Career questions tagged internationalrelations

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Alanis648 views

How can I prepare myself for an ESG function, being an IR student?

#student #college #internationalrelations #career #ESG #graduate-student

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Monica507 views

How do you get started in the human rights/international relations field?

I am a recent college grad. I double majored in Media Communications and Political Science. All of my internships are in media communications so I don’t have work experience.#humanrights #internationalrelations

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Chirag981 views

Is there any good amount of Scope/future opportunities after doing B.A (Hons) in International Relations or B.A (Hons) in Political Science, if not will there be more opportunities after Masters?

I'm currently applying for colleges and am In my last year of High School in Which I've took Humanities, I'm really interested in International Relations and Political Science for now, and I will learn languages while in college on my own or joining separate classes, my Aim for now is to Give the Indian Civil Services exam after my Bachelor's Degree but I am not sure if I should take one of these subjects as my degree because what if I don't get selected in the Civil Services? Also would a 4 year B.A Hons (Reasearch) International Relations degree be better than the 2 3 year degrees suggested above or should I pursue masters after 3 year Bachelor's? I live in India and am looking for colleges in Bachelor's here itself, I don't have a problem working or doing master's abroad. #india #polticalscience #humanities #BA #ba #Arts #Internationalrelations #IR #Civilservices #upsc

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Ethan1189 views

Is it better to study journalism/communications or Academic subjects to become a Journalist?

So basically, the dilemma here is that I have recently decided to try to become a journalist, and I was wondering if it would be better to do an academic university degree (e.g. international relations, politics etc.) to build a broad foundation of knowledge and then transition to journalism, or to directly study journalism/ communications in order to equip myself with the skills/ techniques required for journalism? Any help would be very much appreciated! #july20 #journalism #communications #reporting #internationalrelations #politics #academicVSvocational #career

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Angel916 views

Hey, I'm planning on either majoring international relation, communication or English. But right now im in a crisis. Idk what I should major and which I should minor. But I want to do all 3. Or does anyone have a good suggestion to major in a field that is related to the above 3? And what are the most affordable colleges that do not require maths for entrance ? If anyone could answer me it'll be great!

#internationalrelations #humanities #college #english #major #minor #communication #dunnowhattodo #advice #internationalstudies #liberalarts #languages #college-major #arts

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Thomas661 views

What are the highest paying jobs that an international relations major can attain?

#major #internationalrelations

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Andrea5840 views

What is the best major or minor to pair with an International Relations major?

Looking for something to double major with my IR degree. And not a language, I'm already minoring in French. #internationalrelations #doublemajor #college-major #degree #liberal-arts

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