Any online platforms I can use to acquire IT skill?
I know there are some online courses offered by Microsoft. #information-technology #e-learning #information-technology-and-services #online-learning
11 answers
Ragil’s Answer
For video training:-
INE(mainy for networking)
For videos and books
O REILLY (Safari Books Online)
Jayne’s Answer
Also look into learning about accessible design - being able to build accessible web sites and apps will set you far apart from other candidates.
Absar Ul’s Answer
Since you have generically mentioned about IT skills, there are many platforms available online. I assume here in you want to know in regards to computer science on whole. I would suggest you to search the topics you are interested on Udemy, Coursera. Try to go with the free once first and evaluate for yourself how much they are helping you. You can even search the topics your are interested to learn about on YouTube.
Hope this helps, wish you success.

bridget navoda
bridget’s Answer
It may be too simple for you, but is an excellent introduction!

Jenny Vaz
Jenny’s Answer
It really depends on what you are after/strengths/ what areas are of interest you. In tech you start with coding, business analysis, database programming, cloud architecture, project management or business relationship management. Tech today requires you to collaborate not just with your peers but across different functions of the business.
Take a look at - they offer a variety of courses including one from John Hopkins on Data Science. Some of their courses come with certification (for a fee).
Let me know if you've any further questions.
saurabh’s Answer
Cloud Academy
Linux Academy
Code Academy
Future Learn
Nishant’s Answer
There are multiple platforms available to acquire IT Skills Online. Some of the websites listed as follows:
Kristin’s Answer
If you are specifically looking for training in programming languages, I highly recommend W3 Schools. I just had an employee ramp up on JavaScript using that platform almost exclusively. There are great functions that allow you to write your own code and test it right on the site! The interface is, ahem, not visually appealing, but the information is top notch.
Also, this may sound odd - but YouTube has a ton of great tutorials, so if you are a visual learner, you might start there and then go to W3 Schools to put what you learned into action in a test environment.
Vikas’s Answer
The new online platforms besides the above available are:
1.Upgrad 2.QuickStart, 3.Simplilearn
Anilkumar’s Answer
++ some paid - free stuff for slef learning
++ Even youtube has very good video tutorial post.

Jennifer Jortner Cassidy
Jennifer’s Answer
Hi Jennifer!
I'd also suggest LinkedIn Learning in addition to what others have provided -
Full disclosure, that is my employer :-)
Best of luck to you!