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In what ways do you discipline yourself to get the best results out of work??

In what ways do you discipline yourself to get the best results out of work?

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11 answers

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Chirayu’s Answer

Here are some ways individuals can discipline themselves for better work results - having clear and specific goals can help you stay focused and motivated. Allocating time effectively to complete tasks and prioritizing important ones can increase productivity. Minimizing interruptions and distractions, such as social media or email, can improve focus and concentration. Maintaining a structured work environment, including a clean workspace and a organized schedule, can streamline tasks and increase efficiency. Regular breaks can help prevent burnout and maintain mental clarity. Exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can improve energy levels and overall well-being, leading to better work performance. Staying updated with new skills and knowledge relevant to your field can help you stay ahead in your career and improve work results. Lastly, everyone has unique habits and methods that work best for them, so it's important to experiment and find what works for you.
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Brandon’s Answer

Hi Lucas,

I would definitely set some time aside and create a schedule and to down important tasks you need to do. Allocate enough time needed to complete each task and try to stick to that schedule. You don't have to go too extreme and if you need more time to complete the task that is okay. Don't forget to also reward yourself in the sense that when you are done with those tasks do something makes you happy or that you love to do such as playing a video game, watching a movie, going to the mall. This way you create a feeling of self-accomplishment and rewarding yourself for that accomplishment. You have to create a work-life balance of getting things done but you don't want to burn out and be miserable. Take it slow in the beginning, only making sure you do one or two tasks and slowly increase those number of tasks week by week. You don't HAVE to get everything done right away, start small and then progress.
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Rocio’s Answer

Hi Lucas. That is a fantastic question! Self-discipline is a growing process and can change as you transition to different stages/careers in your life. While I was in school my self-discipline included creating a good time-management plan to make sure I focused on work first and completed tasks on time. However, once work was done and job had been done well, I made sure to reward myself by doing something I enjoyed. Having a balance between work/school self-discipline and personal self-discipline is a must in my opinion!

Those time management skills definitely stayed with me throughout my career and is a skill that I am glad I learned at an early age. Some other forms of self-discipline is to avoid distractions when you have a project or job that requires focus but allow yourself mental and physical breaks to make sure your mind stays sharp and not overwhelmed. While trying to maintain discipline at work, don't forget about your personal goals, make time to spend with friends and family and do activities that you enjoy.
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Vamshee’s Answer

Follow Healthy Diet
Use CJ
Set your priorities.
Put a schedule for each weekday and weekend.
Time Management
Good Communication and interpersonal skills
Taking breaks in between.
Listening to music and Workout after school or when you take break
Talk/spend time with friends with common interests and goals.
Reduce screen time on Phone, social media.
Do Some Yoga
Enjoy weekends

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Daniel’s Answer

Overall, for any profession, there are numerous parts to disciplining yourself for work. Here are a few main areas:
--Time management--Be able to manage your work tasks well in your assigned work time. If you have multiple projects,be able to evaluate which are more urgent and high priority and which can be scheduled for later. Physical therapists will need to be able to evaluate the critical needs of patients first and then work in other essential tasks like scheduling, follow-up, etc.
--Team cooperation and positive support--Be able to work well with coworkers, supervisors, and clients. Developing skills to offer positive feedback, provide points and insights in team meetings and projects, and offer positive support and overall positive energy to the work environment as a whole. If you can offer a positive attitude and be a go-to person for help and support, then it will help the overall workplace be even more productive.
--Full support and service to clients/customers/patients--If you are a physical therapist, you will certainly need to practice quality patient service constantly, including building rapport and professional connection with each patient and visitor and building and maintaining trust.
--Work/life balance--Working a full-time position as a physical therapist will require profound commitment and a take a key place in your life. With any profession, you need to be able to keep a balance between your work life and outside life. Balancing schedules, tending to self-care to prevent burnout, and keeping professional focus on the job are key ways to help ensure balance.
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Jennifer’s Answer

Hi Lucas,

This is a really good question! I can tell you that in almost each position I've held, it's been vastly different - and likely will vary from person to person as well.

Maintaining Work Life balance is probably the MOST important thing. It's hard to help others when you yourself are struggling, so it's important to take care of your health (mental and physical), make sure you're getting adequate sleep, and allowing yourself to enjoy life outside of work by keeping both worlds separate.

At work, I've always made it a personal philosophy to "leave your personal life at the door" - of course the exception here is family emergencies. If there's an emergency in the middle of the day do what you need to do to take care of it.

When I was working the graveyard shift (11p-7a) and doubles on the hospital floors - boundaries were incredibly important. You have to discipline yourself to be focused and alert at work, and have to train your body to sleep odd hours that it wants to be awake. Family and friends sometimes don't fully understand and will try to wake you or get mad that you're not responding during your sleeping hours. It's your job to set the boundary that you're unavailable from x-y times.

Working in offices and at home, especially if you have adhd, it's really good to stay as organized as you can and set your desk up in a way that's efficient for you.

Personally, working from home currently, I keep myself focused and disciplined by giving myself whatever I need to do my job. That sometimes means I'll have 3 drinks (usually water, coffee, and something sweet or a seltzer water) to sip, and at least 1 salty and 1 sweet snack. I get bored OR get a kind of tunnelvision with tasks sometimes so if I have a heavy schedule and know I need to get a lot done, I'll make a list to follow so I don't overwhelm myself trying to remember what all has to be done, and also set a timer like every 30 minutes or 1 hour I'll alert myself to take a little break, or focus on something else for a little while and repeat until it's all done. The timer system also really helped when I was studying for MCAT.
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Aisha’s Answer

Hi Luas,

Great Question! I believe that Self-discipline is something that I'm learning to master and I learning over time that it isn’t something that we are naturally born with. It’s rather something that we learn to develop over many years. In fact, it’s very much like a muscle that strengthens as we exercise it over time. Below are a few steps that help me stay disciplined during my work day.

Knowing my strengths and weaknesses- self-awareness is very important.

Staying hydrated.

Time Management, setting a clear plan and expectations for the work day ago

Remove temptations- they say " out of sight out of mind" I believe this to be true. The fewer distractions you have, the more focused you will be on accomplishing your goals. Staying off of social media during work hours and when trying to meet a deadline.

Map out a backup plan.

Forgiving myself if a make a mistake and move forward.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. This is a good question.
Below are my suggestions :
1. Firstly, you may need to define a clear goal/objectives. This goal has to be align with the companies objectives as well.
2. Communicate this goal with the line manager to seek his/her guidance and support
3. Breakdown the goal into smaller the milestones to achieve this goal with the timeline. This is good to show some achievements from time to time.
4. Review the progress with your line manager on regular basis
5. Adjust the plan if necessary when you encounter challenges
Help this helps! Good Luck!
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Holly’s Answer

Hi Lucas!

A few things that I do to discipline myself at work:

1. Task List - I am very task oriented and have a running list of things that I need to complete each day. As I complete them, I cross them off.
2. Calendar - I make sure that important tasks are scheduled in my calendar. For example, when I make prospecting calls I have that time blocked off in my calendar (it is kind of like I have a meeting with myself).
3. Limit Distractions - I turn my phone on "Do Not Disturb" when I am in meetings or making prospecting calls. This allows me to stay focused on the task at hand.
4. Reflection - I always reflect at the end of the day to understand what I accomplised, what still needs to be done, and what I could have done better. This allows me to adjust my tasks and have a plan moving forward.

I hope this helps! Good luck!
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Tia’s Answer

Hi Lucas,

Managing time, limiting distractions , and making sure your physical and mental health are supported in healthy ways can be great foundations for self discipline. With discipline however, sometimes there is a tendency to become hyper-focused on planning/scheduling and life does not always go as planned. Do not be afraid to make mistakes and figure out what methods work best for you because that is okay as well.
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Vridhi’s Answer

The best way to discipline yourself is as follows:

1) Make sure you have a schedule and a routine
2) Have a good eating plan and stick to it
3) Try to get proper sleep. Try to sleep by 10 pm and try to get up at 8 am. Getting 8 hours of sleep every day is very important for your mental and emotional well being. Make sure you don't have any stimulants such as light and other things that may disturb your sleep patterns.

And finally - try to stay away from the phone - or use the phone only for emergencies. Some of the best ways I try to discipline myself is to stick to my own commitment to myself. If I make a commitment I keep it. You can try to make small goals - usually a chart is really good where you can list down the following:

1) The Goal
2) The Days
3) The Habits You'd Like to Create

Once you have done that it will help you organize everything and it will keep you on track.

Hope this helps!

Happy to answer any further questions.
