back, would you have chosen something else?

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Amyah663 views

When going to law school, what is the workload and how can I get accepted after I graduate ?

#lawschool #judge

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Amyah558 views

How many years will it take for me to become a judge and what is the salary of a judge ?

#doctor #lawyer #lawschool #mastersdegree

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Bervelyne735 views

I'm 15 and I am planning to go to law schoo,l and after I'm done with law school, I was also planning to have a acting career after I get my degree. Is this a good plan? (If you want to know, what I was gonna do with the degree). I'm going to quick acting when I get older and get into my law career.

#attorney #actingcareer #actress #lawschool #acting #law #career

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Henry536 views

Is Law School actually difficult?

One of my family's friends is currently in law school, and she always complains the courseload and such. How hard is it?? #lawschool

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Joe575 views

If I am getting my undergraduate degree with plans to move on to law school, should I worry about how "prestigious" my undergraduate degree looks on a law school application?

I am a senior in high school and my interests are fairly wide-ranging. I plan on eventually attending law school, but I am undecided on school I will attend and undergraduate major. I have been thinking about cost, and my ACT scores and GPA would easily fetch me full tuition at a plethora of state schools. However, I have also applied to a lot of selective schools that would probably cost me lots but would give me whatever advantage comes with having the name of that school on my undergraduate degree. I am debating the pros and cons of each option, but I would be curious to know what someone else might think. #lawschool #college

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Rebecca684 views

I know I want to go into the fbi. I also know I need some sort of law enforcement or military background. I don’t know if it would be better to graduate high school and go into reserves and go to college at the same time, go to college and then go into the military afterwards, go straight into the military, or go straight to college and law school. I don’t know how to decide how I’m going to do it.

9th grade. In JROTC. Military girlfriend. #college #military #law-enforcement #lawyer #police #lawschool

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Mackenzie710 views

How can I work as a lawyer to help human trafficking victims?

I have recently decided to go to law school after undergrad. I am currently a sophomore at East Tennessee State. I figured I would major in Political Science and minor in English and Social Work. I want to do something large and make a difference for those who are incapable. I also am not knowledgable on any volunteer work or internships I could do to help me get into law school. If there is another path I need to take please let me know!! Any advice is helpful. #lawyer #humantrafficking #sextrafficking #lawschool

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Alexis670 views

Being someone who aspires to become a lawyer, what specific habits should I develop in college that will help me prepare for law school?

As a senior in high school, I have recognized that college is around the corner. Though I have always considered myself an overachiever, one thing that I do struggle with is studying. When I enter college, I would like to take a more organized approach to my studies, rather than relying on my memory to guide me through my classes. I hope to learn and foster specific methods that will help me retain the most information possible. #law #high-school-students #help #lawschool

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Kyle739 views

Where can I find scholarships for Criminal Justice?

I've tried looking for scholarships for Criminal Justice, I've found about three, but all of them have either passed or I do not fit the requirements that the scholarship asks for. #CriminalJustice #LawSchool #scholarships #financial-aid #scholarship #law-enforcement

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Sam6829 views

Can law schools see how many other schools i have applied to, or which ones i have received offers from?

#law #lawyer #lawschool #law-school #lawschooladmissions #law-school-admissions

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Megan760 views

What are some ways I can keep myself sane while attending grad school and working full time?

I'm going back to grad school and planning on working full time. I know my life will be extremely busy for the next 2ish years and I live in a small town away from any big city adventures #time-management #graduate-school #working-full-time #school #lawschool

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Alexis1184 views

What is it like getting out of law school and trying to get a job?

I am interested in becoming a lawyer, and have heard from some that getting a job out of law school is hard. I also am wondering if being a lawyer is actually what I want to do. #lawschool #lawyer #law #law-practice

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Taylor777 views

What are the best law schools in California?

I really want to go to law school but I would love to stay close to my family. Which one should I pick? #school #lawschool #help #college

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Carissa883 views

How do I make connections in the world of law?

I'm hoping to go to law school after undergrad school to become an attorney and eventually become a judge. What resources are there to help me find my way in law, including finding jobs after I graduate and deciding more specifically what kind of law to practice? #law #lawschool #attorney #judges

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Raabia845 views

What is the relative success rate of individuals of finding a good job as a legal consultant?

I appreciate law and am very interested in the fields of both political science and business. I intend to pursue both as an undergrad in a double major. I also attend to go to law school, however am not sure that I would practice as a true lawyer. #lawschool #legal-services

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Leo779 views

Is it hard for a foreigner that went to American Law School to find work?

I'm an undergraduate at UT Austin currently on a student visa and I think I want to go to Law School but I don't know if it'll be easy to find work since I would need the workplace to sponsor an H1-B visa or a Greencard for me to stay in America. Does anybody relate to this situation or know someone that does? It's hard for me to bet my future on this since going to Law School here would be useless if I had to move back to my country afterward. Thank you! Leo #lawschool #lawyer #law-practice #employment-law

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Nadia801 views

Do most colleges offer LSAT prep or is that something that you have to pay for?

When should we start prepping for the LSAT? #lsat #law #lawschool

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Arianna782 views

Is law school a good decision for an aspiring politician?

My dream job is to an elected official. Many officials as of today have law degrees. Would it be smart for me to go to law school as well? #Ismoreschoolingalwaysgood #Brokecollegestudent #lawschool

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Abby749 views

Is there a way to attend both law school and medical school?

I am interested in both law and medicine, and I am looking for a way to pursue both interests. I have heard of people who have done both; however, I am unsure of how to go about this so any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. #lawschool #medicalschool

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Octashia626 views

Will you get a better job attending an Ivy League school for Law Because of the school name itself verses attending a cheaper Law school?

Im asking because I'm going to get my bachelors degree as a paralegal so I wanted to know if getting in debt at an Ivy League school worth the sacrifice? Or if I go to a cheaper school would the same law firm want me? Or would the quality of my education be looked at the as the same value as an Ivy League student #lawschool #help #professional

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