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What is the best type of business to start after dropping out of school??

8th grade.
Currently learning Web Development full stack.

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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Devran,

Definitely web application development with some marketing heavyweights behind you.

Embarking on a business journey after leaving school can be both thrilling and challenging. While there's no universal solution to the best business to start, there are several factors you can consider to help steer your decision. Given your ongoing education in full-stack web development, it could be advantageous to explore business ideas that match your developing skills and interests in this area.

Here are some thoughts and potential business ideas for someone in your position:

1. Evaluate your skills and interests: Reflect on your abilities, knowledge, and passions. Think about what you love doing and what you're good at. Since you're studying web development, this could be an excellent launchpad for your business. You could use your web development skills to offer services such as website design and development, e-commerce solutions, or even crafting custom web applications for clients.

2. Spot market demand: Investigate the market to find potential gaps or opportunities. Look for sectors or niches where there's a need for services or products you can deliver. Carry out market research to understand customer needs and preferences, and shape your business idea to fit these. For instance, you could focus on developing websites for specific sectors like healthcare, real estate, or e-learning.

3. Think about scalability and profitability: Assess the scalability and potential profitability of various business ideas. Starting small can be a sensible strategy at first, but it's crucial to think about the long-term growth potential of your chosen venture. Look for opportunities where you can grow your business over time and perhaps branch out into new markets or offer more services.

4. Use online platforms: With your web development skills, make the most of online platforms to display your work and attract clients. Build a standout portfolio website that showcases your abilities and past projects. Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram to connect with potential clients or collaborators in the industry.

5. Keep learning and improving: Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in web development to remain competitive. Sign up for online courses or attend workshops to boost your skills and widen your knowledge. This will not only help you offer better services to your clients but also establish yourself as an expert in the field.

Remember, starting a business requires commitment, resilience, and a readiness to learn from both triumphs and setbacks. It's crucial to have a robust business plan, set achievable goals, and continually adapt to shifting market conditions.

Top 3 Authoritative Reference Publications or Websites:

1. Small Business Administration (SBA) -
The SBA is a U.S. government agency that offers resources and support for small businesses. Their website provides invaluable information on starting and managing a business, including guides, templates, and access to funding opportunities.

2. Entrepreneur -
Entrepreneur is a leading publication that covers various facets of entrepreneurship, including business ideas, strategies, and success stories. Their website features articles, guides, and tools that can assist aspiring entrepreneurs in overcoming the hurdles of starting a business.

3. Inc. -
Inc. is another esteemed publication focused on entrepreneurship and small business management. Their website offers insights, advice, and inspiration for entrepreneurs at all stages of their journey, covering topics like business ideas, marketing strategies, leadership, and innovation.

Please remember that while these sources are deemed authoritative and reliable, it's always suggested to carry out comprehensive research and consult with professionals before making any significant business decisions.

Remember, give credit to God and He will guide you!
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Elliot’s Answer

DEVRAN! THE ANSWER IS NONE! Stay in school! Please! Starting a business on your own is hard. And unless you're another Bill Gates with a truly great business idea and some kind of proven evidence it will succeed, it doesn't hurt to stay in school and graduate. THEN go into a business idea.

You are learning web development. So why not focus on that, and get decent at it. Then get a few paying jobs with it. THEN (maybe) start your own web dev agency or business if you have already been successful and are generating business. Look, it isn't easy to just start a business. Just giving you a reality check here. Its easy to say oh well let me just drop out of school and B-line it into a business plan. But without some experience under your belt and a LOT of confidence you can make it work, its can become very difficult as well as expensive. Be forewarned and do as much research on this as you can. It never hurts to graduate first. At least then you have a degree or diploma (which many jobs require).
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Mira’s Answer

The best type of business to start after dropping out of school depends on your individual skills, interests, resources, and the local market conditions. Here are some general considerations to help you determine the right business for you:

Identify Your Skills and Passions: Start by evaluating your skills, talents, and passions. What are you good at, and what do you enjoy doing? Building a business around something you're passionate about can increase your chances of success.

Market Research: Research the local market to identify opportunities and gaps. Look for unmet needs and trends that you can capitalize on. Conduct surveys or interviews to understand what potential customers want.

Low-Cost Startup: Consider businesses that require minimal upfront capital. This might include service-based businesses, freelancing, consulting, or online businesses. Avoid businesses with high initial costs if you have limited resources.

Online Ventures: Online businesses can be a cost-effective way to start a business, and they often have a global reach. Options include e-commerce, content creation, affiliate marketing, or software development.

Skills Development: If you have a specific skill set, such as web development, graphic design, or writing, you can offer your services as a freelancer or consultant.

Network: Leverage your network and connections to find potential clients, partners, or investors. Personal connections can be valuable when starting a business.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Make sure you understand the legal and regulatory requirements for starting and running a business in your area. This may include business licenses, permits, taxes, and more.

Business Plan: Develop a simple business plan outlining your business goals, target market, marketing strategy, and financial projections.

Continuous Learning: Dropping out of school doesn't mean you should stop learning. Continuously educate yourself about business, industry trends, and skills related to your chosen business.

Resilience: Be prepared for challenges and setbacks. Entrepreneurship can be demanding, and not all businesses succeed right away. Stay resilient and be willing to adapt to changing circumstances.

It's important to note that the best type of business for someone may not be the same for another person. Your unique circumstances and abilities will play a significant role in determining what business is right for you. It's also worth considering whether you plan to return to school or pursue further education in the future, as this can impact your long-term career goals.
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Tara’s Answer

There is no "best type" of business to start as everyone is different with different skills and interests. If you want to start a successful business that is right for you, you need to start by asking yourself what it is that you are passionate about. Without passion, no business can succeed. Ask yourself what you could do or talk about all day and not get sick of. What comes naturally to you or makes you feel happy to do? Some people love to help animals, others enjoy writing, etc. Nowadays the possibilities are endless for the type of business you can start. As long as there is a demand for something, you can make a business around it. So to determine the best business for you, start by asking yourself a few questions, like:
-what do you enjoy or care about?
-what are you passionate about?
-does the lifestyle that you want for yourself align with the kind of business you're thinking of having?
-who do you want to help? How? In what ways?
-what are your goals?
-what is required to start up the kind of business you're thinking of?
-will you do things on your own or with a partner/team?
-what education or training is required?

Those are just some basic questions to help you get a clearer picture of the kind of business you may want to start. After answering some of them, look at what your answers are and maybe do a Google search of business types that fit well with your answers. But I cannot stress enough how important it is that you love what you are building your business around. Passion first and profit will follow.
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Steven’s Answer

Even though some successful people like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerburg dropped out of college, it was because they already knew what they wanted to do and were already highly focused on their goals. Unfortunately, the nature of your question seems to indicates that you don't have such a focused goal in mind. You also will need to ask yourself what the term "best" means for you regarding a business. Some businesses are lucrative but competitive, others are focused on helping others, and others are easy to manage.

Until you know what your intended goal is, you should continue to increase your body of knowledge and avoid dropping out. Increase your skillsets so that you have multiple options for solving problems instead of one. There is a quote about this, " "If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail." That is not the ideal way of solving problems, although it is certainly an option. Approaching life in this fashion makes things more difficult; knowledge and education are tools to make life easier for us all. Work smarter, not harder.