Career questions tagged judges

What’s it like being a lawyer? Do you ever wish you could do something else?
I’m still trying to figure out things in college but it’s a struggle. #lawyers #lawyer #business-lawyer #judges #accountant

How do I make connections in the world of law?
I'm hoping to go to law school after undergrad school to become an attorney and eventually become a judge. What resources are there to help me find my way in law, including finding jobs after I graduate and deciding more specifically what kind of law to practice? #law #lawschool #attorney #judges

How hard would it be to become a Lawyer?
I am a junior. I am interested in law, being influenced by my mother who told me that it would be interesting. Looking into law, it seems very difficult so I wanted a first-person perspective. #law #law-school #lawyer #law-school #law-school,-being-a-lawyer,-law-firms,-judicial-clerkships #judiciary #judges #career-path

To be a judge and/or a lawyer, do you have to be affiliated with a political party?
I am interested in being a lawyer and/or a judge and I was wondering if judges are part of a certain political party when appointed to a position? #law #lawyer #politics #judges #judiciary

Will Cannabis or cannabis related industries, be the next production boom for america?
look at the media this is clearly a hot topic of debate, but for some reason talk has slowed I say lets re-open more discussion on this topic. #lawyer #entrepreneurship #investing #philosophy #judges #farming #cannabis #drug-delivery

How useful would a journalism or english degree be in contingency with a law degree?
I want to go to law school to become a lawyer but I want to be an editor first, then later expand my education and change careers. How realistic is this plan and would the prior degree be of any help? #lawyer #judges #harvard

What careers are available for a political science major?
Im about to start college in the fall and i have always had the idea of becoming a lawyer, but im not sure whether this career is for me. #lawyer #government #political-science #judges