Career questions tagged inspiration

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Pearl284 views

How can I advertise myself as a future VA (Voice Actor)?

When I was at my last convention event, I met the VA Lizzie Freeman. She suggested a few websites for voice acting such as Casting call (used for people to audition for small shows/games) and I want to be a voice (Inform about how to practice.) Are these good webs? Are there any others I should look for?

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Pearl504 views

Should I be a Voice actor or an actor?

I met an awesome Voice actor, Lizzie freeman (TADC, jojo's bizzare adventure, etc...), and she inspired me to be a voice actor. I'm planning to take chorus to help my voice, but she recommends having a bigger 'job palette' by being an actor. What should I do?

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zinathi560 views

questions about a lawyer in Xhosa

What inspired you to choose this profession?

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Nicole698 views

What inspired you?

I love to play the piano and I know that the passion and love I have for the instrument will spread and inspire others to follow their passions

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Ashley601 views

What made you want to be a nurse?

What inspired you?

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emily576 views

would learning an instrument(s) for a music career be a good choice for it ?

feel like having some experience would help in that job but i'm not sure that's why i'm curious to know!

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Edwin1051 views

What was your biggest inspiration that led to your career path?

I want to know what made people choose the current path they follow. Do they enjoy their job or are they doing it for the money? Was there a large event that happened or was there an underlying passion for your career? #career-choice

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Alliyah1019 views

Since the acting and film world is so competitive, how do I succeed in getting my name out there and where do I start?

I am an incoming sophomore at Georgia State University. So many people attend this school, so I don't know where to start making connections in order to get into the acting and film industry. #JULY #JULY20 #actress #acting #film #film-acting #college #cinematography #creativity #inspiration #hope #love

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Mia1116 views

How do you keep people happy in bad conditions?

I am in the marching band at my school. We practice for 6 months in hot South Florida and sometimes people decide to just give up. As a section leader and leader in the band I have a responsibility to keep spirits high when we spend hours outside running around in 100+ degree weather. How do you keep people happy in bad conditions? #inspiration #mentoring #happy

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Mia1137 views

How do you connect with people to inspire them to be better?

I plan to become a band director and am currently a section leader. I try to inspire the others in my section to practice and work hard however it doesn't always work out. How can I connect with them to inspire them to be better? #music #teach #teaching #teacher #inspiration

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Susan863 views

What are sources of creative inspiration around you that help you complete your work?

As someone who always struggles to be seized with enough passion to create things, I wondered what inspires you. I saw a Vox video on youtube about how nature itself can be a model of design and a source of inspiration, and I was wondering how people come by their professional ideas. #inspiration

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Jennifer1221 views

How, through my future career, can I inspire young kids to make a difference in their community?

I want to make a lasting impact on the people I work with, and I want the children I see to be inspired to work hard and positively impact the people around them. What are some ways I can help kids achieve this? #positivity #inspiration #medicine #children #working-with-children #community-outreach

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aesha1525 views

How should i get idea for my new ui/ux project!?

I am keen to work and solve UI/UX problems but I am running out of new unique ideas, its research phase for me. any ideas on how and what should I work on!? #uiux #ideas #design #project #inspiration #user-interface-design #user problems #japan

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Karen1786 views

What do you love about your job?

I am a high school student who has seen both the best and worst of many individuals' careers. I have seen people take up their careers, only to end up struggling to keep up with them. Lately, I haven't met many people who are happy doing what they do. Individuals have their own circumstances and reasons as to why they took up the job they are doing now. My wish is that everyone will love what they are doing, whether it is financially draining them or not. Your answers will not have a huge impact on my future career choice. This is a question created by me in hopes to be inspired by your love for your job. I wish for this alacrity to spread to others who are struggling to keep up with their own careers. #career #career-choice #job #student #love #inspiration #appreciation #love-for-job

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Taryn1383 views

How do you have embellishment ideas for fashion?

I have seen a lot of beautiful embellishment on dresses, shirts, pants, jackets and I would like to be able to do that without thinking to hard. Please help. #fashion #design #fashion-design #designers #ideas #inspiration

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Taryn2800 views

How does a fashion designer stay inspired to design?

For me, I am not always inspired. One day, I will have an idea that I need to sketch out, and on other days I don't. I really don't want this to stop me from accomplishing my goals. Please help. #fashion #fashion-design #motivation #designers #inspiration #pencil-sketching

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