Career questions tagged physician-assistant

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Tiffany232 views

What Is the most challenging part of becoming a PA (Physician Assistant) And what is a good way to prepare for these challenges? #Spring24 ?

Additional Information about me is I'm really passionate about healthcare. And I enjoy it because I'm helping other people, feel like their best self. At the moment I am working on obtaining my CNA license. And plan on going to college to become a PA this really interested me because not only do I get to spend time with patients, but I also have the chance to learn about so many different aspects of healthcare to treat patients.

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Ava-Gail264 views

How long does it take to become a surgical physician assistant? Will there be additional years after PA school because of extra training for surgery?

Is there extra training additional to the 2 years of PA school.

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Lory1226 views

Pros and cons for Physician Assistant as a job?

I don't think I have the drive to pursue an actual PhD so I looked into alternatives and PA happens to be one of them. Any pros and cons I should be aware of?

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Camryn404 views

What career/college do I choose?

I am a 10th grader, I want my future career to be in the medical field, but I don't know what I want to land on. I know I have a lot of time to figure it out, but I want to start early. I was looking at a physician assistant, the job description/what they do really intrigues me and I'm almost certain that's what I'm gonna look at more in-depth. I just wanted an opinion on what I should/could do. I have been looking at colleges, but I also don't know which one would be best.

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Priscilla457 views

Why did you decide to become a nurse practitioner?

Why did you decide to be a nurse practitioner and not a physician assistant?

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Carleigh289 views

What is the best healthcare setting to work in as a starting Physician's Assistant?

What is the best healthcare setting to work in as a starting Physician's Assistant? I am going to school to become a PA, but I want to have a plan for after medical school.

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Rajkumarie576 views

What majors to study in college for becoming a physician?

I'm a high-school student soon to be graduated and would like to be prepared for my college majors.

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Arianna294 views

Are you an Orthopedic Physician assistant?

Hello! My name is Arianna T, and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Orthopedic field for a foundation in health science class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Please comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be apart of my assignment. ? 1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work through before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. What's your work environment like? 12. What is your favorite and least favorite part of your career? 13. What sacrifices did you have to make in order to achieve where you are today with your profession?

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Ariel324 views

Is it worth it to go into medicine? I've seen many issues when it comes to pay, burn out, administrative issues, abd just overall a workplace/balance that is not sustainable nor worth the effort? What are your thoughts on the current treatment of doctors post covid and if the shortage of doctors is due to any specific reason? Thank you!

I just finished my freshman year on the premed path.

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Tran291 views

Did your passion for a Physician Assistant change after a few years?

What was the biggest obstacle in this field? What classes did you take in high school that helped in this field?

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Tran335 views

Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? As a Physician Assistant.

Did you shadow another professional in the field? Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career?

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Tran349 views

Hello! My name is Tran and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Pediatric Physician Assistant field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment.

1. What profession did you choose as a Physician Assistant? Why 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program?

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aisha395 views

What are two pro and cons as being a physician ? Do the cons outweigh the pros?

Aisha, age 19

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Samantha367 views

What does the day in the life of a physician assistant consist of? How rigorous were the classes in college for this program?

I am a senior in high school and am applying to the pre-physician assistant program at a couple of colleges. I am very interested in science and would love to know more about this major.

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Athena482 views

if you're a physician assistant in CA, can you please answer some questions?

I'm super interested in this career. here are just a few questions I have about it: 1. is there many job opportunities? or is it hard to find a job? 2. how is work-life balance? 3. are you happy with your job? 4. what are some of the 'best/worst' specialities, according to what you've heard or experienced? 5. what does your salary look like? (sorry, I know this is private, but a range is fine) thank you for your time :)

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Athena1383 views

Do you like being a physician assistant? What are the pros and cons?

I'm currently a high school senior. College decisions are coming out right now, but most likely I'm going to UC Davis in the fall :) I want to be in the medical field. I'm curious about what this job is like.

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Griffin1336 views

What kind of grades do I need to have in order to get into become a Physician's Assistant?

#Physician-Assistant #PA #Medicine #physician #medical #healthcare #doctor

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Selvapriya521 views

Can I study Physician Assistant after I have graduated in biochemistry (B.Sc)? istry

I am studying undergraduate degree in biochemistry ,currently in third year. I want to become a physician assistant. I wish to study physician assistant program after I've completed my B.SC degree. What are the steps to become a #physician-assistant ?

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Ellie868 views

Should I apply to PA school or medical school?

I'm a senior in college now, and I'm just finishing up my pre-med courses. After I graduate, I am planning on taking a gap year. If I want to go to medical school after the gap year, I should plan on taking the MCAT in the coming months and apply in May. I don't know why, but I'm having such a hard time figuring out if I want to go to PA School or medical school (MD/DO). I'm serious about my education and want to be extremely knowledgeable if I ever have patients/become a physician. That being said, I don't know if four years of medical school on top of a gap year is something that I will regret. Also, I don't have any research experience/shadowing experience right now, so I wouldn't even be able to put that on an application (or could I, if I was planning on doing these things during my gap year?) So should I become a PA? Those who chose the medical path instead of PA, can you explain how you came to that decision? And those who chose PA school rather than going to MD/DO, what led you to that decision? Do you wish you had autonomy/is it a burden to not get the final say in decisions? #medical-school #doctor #physician-assistant #PA #medicine

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Rashin757 views

How can a college student gain experience in the medical field?

I'm a rising junior at Saint Mary's College and my major is Allied Health Science. Hopefully after receiving my degree, I'd like to become a physician assistant one day, but to do that, I really need experience in the active medical field so currently I have no clue how to get started. #medicine #premed #physician-assistant

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Diego651 views

what will i need to study to become a physician assistant


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Ashley609 views

How many years does it take to become a CMA

#Clinical Medical Assistant #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #physician-assistant -assistant

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Ashley688 views

What is day to day work like?

Clinical Medical Assistant #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #assistant #physician-assistant

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Katie677 views

What is a day in the life of a Physician Assistant?

#physician-assistant #graduate-school

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Jossie835 views

What criteria did you need to become a physician's assistant?

I am trying to plan my career as a physician's assistant and need guidance on now and where to start. #physician #medicine #physician-assistant

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isabel912 views

Is it worth the time and money to become a Medical Doctor?

I was very set on going to medical school and becoming a doctor this time last year; however, the doctors I have asked have said that they would pursue Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant instead if they were to choose their career over again. What do y'all think? Thanks! #doctor #nurse #medical-school #pre-med #doctorate-degree #physician-assistant #nurse-practitioner

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Gabriella858 views

What is the best way to break the news of the death of a family member to their family?

I am intending on becoming a physicians assistant and I recognize that I may be put in this situation at some point. I would like some tips for this hard topic. #medicine #working-with-children #death #physician-assistant #students-interested-in-career-as-physician-assistants #medical-practice #coping #grief-counseling #family-medicine

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Gabriella1563 views

What is the best way to cope with potential deaths of medical patients?

I am going to be a physician's assistant and I plan to work in pediatrics. I want to know coping methods people in the medical profession have to cope with deaths of patients. #medicine #physician-assistant #students-interested-in-career-as-physician-assistants #death #copingmethods #patients #working-with-children #pediatrics

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Olivia1005 views

What colleges have good PA programs?

I'm interested in becoming one and am hoping to become one. I don't know where I'd like to go to college so i'm hoping this will help. #physician-assistant #students-interested-in-career-as-physician-assistants #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

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Shannon862 views

I would like to work with children, would being a PA or psychologist allow me to work with kids?

#working-with-children #psychology #physician-assistant

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