Career questions tagged academic-advisor

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Bahara2292 views

Will double minor add value to my degree?

I am going to my 4th year of University and majoring in Accounting. I am considering doing a double minor in Finance and International Business. I am concern about double minors. Will double minors add value to my degree? and is it a good minor to choose with my major in Accounting? Need some minor recommendation. Thank you #college-minor #majors-and-minors #academic-advisor Thank you

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Sharlene1522 views

If I am interested in having a career related to space and ideally NASA, what would be the best approach be as a undergraduate rising junior?

I am already pursuing a degree in the health sciences, and I am interested in pursuing another degree, particularly one related to space. I would like some advice on the best way to pursue this interest. #astronomy #space #academic-advisor #college-professor

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Mohammad1000 views

What is the best approach to take towards a poorly taught course?

I am a graduate Electrical Engineering student and throughout my career as a student I found that there were a few classes that provided less than satisfactory learning experience and I've always felt unsure about how to approach such classes. I feel that I tend to be uncertain about who to talk to and whether I should voice my opinion at all about the class and how to do so. An expert advice would be beneficial on this topic. #professor #student #counseling #college-student #student-counseling #academic-advisor #student-affairs #student-engagement

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samson1108 views

data analyst

so i am planning to be a data analyst after my graduation from computer engineering from the university. i am curios on what i need to do to fulfil this career dream, do i need more studies after my graduation or what path should i embark on after my studies? #engineering #graduate-school #academic-advising #academic-advisor

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Dylan1028 views

Why do many students not complete undergraduate degree after 4 years?

Many schools show low percentage of 4 year graduation rates. Are these percentages for BS or BA degrees? Any why does it seem to take most student longer than 4 years to finish their undergrad degree? #academic-advisor

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Alec847 views

When applying to college what should I look for to decide which is best?

I am looking into several universities and I wanted to know which details I should look at to make sure I am getting the best education I can. #college #graduate #academic-advisor

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Alec987 views

Is there a specific degree that I should choose when wanting to apply to dental school?

I am enrolling in college and I want to become a dentist in the future. Is there a specific plan of study I should follow in order to achieve this? #college #dentistry #dentist #academic-advisor #pre-dental

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Jasmine1157 views

What is the best way to determine if your major is the best major for you?

I recently thought I found the perfect major and minor. I was really excited to finally go from undecided to declaring my current major/minor, Apparel Merchandising and Product Development/Marketing. I was glad to finally share my decision with family and friends, only to have them make me second doubt myself. #career #career-counseling #counselor #career-advice #academic-advisor #undecided

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Jasmine966 views

What is the best way to determine if your major is the best major for you?

I recently thought I found the perfect major and minor. I was really excited to finally go from #undecided to declaring my current major/minor, Apparel Merchandising and Product Development/Marketing. I was glad to finally share my decision with family and friends, only to have them make me second doubt myself. #counselor #academic-advisor

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Valentina 1073 views

Would it be bad to get a bachelor's degree at a state college instead of a university?

I live about 20 minutes away from a state college that offers a bachelor's degree in Biology. That is what I plan to major in regardless of what school I to attend. I would rather go to a state college because I can live at home and I will save about 40,000 dollars, if I attend the state college nearby. Is this a good idea or should I go to a known university because it looks better on my resume? #counselor #academic-advisor #advising #advisory-boards

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Rachel972 views

I'm concerned that because college will be more challenging academically than high school that I might have some trouble keeping my grades at a top level. How can I make the adjustment to college learning without stressing myself out?

I have always done well in school and pride myself on my working knowledge. I am concerned that my grades might suffer due to all the changes I will have to deal with being on my own for the first time. I'm sure many students have experienced this, and want to avoid it, if at all possible. #college #advice #academic-advising #guidance-counselor #academic-advisor

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