2 answers
How do events affect the amount of pay(if they do so)?
If one week is less eventful than the other and less work needs to be done, does it affect the amount of pay an investigator receives?
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2 answers
Sikawayi’s Answer
Hello Elizabeth, thank you for your question. If you are working and getting paid by each job, you do then Yes that will affect your pay at the end of each week. But if you are under contract, it doesn't matter if you do 25 jobs in a week or 1 job your pay is still the same. What you will need to do if you want steady income is make sure you contract is written that for example, make sure there's a limit in the contract about how many jobs you are obligated to accept, and you reserve the right to contract out work to another company/contractor. Best of luck
Thank you so much, Sikawayi!
Robert’s Answer
I don't quite understand your question. For a law enforcement job your starting pay is usually higher if you speak more than one language, have a college degree (If the department only requires a high school diploma), if you transfer from another department, etc.