Career questions tagged forensic-pathology

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graves4 views

how do i ask to interview someone/get someone to agree to an interview?

i'm in 8th grade and i'm doing a school project on forensic pathology. i really want to get a first-hand source by interviewing someone who works in the field, but i don't know how to approach asking someone. my biggest concern is that i'll come off as joking or not be taken seriously because of my age. how do i reach out to people to interview them and be taken seriously?

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Jerilynn424 views

Is it possible to finish my pathology education under 12 years?

It's the career I've been wanting to do for years

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Kyra568 views

Best way to get into forensics?

What is the best way to kick-start a career path in forensic pathology starting in Highschool?

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Kyra3102 views

Highschool Classes to become a Forensic pathologist?

What classes in Highschool should I take to become a Forensic Pathologist?

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Laura836 views

How has forensic pathology changed since you have began practicing?

Has the technology or methodology changed since you began working in this field? #forensic-pathology #forensics #pathology

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Ayla729 views

Information about the Funeral Home business?

I plan on attending mortuary school after I graduate this year but I'm confused about all the career branches associated with the Funeral Home business. What I personally want to someday do is work in the funeral home, assist in picking up bodies, transporting to the crematory, embalming/makeup but I'm not too sure about talking with families about their plan for funerals and dealing with sadness and guilt, although I'm open to it. What exactly are the steps to get started? What is my major called? and how long would schooling take? #forensics #mortuaryScience #mortician #funeral #FuneralHome #embalming #forensic-pathology

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rayven1061 views

what are the best steps to take in order to become a forensic science investigator?

#forensic-pathology #forensic-investigation #forensic-science

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Ashley 974 views

What is a coroner's college journey like?

What schooling must a coroner go through medical school or Ph.D. How should one prepare for it through college? #forensic-pathology #medicine #forensic

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Citlali7391 views

What are the best majors to take if aiming to become a forensic pathologist?

I'm trying to plan how to become a forensic pathologist but I'm having some trouble in choosing a major. I understand that a doctorate is needed but the only information that I can find on majors says that a bachelor degree in science is needed. Is there any benefit to certain science majors than others? The main recommended science major seems to be biology but is there any difference if someone takes a different related science such as physiology? #college-major #majors #forensic #forensic-pathology #career-details

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Felicia3248 views

How does a week look for a blood splatter analyst?

I am writing a research paper on my future career I am hoping to get a insight on how a day looks in the life of a splatter analyst. Your hours,does geography affect the job. How often do you go to court. Thank you #forensics #forensic-analysis #forensic-pathology

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Sharlene1413 views

I am pursuing a major in Public Health for my undergraduate degree, however I am also interested in becoming a forensic scientists. How could I pursue this?

I have been interested in forensics for a while, however I have decided to pursue a public health major for my undergraduate degree due to my interest in public health as well. I am wondering if there are any recommendations for becoming a forensic scientist from a public health bachelors degree. #forensic #forensic-analysis #forensic-pathology

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Tiffany1126 views

To Become a Forensic Pathologist, do I Need to Have Lots of Medical Experience Beforehand?

I have been wanting to be a forensic pathologist ever since I entered the 6th grade. I understand that I need eight years of schooling and about 3-5 years doing residential work. However, does that mean work as a doctor for 3 to 5 years then finally become a forensic pathologist? That has always confused me. #physician #medical-education #medical-examiner #forensic-pathology #forensic-scientist

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jasmine1963 views

What jobs could I get with a forensics degree?

I plan to major in forensics. #forensics #forensic-analysis #forensic-psychology #computer-forensics #forensic-pathology #forensic-chemistry

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