Career questions tagged family

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Gisella305 views

What were some family-related problems you had to deal with when focusing on your career?

I'm currently deciding whether i should go to the least expensive school (commuting) or the place that would make me the happiest, living on campus. I find it hard telling my family that being away from them, being on my own, being independent 2 hours away, will help me focus on school and my studies much better than being at home in all of the chaos. I know they rely on me a lot for certain things and i'm happy to help them with anything, but just this once I want to be selfish and focus on me without any judgment on why I feel the this way. After all I, and only I, will be the one that bears the weight of my consequences, if any, of the amount of debt I will be in. Even though my college options aren't expensive compared to other schools, I will have to bear a large amount of debt to be able to go to a four year school and get a Bachelor's degree. Anyway, what would you suggest I do with this kind of problem?

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marlowe938 views

how can i plan my finances properly?

finance planning tips

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Alex406 views

What career path works best for me?

I really value helping others, family, and fun. What jobs or career paths align with these values?

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Joe559 views

What salary should I look for to have a family?

i hope to have a family and would like to know how much an average family of 4-6 people would need to live comfortably with the current outlook on inflation affecting prices and housing costs going only up.

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Garrett619 views

How much on the job experience do you need to be a construction manager?

I am interested working for my family outdoor water and sever company and am hoping to one day take over the company. I am also wondering what the salary is for a job like this. Along with the salary as when you start working.

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Lilly1069 views

Is being a teacher worth it?

is being a teacher worth it now a days it scares me because of the bad connotation that goes with it

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Isabella520 views

How did you choose a job that aligned with your goals and what you enjoyed?

I do not know how I am going to find a job that I enjoy and one that aligns with my future goals, like having family time and flexibility. Right now, I want to be an anesthesiologist, but after further research, I might not be able to meet my goals, so I'm not really sure where to go from there. I was thinking a healthcare management position, but I'm not completely sure.

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reagan441 views

Should I let my lifestyle goals dictate my choice of healthcare career?

For example, I want to go into surgery, but I'm worried I won't have enough time to commit to my family. I am also interested in pulmonary medicine, but I'm not sure if I will like it as much.

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Azzy865 views

How can I make money to support my family?

I am an eighth grader who is looking to become successful in the future so I can support my family, when I decide I want to have one. I have created many businesses and went to different craft shows, but can't seem to make very much money.

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Madilyn365 views

WHo can I find a ecareer for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

WHo can I find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?WHo can I find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?WHo can I find a career for me when I can't even think of what I want to be?

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Addison382 views

How do I start becoming a child care worker ?

HOW DO I START BECOMING A CHILD CARE WORKER I really just wanna help kids in need and that are in danger due to the families of the kid. Just let me know

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Trust397 views

How do I make money, and how do I learn how to save?

I want to be a surgeon and take care of my family and others with the money I'll make

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sam257 views

family and future

How will i be rich when i get older so i can take care of my family? i have to be fit, healthy, good hygiene, and how will i be a better person that cares for others

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Hailey617 views

how to balance work and life?

Would it be possible for me to be a detective of some kind and still have an active family life?

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Ella416 views

How difficult is it to be an airline pilot and have a family at the same time?

I want to be a pilot but I also want to raise kids. I know most pilots have wonky schedules so how hard is it to juggle raising kids and being a pilot?

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Ian324 views

What would you say is your success rate for family therapy? Is there a set approach for every situation to some degree or do you come up with a different tactic for every unique situation?

No additional information.

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Sowmya473 views

how can you balance family life and work as a dermatologist?

i would personally love to be a dermatologist when I am older but how do you balance home life like having a family and how do you balance life at the office? How many hours do dermatologists usually work in a week and also how many days do most derms work in a week?

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Skylar1099 views

Speech Pathologist?

For speech pathologists do you choose your own hours? Are you able to have a big family and still have time for everything? What is the salary? What is your day to day schedule?

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Michelle427 views

Is family ?

Is family medicine a good job? What is the hardest thing about family medicine? Is family medicine a great career? How do you get patients to open up to you?

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Jsai1845 views

Do software engineers have enough time for their families? What is the quality of life like for people pursuing this career?

Do you get to spend weekends with your family? I have a daughter on the way so family time is important to me. Are there opportunities for work-from-home positions?

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Maggie383 views

What is it like as a Family and General Practitioner?

Hi! im currently in jobcore as a PT and plan on going into college to become a Family and General Practitioner, what is your daily schedule like in this field?

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Adonis563 views

Hey my name is Adonis What are the pros and cons of being a NFL player ?

Do you get to be with your family a lot? And how much monies do you make

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Karen628 views

How to choose which school to apply to?

I would love some advice on program selection and enhancing a resume

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Jade520 views

What is my career goal?

My Career goal is to open my own day and night daycare because I feel like no family should worry about childcare at night. #family #career

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Lanayjah1253 views

What kind of clients are the most difficult to work with for social workers and how do they cope with their attitudes

#social-worker #Family and child science

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Kendell532 views

What are all the tools you need to become an Real Estate Agent?

My name is Kendell Seth Perry and I attend Miami Carol City High School in Florida, where I live with my Mom and my brothers and sisters. And I also play basketball and that's what I want to expand my career on and if that plan doesn't work out , I want to become an real estate agent. #college #career # #business #family

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CareerVillage Office Hours2055 views

How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

Office Hours #4: AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Mark Eagle This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours sessions, we invite students to pose questions related to a specific topic. In this case, the topic was preparing for life after high school. If you answer this question, we will reach out to the students who attended this office hours session to inform them of your response, and all students on CareerVillage will benefit. If you would be interested in hosting an office hours session on a particular topic, please reach out to our staff! #stress #academics #college #careers #family #finances #money #career-search #mental-health #time-management

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Maria604 views

What is a psych NP in charge of?

I really want to be an NP. I want to know more in-depth about what is their daily day like. #psychology #therapist #family #brain #therapists

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Maria3273 views

Pros and Cons of Dermatology

#Dermatology #career #job #family #careers #career-options #career-choice #career-paths #jobs

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valerie455 views

What job i need to work on for me

moving jobs, teaching jobs, dance career jobs #worker, #family

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