Career questions tagged patients

What is the most rewarding thing about working in dermatology?
What do you love most about your job?

What is the most challenging thing about being a dermatologist?
What is the most difficult thing once you are working with patients?

Medical Jobs that you never get bored of
I'm interested in becoming a doctor, but I don't know what specialty. #doctor #answer #employee #patients #doctorate #employee #psychology #human-resources #jobs

What is the salary and everyday work routine of a neurpsychologist?
#medicaldoctor #doctor #psychology #physicianassistant #neuroscience #medical #medicine #patients

Whats a great specialty that isnt so time consuming and deals with children?
I want to become a doctor but not sure hat to specialize in. #medicine #medical #doctor #doctors #high-school #sat #advice #medical-field #patients

What is the best method when tending to patients with aggresive attitude?
#registered-nurses #stress #patients #healthcare #medicine #nursing

What is the best way to cope with potential deaths of medical patients?
I am going to be a physician's assistant and I plan to work in pediatrics. I want to know coping methods people in the medical profession have to cope with deaths of patients. #medicine #physician-assistant #students-interested-in-career-as-physician-assistants #death #copingmethods #patients #working-with-children #pediatrics

Is professionalism or personality more important in a hospital setting?
Which would be more appropriate for a hospital setting? I realize that it is important to be friendly to patients, but just how friendly can you get before it becomes inappropriate? #professional #hospital #patients #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care

How impactful can a family therapist be to a family? How difficult is it trying to fulfill the needs of all family members?
Hello, I am a high school senior, I'm partially interested in being a family therapist as it interest me, and I was just wondering more of the personal aspects of the career. #doctor #physical-therapist #therapy #therapists #therapist #marriage-therapist #patients