Career questions tagged it-management

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Mark449 views

Will I make more money in a startup or large IT company?

I understand risk reward applies to startups, does it apply to large IT companies as well ? Will I make more money there ?

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Abdullahi392 views

I want to take 2 majors ( Aviation and IT Managment). How do I start and where do I find the resources?

I am a freshman and 15 years old. There is a enrollment for early college classes PSEO and we can only take 1 class though I dont know which major I should start on.

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Adonis591 views

What file type should I use for my online resume and how many pages should it be?

I have been wondering about these two questions for a while and would like professional answers, thank you kindly.

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Adonis906 views

How many pages should my resume be? What style should I format my resume in? What file type should I use for my online resume?

I have been wondering about these two questions for a while and would like professional answers, thank you kindly.

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Adonis483 views

What is the best way to manage my time in high school? What are some good internships I should look into in high school? Who should I send my resume and cover letter to?

Answer all of this one by one.

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ian1938 views

What programming languages must you know for IT management or software engineer?

I know a couple languages, mostly high level but I was wondering If I have to learn C or C++ or ABC . I know python, bootstrap, html, css, java script, learning ruby and rails, and I am learning php and sql. #software-engineering #technology #web-development #computer-software #software #coding #html #css #java #javascript #it-management

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Alex 1379 views

What collage does a IT manager need?

I love tech, and want to be a IT manager. #technology #tech #it #it-management #it-operations

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Alex 1002 views

What is an IT managers starting salary?

I love tech #technology #it #it-management #financial-planning #salary

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Brandon1420 views

What is more important: Programming Languages or Bilingual Languages when it comes to Information Technology in Business?

Currently, I am earning a degree in Information Systems Technology but plan on going into a transferable degree. What I am leaning towards is working as an administrative assistant and working my way up in the business world. Although, I am a little curious on what would suit the job better. #business-management #information-technology #computer-programming #project-management #office-administration #it-management #bilingual #system-administration

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Brandon1021 views

Is it possible to put two partitions on a hard-drive and split the windows installation with a partition and use the other to store files?

I hear often that many schools and companies use a deep freeze and store their data on separate networks. So, I wonder if it would be easier to store and boot windows from a separate partition and use the other to store data. I wonder what issues this will cause, but I also wonder if this would be more efficient since one can just format the second partition if any malicious software arises. #networking #it-management #help-desk-support #help-desk-management #computer-memory #deep-freeze #windows

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Brandon1460 views

What is the best online program for obtaining cyber-security experience?

I may be planning on going into the cyber-security/network security, so I was wondering where and what would offer me the best experience and knowledge on security basics at any place and anytime. #networking #cyber-security #computer-security #it-management #online-learning #network-security #security-basics

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Brandon1035 views

How often do Tech Representatives at a University obtain tickets?

I am wondering about the quantity of work required to be a help-desk or IT manager at a university. #university #information-technology #it-management #tickets

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Brandon1108 views

What are the necessary requirements for obtaining a Bachelors of Science degree for the IT field?

I am planning on forwarding my education into getting a degree at Radford University, so I was wondering what they would require in terms of classes and certifications. #computer-science #higher-education #bachelors-degree #it-management

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mean1381 views

Is it a good idea to choose to study in business information systems? Is it in a high demand in the marketplace nowaday or not? Can anyone tell me, please?

I want to know more about it. #business #computer #japan #business-analysis #business-intelligence #it-management #marketing-communications #information-systems

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ABHINAV1323 views

Which programming language is the most preferred one by employers?

Because am currently finishing my masters and i'm trying to gain some expertise in any specific language that's better preferred by employers #programming #it #software-development #game-development #it-management

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a2639 views

Would it be wise to take AP Calculus to pursue a career in Information Technology?

Hi, I just became a senior in high school and have plans to pursue a career in IT security. I have a choice to take AP Calculus this year. My other options are Business Math or Statistics. Would Calculus be a helpful course to prepare for an IT career? I know it is not a mandatory course to take, like it would be for someone entering Computer Science. But I have looked at other discussions and many people says that it helps you think differently. Thank you for any advice and comments. #information-technology #cyber-security #computer-security #it-management #information-security #it-security

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Stanislaus1018 views

Actually, I will like to know what it takes to be outstanding in my field of study and also; does one really need to be in the best school before he/she can be a genius in whatsoever field of study they choose?

My name is Stanislaus,I'm a final year Student of Ecole des techniciens superieur du Benin. I'm currently studying computer science and I really have so much passion for it. I don't want to operate in a level of mediocrity as regards my course. I'm also a pianist. Well my reasons for asking this questions is that I want to get accustomed and acquainted with a lot of things pertaining to my field; by so doing I'll be able to augment my skills. #computer-software #programming #it-management #compute #ethical-hacking #cctv

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David2927 views

What are some major difficulties if one were to work for IT Audit, and Accounting? Also, what are some programming languages that suit IT Audit?

My name is David, a rising, college sophomore, who is majoring in Information Technology. As of now, my primary focus is web development, but I'm also interested in exploring my other career options that fall under the IT industry, such as IT Audit. #accounting #information-technology #accountant #it-management #risk-analysis #it-sales #it-audit

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Alexia1033 views

I want to work for a non profit helping humans with illness mostly mental and help animals what should I major in?

I love everything, i want to work for a non profit helping people and animals and also educating them and therapy idk what to major in, i love teaching in third world countries, i love cultures traveled the work i speak 4 languages i love government and UN stuff, i also love bio and science and helping animals, and i love talking and debate (and the arts like painting). I know i want to work for a non profit and make a different but idk what to major in... #biology #therapy #nonprofits #it-management #united-nations

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