Career questions tagged med

What are some things to expect when trying to become a phlebotomist?
#Phlebotomy #Phlebotomist #Med #Nursing

What colleges have direct admit nursing programs?
#nurse #med # #exams #pro #all #orthodontics #dermatology #in #hit

How long does it usually take upon recieveing proper education for a job as a surgeon does it generally take for one to actually begin working in that position?
At school, I am most interested in gross anatomy, microbiology, and biology, while my hobbies include athletics. A topic that I am passionate about is leadership and "organized chaos". #medicine #doctor #biology #surgeon #trauma #ICU #chaos #busy #medical #premed #med

Is it still more or less challenging for a woman to hold a position so high up as a surgeon or chief of surgery within a hospital?
At school, I am most interested in gross anatomy, microbiology, and biology, while my hobbies include athletics. A topic that I am passionate about is leadership and "organized chaos". #medicine #doctor #biology #surgeon #trauma #ICU #chaos #busy #medical #premed #med

What are the social lives of surgeons throughout the hospital? Do many surgeons not have time to have a very large social life? Do they have time for children / starting a family?
At school, I am most interested in gross anatomy, microbiology, and biology, while my hobbies include athletics. A topic that I am passionate about is leadership and "organized chaos". #medicine #doctor #biology #surgeon #trauma #ICU #chaos #busy #medical #premed #med

Is 12 years of in-depth education really worth it to become a trauma surgeon? It seems like a huge amount of time for one to be in school for a specific job.
At school, I am most interested in gross anatomy, microbiology, and biology, while my hobbies include athletics. A topic that I am passionate about is leadership and "organized chaos". #medicine #doctor #biology #surgeon #trauma #ICU #chaos #busy #medical #premed #med

Is there any way to begin your PhD while wrapping up your Med degree? (just to cut down on some of the time spent in getting a secondary education)
At school, I am most interested in gross anatomy, microbiology, and biology, while my hobbies include athletics. A topic that I am passionate about is leadership and "organized chaos". #medicine #doctor #biology #surgeon #trauma #ICU #chaos #busy #medical #premed #med

What is something you wish you knew before you entered the medical field?
I am planning to be premed in college next year, and I don't know any medical professionals closely. I would appreciate any input on what surprised you about medicine, and what one should be prepared for. Thank you! #stem #women-in-stem #medicine #med #doctor #surgeon #premed #nurse #pa #ot #pt #do #rn #aprn #lpn #emt #healthcare

How does the residency work for this field? How do you get one?
#orthodontist #med #premed #dentist

Medical Science - Neuroscience, Orthopedics, Hematology and Ophthamology. What should I go for?
I'm personally interested in Medical Science particularly; hematology, opthamology, orthopedics and neuroscience. I've not yet made up my mind on a particular one to go for. How do I know the one to specialise on? #medicine #medical-field #med #neuroscience #orthopedics

If one wants to further their education in the field of nursing, which specialty is best? As a nurse practitioner (NP), you’re able to diagnose and treat patients like a doctor but at a lower salary. As certified nurse anesthetist (CRNA), you are able to administer anesthesia like an anesthesiologist. Both have their pros and cons. CRNA gets paid a lot more but are stuck in the operating room. NP are paid less but have more autonomy. Which one should I choose? #med #medicine #nurse #undecided

Nursing as Pre-med?
Taking any course can be your "pre-med" as long as you complete the pre-requisites of the med school you want to go to BUT is nursing a good "pre-med" thinking that it will show you the "feels" of becoming a doctor? #doctor #medicine #nursing #school #student #physicians #med