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How to find the right career/major for you.?

I don’t know what to choose for my major and I really need to know. I am in high school and I still don’t know what to choose for my future life.

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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. Many students have similar question. Firstly, you may need to find out what careers you have interest.
Below are my suggestions:
1. Think about what you have interest, eg your hobbies, favourite subjects, etc and identify the related careers
Eg if you like music, would you like to be a musician, singer, musical artist, music composer, music producer, etc
If you have interest in maths, would you like to be an accountant, engineer, banker, financial analyst, maths teacher, etc
2. Find out more on these careers and determine what you have interest
3. Speak to someone who are working in these careers. Seek guidance from your mentor, school career counselor, your parents, etc
4. Shortlist 1-2 career you would like to pursue. The relevant subjects will be your major and minor in the college
5. Explore the entry criteria of the subjects
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hey there, Isabella!

Choosing the perfect career or major can seem like a big, daunting task. But don't worry, it's a decision that everyone has to make at some point. It's all about figuring out what you love, what you're good at, and what kind of future you want. Feeling a bit unsure? That's totally normal! Here are some steps you can take to help you find the right path.

1. Know Yourself:
First, take some time to think about what you love and what's important to you. What subjects or activities make you excited? What are your strengths, and what skills do you want to get better at? Understanding these things about yourself can help you figure out what kind of job you might find fulfilling.

2. Look Into Different Jobs:
Once you know what you're interested in and what you're good at, start researching jobs that line up with those things. Find out what the job involves, what qualifications you need, how much you could earn, what the work environment is like, and what opportunities there are for growth. This will help you get a better idea of whether a job could be the right fit for you.

3. Try Things Out:
Make the most of any opportunities you have to explore different careers. Chat with people who work in jobs you're interested in to learn about their experiences. Try out internships, volunteering, or job shadowing to get a feel for different industries. Many universities also have career counseling services that can help you figure out what career paths might be a good fit for you.

4. Think About Your Lifestyle:
Don't forget to think about how a job fits in with the lifestyle you want. Consider things like work-life balance, flexibility, where you want to live, and whether you'd be okay with traveling for work. It's important to choose a job that you love, but also one that lets you live the life you want.

5. Get Advice:
Don't be afraid to ask for advice from people you trust, like mentors, teachers, or career counselors. They can give you helpful advice and help you explore different options. They might even be able to introduce you to people who work in jobs you're interested in.

6. Use Online Resources:
There are lots of online resources that can help you explore different careers and majors. Websites like O*NET OnLine, CareerOneStop, and My Next Move have lots of information about different jobs, including what they involve, what skills you need, and how much you could earn. Other websites like LinkedIn and Glassdoor can give you insights into specific industries and help you connect with people who work in them.

7. Think About Your Future:
Don't forget to think about your long-term goals. Does the job or major you're interested in line up with those goals? Does it have opportunities for growth and advancement? It's important to choose a job that not only fits your interests now, but also has potential for your personal and professional growth in the future.

8. Be Open-Minded:
Remember, choosing a job or major doesn't mean you're stuck with it forever. Lots of people change jobs several times in their lives, and it's totally okay to try out different things before you find the right fit. Be open to new opportunities and experiences - you never know where they might lead!

To sum up, finding the right job or major is all about knowing yourself, doing your research, trying things out, getting advice, and thinking about your future. It might take some time and effort, but it's definitely worth it to find a job that you'll love and be successful in.

Here are the top 3 resources I used for this advice:

1. O*NET OnLine -
2. CareerOneStop -
3. My Next Move -
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Vamshee’s Answer

Choosing the perfect major might seem like climbing a mountain, but with a little introspection and investigation, you're certain to make a wise choice. Start this exciting journey by delving into your passions and talents, as these are your compass to a major you'll adore. Delve into the world of different majors and their prerequisites to discover which ones resonate with your dreams and ambitions. Remember, there's no harm in seeking wisdom from academic mentors and industry experts. Their advice can be a treasure trove of insights and guidance.

If you're standing at the crossroads of choosing a major, remember, you're in good company. You might consider venturing into various domains through beginner-level courses and electives. Additionally, make the most of the resources and career exploration initiatives your college offers. If you're still on the fence, internships or job shadowing can offer you a taste of real-world experience.

Golden Rules for Discovering the Ideal Career:

1. Reflect on your strengths
2. Pinpoint your goals and principles
3. Determine your work style
4. Compile a list of careers that pique your interest
5. Connect with individuals in those professions
6. Undertake a career assessment
7. Seek advice from loved ones who know you best
8. Volunteer or take up a job
9. Contemplate on what brings you joy

The following tools, designed by ASU and others, are just a few of the resources available to help you uncover your interests and find your perfect fit.

Here's to your success!
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Kali’s Answer

As a high school student, it’s great to be thinking about this, but many students start college without knowing what they will major in, and even among those who think they do, it is incredibly common for students to change their minds. There are some STEM majors (engineering and premed come to mind) that are structured with courses that build on each other, which can make switching into those majors as, say, a sophomore, a little more challenging. So if those are areas you think are interesting, you might spend more time learning about those majors and careers before heading to college. Contacting colleges about their programs, talking to people who do those types of jobs, reading about those fields, and volunteering/interning are all options for exploring.

Most majors are designed to be more flexible, though, and a lot of students settle on their majors in the latter half of their freshman or during their sophomore year. If you need to select a major to start with on your college applications, many colleges will let you choose a “premajor” or “exploratory studies” if you aren’t sure what you want to study. These are usually designed to help students explore and select a major. You can also do some research and choose to start in a major based on what seems most interesting to you- that might be based on your favorite thing to study in high school, what classes you do the best in at your high school, what classes the college offers that you’d be most excited to take, or which classes seem like they would be most useful in an interesting or well-paying career. All colleges/universities will have an online course catalog you can read through that describes their majors and the required classes to complete that major- see what looks interesting!

You can also ask adults around you - for example: teachers, coaches, friends’ parents, parents’ friends- what they studies in college and why they would recommend that major or not. It doesn’t matter if they liked what they majored in so much as whether what they talk about sounds appealing to you.