Career questions tagged doublemajor

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Emely650 views

What major would be a good pair to architecture major?

I’m in my second year of college. I am taking architecture major but I am concerned that it would be difficult for me to find a job in the future. Architecture consumes a lot of time, but I could manage to spend 2-3 years more if it will help my resume, and find a better job. Considering double major sounds good but I can’t choose which I’m career would be better, to help me find a better job and to earn some real money. I was considering business but still I do not know in what field would be better. this is my second year and I am really concerned Please let me know ur opinion Thank you #jobs #career #major #college #architecture #doublemajor #business

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Aniya3550 views

Would is be smart for me to double major in finance and information systems, and get a master's in finance? If, so what career opportunities will I have?

I'm a senior, and by the time I graduate high school, I will have an AA degree. I'm thinking of a career in fintech, but I'm not sure. I do want to study finance, and I'm interested in technology. #major #college #high-school #career #finance #informationSystems #technology #doublemajor #masters

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Kurt891 views

Should I double major in music and microbiology?

I'm a rising senior and I am thinking about becoming a physician assistant. I have been playing french horn since 6th grade and also have a big interest in medicine. The problem is that I am not sure if I should double major in music and mcb or just microbiology. I want to have enough time during my undergrad years to join clubs, shadow other PAs, potentially conduct research, perform with an ensemble, and have a lively social life. Will this be possible if I double major or should I just stick to one? I feel that as a double major, I will stand out from other applicants applying to PA school. #college-major #music #medicine #physician #healthcare #doublemajor #physicianassistant #july20

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RACH650 views

I want to study law in the future and am exploring possible majors for my bachelors degree. Is a psychology and political science double major too difficult to complete in 4 years?

#psychology #college-major #major #doublemajor

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Raphael2687 views

What double major should I choose between maths and physics with a major in computer science ?

#computer-science #math #math #college-major #computer-science #college-major #physics #college #doublemajor

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K1746 views

Double Major in Psychology & Nutrition?

So, I’m a senior in college & I’m now questioning all of my life decisions. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE psychology. But I’m just now realizing throughout the years I’ve always had such a strong passion for nutrition & I don’t know what to do. My original plan was to go to grad school & get my masters in school psychology. I’m now realizing that that’s something I just don’t want to do anymore. If I could just start over & get a bachelors degree is nutrition & dietetics & becomes a nutritionist I 100% would. But now I feel like it’s way too late to do anything about it and I should just finish my psychology undergrad degree and apply for graduate school even though I don’t think I will get in nor do I truly want to do it. What would my possibilities be if I got a bachelor’s degree in psychology and nutrition? My parents are so set on me going to grad school that before I mention anything to them I need to have a set plan. I feel like I’ve wasted so much of their money being almost done and realizing my passion isn’t psychology. I just really don’t know what to do or where/who to turn to. Can I still succeed in life? #psychology #college-major #career #nutrition #doublemajor #confused #psychologynutrition #nutritionist

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Tyiana694 views

What are the struggles that a double major must take on during their first year of college?

#college #advice #doublemajor #firstyear #freshmen #

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Madaline623 views

What would be the best strategy to conquer a double major?

#english #education #doublemajor

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Maria856 views

What is better-to have a double major or a major and a minor?

What would look better to an employer and which is less hectic? #majors-and-minors #doublemajor #minor

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Rachel759 views

Do you think it is too hard to double major in history and musical theater?

I really love acting and singing, but I figure I can always do that as a hobby without training, and I will need a degree to get a job in a history field. #musicaltheater #history #doublemajor

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Tayler2014 views

Is it possible to double major your freshman year of college and not be overworked?

I have been thinking about double majoring in computer science and accounting my freshman year of college, but a few colleges I have looked into say they do not allow computer science majors to double major. The college I have chosen will allow it, however, I do not want to put my health at risk. #computerscience #accounting #doublemajor

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Cole993 views

Should I double major to give myself more options, or should I save time and stress?

I am a very hard worker and will do anything to get my work or job done however, I am also a person to get very overwhelmed and stressed out because of it. Would double majoring be worth my time and stress or should I try to stick to one major? #WhatDoIDo #doublemajor #collegelife #ImExcited

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Talia1999 views

How hard is it to double major in Music and medicine?

I’m in 9th grade and I want to go to Med school, but I also want to major in singing. What are some obstacles that come along in double majoring and how long would it take to complete both degrees? #medschool #doctor #vocalist #music #doublemajor #biology #college-major #academic-advising

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Andrea5840 views

What is the best major or minor to pair with an International Relations major?

Looking for something to double major with my IR degree. And not a language, I'm already minoring in French. #internationalrelations #doublemajor #college-major #degree #liberal-arts

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