Career questions tagged pre-law

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owen446 views

How do I prepare for Pre-Law in college

I am a sophomore in high school who is interested in perusing a career in law. I am interested in what I can do to make college easier for me. Any response is much appreciated

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Shadi2253 views

What is the best undergrad major to enter law school?

Hello; I'm an international student studying my senior year in the US. My dream job is being a lawyer, but I am really confused about what to study for undergrad. My other area of interest is computer science and design. Would it be a good idea to study one of those instead of pre-law?

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Rena525 views

What does law school involve I know that you Lear different jargon and vocabulary but do you learn about types of law??

What does law school involve? I know that you Lear different jargon and vocabulary but do you learn about types of law? How do you get experience in law school?

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Bacarri396 views

What law school should i go to?

I have a 20k+ Scholarship.

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Manleen348 views

Which college courses or major would be best for preparing for law school?

I want to be a lawyer.

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Jessica323 views

What should I major in undergrad for law school ?

What should I major in undergrad if I want to go to law school? I’m looking at Yale, what do you recommend from there?

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Risha556 views

Does anyone know of law internships for 17 year olds entering first year of college in the fall?

12th grade, 17 year old, NYU

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Dylan485 views

How should I go about getting a legal internship??

How, as a junior in undergrad majoring in economics with a minor in Spanish, should I go about getting a legal internship?

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Will472 views

What is a good degree to major in before I go to law school?

I want to go into business law, but I don't know what degree to major in before law school.

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Andrew1974 views

Would it be a good idea to double major for law school?

I've been considering becoming a lawyer as my parents really want me to become one. Would it be a good idea to double major in undergrad for law school? I might not want to be a lawyer in the end, so having a double major might help if I didn't want to go to law school. Would having a double major in undergrad help if I were to go into specific field of law such as a double major of econ and a business degree for business law?

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Amity754 views

What are the best colleges for Pre-Law?

I am a sophmore in high school and I want to become a lawyer but so far I cannot find a whole lot of colleges that offer pre law courses. I haven't decided if I want to more in the way of being a Prosecutor or a D.A. I would really appreciate any of the help you coud offer.

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manifesting6943 views

Is Mathematics necessary in studying law?

#law #lawyers #studyinglaw #highschool #corporate-law #women-in-law #pre-law #law-school

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manifesting1274 views

what's the best strand when taking accountancy as a pre-law course?

I will be a senior high school student in a few years, and I'm not still sure and confident. I hope those who have experienced will share their opinions. #student #high-school #law #lawyer #attorney #women-in-law #pre-law

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Paige591 views

Looking for advice on surviving law school.

As a future first generation law student, I am looking for advice on how to survive law school, especially 1L. How is the workload? What should I do to survive finals? Not sure what law school I am attending, but I know that the curriculum is somewhat the same. #lawyers #pre-law #law

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Gin577 views

What are the must-follow steps to become a law consular?

I am a law student from Morocco and I want to be a law consular. I am in my third year of college ( we study 5 years) and I specialize in private law . #law #pre-law #politics

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Rachel2076 views

What type of internships should a pre-law student do?

#students #pre-law #undergraduate #law school

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Rachel999 views

What extracurriculars impress top tier law schools?

#law #law-school #pre-law

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Serena1141 views

What are good majors for undergrad to have going into law school?

#law-school #law #pre-law #women-in-law

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Manuel663 views

What internships should I be looking for to build an intriguing law school application?

I just graduated high school, and will be attending Johns Hopkins in the fall hoping to major in International studies. I’ve already had an internship at a law office, where I’m now employed. What type of internships should I be on the look out for in the Baltimore area? I only know of law office internships, and want to know what other opportunities there are to show interesting experience on a law school application #law #law-school #government #pre-law #political-science #international-studies

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Carson825 views

What should a pre-law student pursue in his/her undergraduate to bolster law school prospects?

Ex's: studying for LSAT continuously, joining any pre-law organizations, meeting with law professors, meeting with lawyers, building a network, interning at appropriate organizations, etc. I am not sure which of these activities is worth while whereas others might just be a waste of time or a fulfillment of my "preparation mindset" for law school without any actual benefits. Thanks! Carson #law #pre-law #law-school #government #study #politics #graduate-school P.S. I will be attending Yale University in the fall, enabling me to take some cross-over classes with the law school if that is relevant at all.

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Tranautica745 views

How do I know that I will pick the right major

I am worry that i may not like my major once i go to college. #pre-law #maybe

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Rachel679 views

How will having a double major affect me financially?

I plan on majoring in Law and Spanish in college, but it is really important to me to be in the best financial spot possible when I graduate. #pre-law #law #spanish #spanishmajor

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Maarij649 views

What majors instead of pre-law are good undergraduate majors to have before law school?

I am an undergraduate legal studies major, and am deciding to change my major. #pre-law

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Amy861 views

How important is the prestige of a undergraduate school in post graduation life?

Would it be better to attend a more expensive and prestigious college rather than an in-state school for an undergraduate degree in business or pre-law? #college #business #college-bound #pre-law

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Kyana962 views

where in New York can i be an intern for the summer?

I would like to be an intern for the summer but don't know a law firm that hires a 16 year old junior. #law #communications #communication #intern #pre-law #new-york #junior

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Sarah1100 views

Will it be beneficial to me to take an accounting course in college if I plan to study pre-law?

My grandfather is an attorney, and i remember him suggesting this. I do not understand why that might benefit me. #law #pre-law

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Verona1562 views

What is the best law school in texas?

Wanting to be a lawyer one day, but I might want to change my current school choice. #lawyer #student #attorney #pre-law

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Verona1269 views

What should I study if I want to become a lawyer?

I am about to graduate from his school and I am still unsure of what career path I want to follow #professor #law #lawyer #student #attorney #pre-law

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Joaquin 1312 views

What are some of the possible ways to gain experience to be an attorney?

I am on the road to being an attorney and want to know what is some way I can gain a competitive edge on other law students. #law #experience #attorney #knowledge #pre-law #courtrooms

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Brenetta1264 views

Is there a way for me to know if crime scene investigation is a job I would like without having to go through years of college and training before realizing I don'tactually enjoy the job?

I've been wanting to be a crime scene investigator since middle school but I hear people talk about going to college for many years because they keep changing their majors. The most common reason why is because they said once they got into the actual courses for their major or career fields, they didn't like the job as much as they thought they would. Thank you! #law #criminology #crime #pre-law #investigation #scene #criminal-investigation

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