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What do you love about your job?

I am a high school student who has seen both the best and worst of many individuals' careers. I have seen people take up their careers, only to end up struggling to keep up with them. Lately, I haven't met many people who are happy doing what they do. Individuals have their own circumstances and reasons as to why they took up the job they are doing now. My wish is that everyone will love what they are doing, whether it is financially draining them or not. Your answers will not have a huge impact on my future career choice. This is a question created by me in hopes to be inspired by your love for your job. I wish for this alacrity to spread to others who are struggling to keep up with their own careers. #career #career-choice #job #student #love #inspiration #appreciation #love-for-job

Thank you comment icon Why I love my job? Here's why, I love to help people with their problems and concerns. Being able to teach them how to use their devices to their full potential inspires them to use their products more and I admire their excitement. One thing that challenges me is not knowing the answer to every question, but I would love to explore the answers with the customer together so both the customer and I can gain some new knowledge in our life. I love meeting new people everyday; this is my passion, so that is why I love my job. Joey
Thank you comment icon Hello Joey. Thank you for your answer! I can see that your words have been lit with the passion you have for your career. What do you do for a living, may I ask? Karen
Thank you comment icon Hello Karen! Thank you for commenting back! I am a Specialist at Apple and also a 24 Hour Fitness Sales Advisor. Both of my jobs, it allows me to meet a lot of different people and help with their "life choice" decisions. For example, which membership fits them, which apple device suits them. I am a student also at a community college; both of these jobs were my dream job ever since I was a little girl. I'm still young, but both of these job helps me provide a living for myself. Joey

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12 answers

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Marilyn’s Answer

In response to why and whether I love my job, I would say that only once I had a job I did not love. That was a brief time and I had to work there in order to become eligible for the next step. I went into every job with enthusiasm and tried not to think of the negatives. So much of your work is your attitude, and that can overcome even difficult conditions. I began as a teacher and determined to become a counselor. I had to obtain further training so I could be a school counselor. I then went back to school so I could become an administrator, and I later became a guidance director in Houston ISD. After I retired, I came back and served as a drug-free schools coordinator. Later I did training and consulting for schools and businesses and worked as a consultant for ACT. I have also had a private counseling practice for years and developed a part time business with a colleague where we provide an online scholarship database for schools and individuals. Along with that I have been a tour leader and an artist. I have always loved what I did and if I got bored, I just developed a side job or a hobby to help me develop more fun in my life. I have never been bored or rich, but I have always had fun and enjoyed my life, and I have always had enough money to have a great life. I guess my answer is I love variety, connection with others, the ability to have some element of control over my activities, the ability to exercise my creativity and joy. I think my attitude was a huge factor. I never gave up, I just looked for other challenges. I love to help others. I am also now an artist that keeps me connected with other fun people and am counseling others just as part of my gift. I will never stop learning new things and growing as a person. Hope this helps.
Marilyn Balke-Lowry

Thank you comment icon Seems like you really lived your life to the fullest and took complete advantage of your determination and ambitions. Thank you for sharing your story! Karen
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Vatsala’s Answer

Fortunately, I have always enjoyed what I have been doing for the last 20 + years though working in different areas. I always felt that, more then the job or the work, it’s the people associated with you at work matters the most ! All of us spend good amount of 8 + hours at work and it really matters. Making good connections and building the trust always helps and doesn’t drain you much. At times, the work might be boring, however there is always an option to rotate within or outside your organisation. Lastly at any point of time, things not working out, always an option to move (we are not trees 😊 ) !!

All the best Karen !!
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Sesame’s Answer

When I saw this question, the first thing comes to my mind is our company culture, my managers, my colleagues - those 3 things are the keys that I love about my job.

Working at Cisco, I am the customer zero who is experiencing how Cisco's technology and product can change the way we work, live and play. For example, with the flexible solution of collaboration, I can work anywhere anytime as long as I have the network, and it is a great help for me to balance my work and personal life.

Being as the member of IT organization here, I am very lucky to work in the team that colleagues support each other, and the leaders/managers always provide their support and guidance to me whenever required.

The good colleague, good boss, and good company culture are main reasons on why I love about my job.
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Annjanette’s Answer

I love that I am empowered to make the best business decision for my customers. I use my critical thinking skills to make sound decisions. I like that I am not expected to be a robot, but I'm expected to ask questions and offer suggestions to better the business.

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Geeniya’s Answer

Meeting new people, working with people from mixed culture and learning new things.

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Vikshith’s Answer

People interaction and the opportunity to work flexible hours

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Janice’s Answer

I love the idea of being flexible in the workplace. To be able to work from home vs. onsite especially when we have inclement weather is a huge plus. Being able to start my work day later 9AM vs. 7 or 8 AM and work later is great because I am more productive in the later hours of the day - that is a huge benefit for me personally. If I need to take a day off and make it up within that work week....another plus. Of course, this is me being exempt vs. hourly! Another big benefit. I would look for a company that allows that type of flexibility.
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Abgour’s Answer

Hello Karen,

Thank you for your question because I LOVE it when people ask me if I like what I'm doing. I DO, I LOVE it, and that's thanks to so many things, Like how my manager cares about us as people, how we have weekly meetings not just business but personal development. what I like especially about my job is that we work on a daily basis with people from different cultural backgrounds. but Karen, if you want to have the best out of it, adopt a positive attitude, be friends with people and learn from your peers !

Good luck !

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Janice’s Answer

When I first got out of High School, I was able to get a job at a bank (keypunching). But, from there the doors opened up to many different opportunities. I found a great company that had a reimbursement program - that is what got me to continue by education and increase my skill sets. I moved from Data Entry, which I liked doing to a Computer Technician that got me into management. It was in this role that I truly enjoyed because I was able to help people move into a direction that would help better them in the long run. Coaching and mentoring is what I did that was rewarding....knowing that I was able to help others grow and be happy. Being able to recognize and reward others - even if it is to say you're doing a great job - I know that I just made that person happy for at least one minute if not the full day....The job I do today, Chief of Staff role is very rewarding as I get to continue to learn and grow - You have the power to do what you want and be good at it!
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Gabriela’s Answer

I love that I am able to communicate with people from all over the world and continue using and expanding on my own language skills.
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Jodie’s Answer

I am so thankful for my job. I have been with my company for 19 years next month. I work with people who are basically family after that long. It is challenging yet conquerable, keeps me sharp and learning. Gives me flexibility in my hours as well as location. It has supported a life I love for 19 years- allows me the opportunity to travel and take vacations, live in a home I love, clothes on my back and my children's backs, an active social life, hobbies, food on the table, volunteering and charity... My job has given me the opportunity for a full well-rounded life, and for that I will always be thankful!
work-life-balance attemployee
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Amy’s Answer

Hi Karen!

I definitely love my job because it combines everything that i like, it allows me to feel as an empower woman by providing guidance to my customers by challenge me to learn new things  (btw im a Network consulting engineer at CISCO), it give me the opportunity to travel to different places, it allows me to give back and it allows me to balance my personal life, since I mostly work from home it give me the advantage to make my own schedules.

Hope this inspires you!