How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle while also working a lot ?
Even as a college student I struggle with this already. Between classes and studying it's hard to make time for the gym and eating healthy when you want to get back to your next job asap. #college #lifestyle #multitasking
5 answers
Allison’s Answer

Arthur Chang
Arthur’s Answer
Hi Tiffanie,
good question! As a student-athlete with a part-time job as well as being involved in student government in college, I know it's hard. However, one of the things my coach has repeatedly told my team has been really helpful: develop a routine. If it helps, draw up a daily schedule of your classes and jobs. Try to find a time across every day where you can exercise for the amount of time desired (half an hour, an hour, etc.), and head to the gym then. NO EXCEPTIONS. Once you start making exceptions, it's extraordinarily hard to get back on track. The first few days, or even weeks, it might be hard because you might feel like you have a lot to do, homework to catch up on. However, it is important to give your brain that break--it is a muscle, and like any other muscle, needs rest. The same goes for eating healthy. Come up with a plan and stick to it. Hope this helps and good luck!

Rachel Resnick
Rachel’s Answer
You have to set a routine for yourself and stick to it for the most part. Once you get into the groove of a routine it will be much easier for you to manage your time and have enough time for everything you need to do (including relaxing). Make yourself to-do lists on a weekly basis, use Google calendar or a planner to keep track of events, deadlines, and due dates. In addition to setting a routine and sticking to it, plan out relaxing activities into your day. Or set aside a time, after everything is done for the day, that you can have "me" time. I have also personally found it essential to not only find time for myself but also make use of that time in a way that is best for me and my holistic wellness. I have found the HeadSpace app to be an essential tool in helping me relax and generally feel more relaxed throughout the day, Guided meditation, even if you have a busy schedule, will make you feel more at ease and relaxed throughout the day as a whole (not just when you have the time to relax and focus on that "me" time).
Set a routine.Use Google Calendar.Set aside Me TimeWrite weekly to-do lists and use a planner.Find a peaceful and restful activity that will help you feel relaxed.
Sudha’s Answer
Hi Tiffanie,
Be Organized! Trust me it solves most of the problem. Make a "To Do list" for both professional and personal work. Ensure you don't dump too much for a day and stick to the schedule. The schedule should include your exercise and meal time. Try to include some hobby which will relax you of any stress and give time to it. Do not over promise and under deliver. Do things which you can sustain in the long time.
Good Luck
Allie’s Answer
This is something that I've been working on for years!! I recently started a Gratitude Journal - just 5 minutes each morning to write down things I'm grateful for, how I want my day to be, and setting a daily intention. I find that when I'm in a better mental state, it helps me to make better decisions throughout the day and makes sticking to routines a bit easier. It's also really great to look back at entries when you're not feeling your best.
Best of luck to you!