It seems like more jobs need a degree to get. If this is the case, why are university/college prices going up? It is just putting more young adults into debt.
I am asking because I am going to college/university to get my degree and I am curious to why it is costing me so much.
#student-debt #college-major #degrees #college #financial-planning #student-loans #financial-advising
2 answers
Paul’s Answer
This is a question that boils down to supply and demand. Since more jobs require degrees that means that enrollment at colleges is going up. If colleges see that enrollment is going up, they can increase their tuition. As tuition increases, so does the amount of debt students take on. It's very simple economics. In addition, colleges are competing with each other for the best students so they have to spend money on new buildings, dorms and other facilities and amenities to make them more attractive. They pass these costs onto the students through tuition hikes.
Ana’s Answer
Yes, indeed it is. I can say from personal experience after getting my Bachelors and Masters, I'll be paying my student loans for many years to come. Some advise, get your Bachelors but wait to get a Masters until you are hired and the employer has tuition assistance.