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How much time do students spend studying per week in college?

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Gloria’s Answer

Hi Karoline,

The amount of time that you study depends on the classes that you are taking and your major. On the whole, I remember reading like the equivalent of a book every week in reading and then you may have to do some writing assignments. I liked the writing parts, so those weren't so bad.

I think that you should avoid focusing on how much time and start focusing on how to make the most of your time. In college, your classes can happen at all times of day. You will need to find a routine that works for you around homework. For example, I do my best work in the morning. I have a clear head and am really creative in the morning. I am a morning person. The best time for me to do homework was in the morning. It is the time that I am the most focused and working on hard stuff like homework would be less harder. The later in the day it is, the harder it is for me to concentrate or be creative. You also should consider where you do your homework. When I went away to school, it was nice because then i could go somewhere outside of my dorm to study. I could go to some shared area in the dorm, to the library, or even just outside. I prefer being outside the best. Since i went to college in Oregon, the weather was great in the fall and spring for being outside. (Winter was another story.) I like silence when I am working through a topic that is hard for me (like science or math), so being in quiet areas was important to me.

It is important that you find what works for you with homework so you can be very efficient with your time.

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Alexis’s Answer

The amount of time that spent studying in college depends on the individual student and their learning style. There is no set format for studying. It is imperative that you focus on what is required for each class that you take. You will develop your own study system that works for you. Remember that you know your own comfort zone and if you have problems with study skills, talk with your advisor.
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Jennifer’s Answer

Hi, Karoline!

It differs depending on the student and his/her ability to stay focused and retain the information. That said, the general rule of thumb in higher education is that the student would spend 2-3 hours studying for every hour that they are in class. So, for example, a full-time student with 12 credit hours (approximately 4 classes) would study 24-36 hours per week. Of course, not all students do this! But it should help you gauge how much time is needed to be successful in college and to help plan accordingly.